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Adult ESL Practitioner Study Circle: Linking Curriculum and Immigrant Wellness Presenters:

The Power of Communities Northern Regional CATESOL November 7th, 2009 Mt. Diablo Adult School Concord, CA. Adult ESL Practitioner Study Circle: Linking Curriculum and Immigrant Wellness Presenters: Ashley Richards, Graduate MATESOL, SFSU

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Adult ESL Practitioner Study Circle: Linking Curriculum and Immigrant Wellness Presenters:

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  1. The Power of CommunitiesNorthern Regional CATESOLNovember 7th, 2009Mt. Diablo Adult SchoolConcord, CA Adult ESL Practitioner Study Circle: Linking Curriculum and Immigrant Wellness Presenters: Ashley Richards, Graduate MATESOL, SFSU Judith Marra, ESL/EL Civics Coordinator, Monterey Adult School

  2. What are healthcare concerns your students face in their communities?

  3. Presentation Goals • Inform the group about at a professional development model for Adult ESL practitioners • Present a case-study from Monterey County of a group of recent participants in the study circle • Showcase ESL curriculum that was developed during the study circle

  4. Healthy Connections Study Circle Goals……

  5. Build a regional network with increased collaboration between ESL and health professionals for on-going curriculum development • Promote awareness within the ESL field about transnational issues • To prepare ESL practitioners to help learners develop self-advocacy skills related to health • To develop and disseminate adult ESL curriculum that combines English language with health literacy skill development

  6. Monterey Adult School Case Study

  7. What do we know about the lead problem in Monterey County? • Monterey County lead cases stand out among all counties in California. • Seaside alone has more lead poisoning cases than do most entire counties in California. • Seaside and Salinas have the largest number of cases in all of Monterey County.

  8. Monterey Adult School - Who are the students and the teachers? • What health topics have been covered in curriculum? • Are there many professional development opportunities for ESL practitioners? • Why you were excited to do HCSC? • The main challenges and perceived values of doing something like this?

  9. “… I became more aware of the health issues surrounding our area. I also learned there are various ways a teacher can prepare a lesson plan in the process of teaching. …I am proud of how my lesson plan turned out. I learned certain techniques more than skills of how to prepare/write a lesson plan. I generally gained more knowledge and avenues of interests that attract our students. How wonderful!!!!” Dan Cutler, ESL Instructor,Monterey Adult School

  10. Sample Lesson • Story • Language activities • Follow-up activities

  11. Student Story “Hello, I am from Turkey. I would like to share a few things that I have kept and changed from my culture. I will talk about food customs I have kept from my country. I eat cheese, eggs, onions, bread and honey for breakfast here and I also did that in my country. I prepare the same food for dinner as in Turkey, however I have had to change a few things.

  12. ….I used to make homemade sauces, but now I use prepared sauces because The United States doesn't have the ingredients I need to prepare authentic Turkish sauces. I didn't use to make bread and traditional food, but now I make bread and traditional food because that is the only way I can eat it. When I wanted to eat them in Turkey, I could buy them, go to a Turkish restaurant or my mother would make them for me. I am also learning a lot of traditional foods here.”

  13. Language Play Activities "Used To" vs.. "Now, I + Simple Present" Used to= Something you did / didn't do before, but you don't do / do now. Ex. I used to eat homemade sauces, but now I don't. (I eat prepared sauces.) I didn't use to make bread, but now I do.

  14. Language Play cont. Now, I + Simple Present=An action you (he, she, they, we, I ) do/does now (Idea: You didn't / did before.) Ex. I used to eat homemade bread, but now I do not.

  15. Follow-Up Activities • Notice environmental print about public health messages (billboards, bus stops, pamphlets) • Compare with what environmental print said in their home or in other students’ homes. • Students become an information network and be able to identify local resources (library, internet, health clinic etc)

  16. Q&A

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