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Tom Fairchild

The R&D initiative of Arlington County Commuter Services. Tom Fairchild. Arlington: Background & Context. Urban county located in the core of a region of 5.5 million 210,000 residents, 230,000 jobs, 44 million SF office Transit-Oriented “Urban Villages” Development. SHIRLINGTON.

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Tom Fairchild

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The R&D initiative of Arlington County Commuter Services Tom Fairchild

  2. Arlington: Background & Context • Urban county located in the core of a region of 5.5 million • 210,000 residents, 230,000 jobs, 44 million SF office • Transit-Oriented “Urban Villages” Development SHIRLINGTON

  3. Arlington County Commuter Services Family of Programs All are focused on the task of moving the needle on mode share

  4. Arlington County Commuter Services As of 10 Sept 2012

  5. Rosslyn – Ballston Corridor 1979 2009

  6. Determining Impact Assessment • TRACKto define total number of participants • SURVEY to measure behavior change among participants • 25 surveys to date measure key outcomes such as… • What percent started non-SOV travel? • What new modes they use? • How often they use them? • What modes they used before? • ANALYZE to calculate impacts • IMPACT: Trips / VMT reduced (cars off the road) • IMPACT: Tons of emissions reduced • IMPACT: Gasoline savings • IMPACT: Health, economic competitiveness, etc.

  7. Arlington County Commuter Services As of 10 Sept 2012

  8. Employer Services • 702employer clients in ATP network = 150,000 employees • 70% of clients provide transit benefit resulting in $18M/year of incentives • 324 residential clients, 68,000 units – 85% of multi-family penetration • 107 commercial & residential site plan properties require TDM measures • 43 hotel clients – 100% penetration

  9. Case Study: Airlines Reporting Corp. • Workforce • 227 employees based in Arlington’s R-B Corridor • Transit Benefit • 81 employees participate in the pre-tax transit benefit (36%) • Monthly benefit averages $80/employee • Telework • Managers have discretion to allow any employee to telework • 77 employees currently telework at least one day/week (34%) • Teleworking employees have same network access as office • Extensive use of “LiveMeeting” and other online workplace technology

  10. Case Study: Airlines Reporting Corp.(continued) • Flex-Time • Peak-Hour Flex-Time • Alternative Work Schedule • Compressed Work Week • Bicycle Friendly Business • In-building Bike storage provided in parking garage • In-building shower facilities • Transit-oriented location • Office space chosen based on its proximity to Metro and bus • Top management commutes via Metro

  11. Case Study: Airlines Reporting Corp.(continued) • Program marketing • All transit and work schedule programs distributed regularly • Benefits • Employees report greater job satisfaction and lower overall stress • Improved employee retention and morale • Reduce 797,070 vehicle miles / year • Reduce 40,256 gallons of gas / year

  12. Employer Services Mode Share Comparisons Arlington workers whose employers provided commute services are more than twice as likely to use a train to get to work as are those who don’t have commute services Work in Arlington Services offered n = 365 Services not offered n = 118

  13. Arlington’s TOD Strategy of “Urban Villages” SHIRLINGTON

  14. Regional Activity Centers

  15. Activity Center Strategic Investment Plan

  16. Moving the needle on Mode Share: • Employer Outreach • Adoption of transit benefit programs • TOD “Activity Centers” are market and transportation imperatives • The wind is at our backs!

  17. The R&D initiative of Arlington County Commuter Services Tom Fairchild

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