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  1. Introduction The people in Greece are experience a lot of stress as a result of the economic crisis and sudden changes in their way of living such as, facing problems in satisfying physiological needs and safety needs. People who have lost their jobs are faceing high stress and develop psychological problems, the elderly in particular can develop suicide attempts as a way of avoiding problems. Material and Methods The material of study consists of recent articles concerning the subject that were found mainly in the PubMed electronic database Google Scholar search engine and literature.The search was conducting using the key words :Economic crisis, Suicide in Greece and Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Results Amid the economic crisis in Greece the suicide rate increased.. The latest research has shown that the most sensitive group of people are between 50-54 years age bracket and the percentage of the women suicide committers in Greece in the lasts years is slightly elevated than that of men.Economic crisis disturbs all the hierarchy of needs and ,as a result, problems created in everyday life are threatening the body and the mental health.To lose the job is one of the greatest blows that can befall a person, because of their inability to support themselves and their families, if there are anymore circumstances that may affect ones self-esteem, or self-respect than this can and may lead to drive some people suicide ideas. Discussion There is an urgent need for intensive screening, follow-up and treatment of people with suicidal ideation. Conclusion The economic crisis has great effects both on the socio economic life and on the health of human beings. As a result, the society along with the medical staff should take care of the sensitive groups and protect them accordingly. References 1. Kontaxakis, V. ([χ.χ.]).Suicide in Greece: 2001-2011. Available: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24185083(Retrieved 5 December 2013). 2. Br Med J.1966 October 22;2(5520): 965. Available : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1944455/?page=1(Retrieved 5 December 2013). 3. Taylor, C., Lillis, C. & LeMone, P. (2010).Fundamentals of nursing. Athens: Paschalidis. 4. Economou, M. ([χ.χ.]).Increased suicidality amid economic crisis in Greece. Available: http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140673611616395.pdf(Retrieved5 December, 2013) ¹Student, Nursing Department Of Alexander Technological Educational Institute Of Thessaloniki, Greece²Student, Nursing Department Of Alexander Technological Educational Institute Of Thessaloniki, Greece ³Student, Medical Department Of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Suicide as a Result of the Economic Crisis in GreeceAnca Mariuca Mihalache¹, Kiriaki Karamanli², Shushanik Grigoryan³

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