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Hair Transplant: One of the best treatments for hair loss

Hair transplant is one of the most reliable, permanent hair restoration method. It is used to treat pattern baldness caused by extreme hair loss. If one is looking for hair loss treatment, transplant is a great option.<br><br>Source Link: https://articlexpress.co.uk/hair-transplant-one-of-the-best-treatments-for-hair-loss/

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Hair Transplant: One of the best treatments for hair loss

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  1. Hair Transplant: One of the Best Treatments for Hair Loss People of almost all age groups face the issue of hair fall. Losing up to 100 strands of hair a day is said to be normal. However, with the changing lifestyle and environment more than 50% of the population loose more than 100 strands. Hair is a major part of one’s appearance. Extreme hair fall leads to hair thinning which affects one’s confidence severely. There are some or the other hair restoration methods or DIYs which may or may not solve this issue. Why Hair transplant? Hair transplant is one of the most reliable, permanent hair restoration method. It is used to treat pattern baldness caused by extreme hair loss. If one is looking for hair loss treatment, transplant is a great option. Having questions and doubts before undergoing a hair transplant surgery is extremely normal. Often it is thought that hair transplant is only for the rich or

  2. celebrities. This is not true. This is a myth and you must know the true before reaching to any final verdict regarding hair transplant in the UK. With affordable packages and reliable clinics, hair transplant can be for anyone who is facing the issue of hair loss. About The Hair Transplant Procedure: There are multiple techniques of hair transplant. One of the best procedures is the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) process. This process is way more efficient and comfortable than other processes. It involves: Less Discomfort Less Pain No visible scarring No stiches You can always consult your doctor to find out which one transplant process suits you the best. Having an expert guidance in the entire hair transplant process is extremely important. Make sure to choose a well trusted hair transplant clinic for this. Here is a basic idea of how a hair transplant surgery process usually is:

  3. The surgery usually takes anything between 4-8 hours, depending on the size of area, which is being transplanted. Post the surgery the patients have to follow the guidelines and care tips, which will be instructed to them by their surgeon. Patients can get back to their normal routines within 2-4 days post the surgery. Hair transplant will give the best results, if it is monitored every once in a while. Ideally a check up after 6 months of the transplant is advisable. However, it can differ according to your surgeon’s advice. One will experience some hair fall after 2-3 weeks of the surgery which is completely normal as healthy hair will thereon grow. Knowing about the process in detail is extremely important before committing for a hair transplant surgery as it will help you gain confidence in the process. It will also let you know, what you are in for as it takes some time to experience the complete success of the transplant. Talking to your surgeon multiple times before the surgery is advisable. No hurry should be done. You should ask as many questions to clear your doubts. Having a reliable and experienced hair loss clinic always helps in taking this decision. Finally, prepping yourself on the day of your surgery is extremely important. Always discuss the estimated duration of the surgery and any other preparations your surgeon might instruct you to undertake. Having a reliable and experienced hair loss clinic always helps in taking this decision and committing to the hair transplant procedure. Looking up for reliable hair loss clinics can be a good place to assure all you worry about hair loss treatment. Want Hair is an extremely reliable hair loss clinic in London that a guide you with the entire process and ensure a successful hair transplant. Stop waiting and consult hair transplant experts for your hair loss problems! Source Link: https://articlexpress.co.uk/hair-transplant-one-of-the-best- treatments-for-hair-loss/

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