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Examples. Modes of Integration:Enhancing with projects and assignments within a science courseAdding online support for math topicsAdding a credit of math onto a science courseLinking or combining math

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    1. Examples

    2. Examples Modes of Integration: Enhancing with projects and assignments within a science course Adding online support for math topics Adding a credit of math onto a science course Linking or combining math & science courses Other ideas?

    3. Example of #1: Chemistry with Math Reactivation Edmonds Community College – MAC project Project description:  Integrating mathematics more explicitly into a non-major, beginning chemistry course.  Students will make direct connections between mathematical principles such as equivalent fractions, proportional reasoning, logarithms, solving linear equations and direct & inverse proportions and their applications in basic chemistry.    

    4. Example of #1: Chemistry with Math Reactivation Often in chemistry there are equations containing more than one variable that need to be solved for a specified variable.  This is equivalent to solving equations in mathematics using multiplication and addition properties of equality.   Solve the following equations using multiplication and addition property of equality. 

    5. Example of #2: Online Modules - Geology “Math You Need” Project – UW Oshkosh and Highline CC http://serc.carleton.edu/mathyouneed/index.html Online “help” modules on mathematical “sticking places” such as Graphing Slopes Rearranging equations for variables Unit conversions …

    7. Example of #2: Online modules -Biology MathBench Biology Modules – U of Maryland Online modules http://mathbench.umd.edu/

    10. Examples of #2: Adding online support materials purplemath.com/ Helping students primarily with algebra, it has free tutoring, worksheets, etc. 2. coolmath.com This site has everything (fractions to fractals). The study hints and tutorials are well done. 3. algebrahelp.com A collection of lessons, calculators, and worksheets created to assist students and teachers of Algebra. AND many many more out there…

    11. Biology with Math-Aid Combined Biology 201 (5-credits) with Topics in Math (2-credits). Biology 201 is the first-quarter of the 3-quarter biology majors series Class met 1 extra hour a day for 5 weeks Knowledge of math content used in assignments and labs 11 Example of #3: Adding minimal math credits

    12. 12 Example: Biology with Math-Aid

    13. Benefits to Students Students with minimum Math prerequisites appreciated opportunity to practice in an open, friendly environment benefited from learning to self-assess Students with more Math (Calculus) prerequisite one commented that he found the review helpful for preparing for professional school exams (PCAT) Probability concepts were new for most students 13 Example: Biology with Math-Aid

    14. Benefits to Instructors: The math instructor better understood which mathematical skills are used in biology courses and how they are used. The math instructor now incorporates more appropriate examples into the mathematical courses that are prerequisites for biology. The Biology instructor continues to use (& improve) biology student problems, activities, and worksheets that were first developed in this MAC-funded project in 2000. 14 Example: Biology with Math-Aid

    15. Exercise developed for Biology classes Will be given data, graph paper, pens/pencils Make a graph from your data You will share it with the rest of the “class” Graphing Exercise

    16. Examples of #4: Linking or combining courses Biology & Sociology Physics & Algebra and Physics & Calculus Chemistry & Algebra

    17. 10-credit coordinated studies (CS) course Sociology 110 (Introduction to Sociology) Biology 150 (Biology of Human Disease) Prerequisite: Placement into Intermediate Algebra Fully integrated, interdisciplinary Both instructors and all students present 9 hours lecture 2 hours lab MAC3 implementation - Spring 2008 Quantitative epidemiological exercises data analysis, calculations, graph & table interpretation 17 Example: Biology & Sociology of Human Disease

    18. Objective 1: Students use & understand basic concepts in epidemiology, especially how rates, such as crude death rate, age-specific death rate, infant mortality rate, cancer rates, etc. are calculated. Two worksheets were developed at the 2007 Summer Institute General Mortality Rate Infant Mortality Rate Worksheets include Definition of term Equation for calculation of rate Example of how rate is calculated 2-3 Problems that let students calculate rates 18 Example: Biology & Sociology of Human Disease

    19. Objective 2: Students read and interpret graphs and tables and generate hypotheses to explain data. Students will read and interpret the graph or table explain conceptually how the data (e.g. rates) were calculated generate 2-3 hypotheses that explain the observed differences between groups indicate type of data needed to evaluate one hypothesis predict what data would look like if the hypothesis were supported/not supported make one suggestion on how to reduce differences between groups assuming that their hypothesis were supported (i.e. a social or biological solution). 19 Example: Biology & Sociology of Human Disease Graphs, Tables & Hypotheses

    20. Example from Bio/Soc: Child Survival - Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Students recall information needed for Mortality Rate calculations. Students interpret graph & generate hypotheses to explain differences between regions. Students propose types of data needed to test hypotheses (e.g. GDP) Students propose social or biological solutions to child mortality. NSF visit 20

    21. Physics & Algebra Physics for Non-science Majors & Intermediate Algebra Physics & Calculus Calculus I & Engineering Physics I (fall quarter) Calc II & Engr Physics II (winter quarter) Two teachers together in the same room Integrated homework, exams, physics labs and mid-term and final projects Examples of Physics & Math

    22. Using the same math language in the science class to describe mathematical operations I.e., In math class the students are asked to perform certain operations with terminology specific to math or even the text. Using the same language in the Physics class helped the students transfer their math knowledge. P.S. This is not as trivial for the students as it is to you! Benefits to Students

    23. Making explicit translations between math symbols and science symbols. E.g. Math class vs. Physics class . . . Benefits to Students

    24. It is important to know when and why you (as a scientist) are using math differently than the students have been taught . . . and to know how to justify it to the students! E.g., Sometimes leaving off constants in integration Using tables for integration Benefits to Students

    25. If you know what the math instructors are not teaching you can address it explicitly. E.g., Knowing that coefficients and variables have units and meaning. Using variables besides y and x. Dividing by zero is meaningful in science (interpreting asymptotes) Understanding there are limitations for mathematical models to model real data. Building equations that are then manipulated by mathematical operations. Benefits to Students

    26. If you know what technology the math instructors are teaching you can include it to help the students bridge and extend their knowledge. E.g., graphing calculators Excel, Maple and Mathematica Benefits to Students

    27. Chemath course was created out of lack of math skills in Chemistry class General Chemistry Prep & Intermediate Algebra 10-credit combined course, team- taught Students required to do math content, even if have higher placement. Group work, quizzes, and final exam combined Example: Chemistry & Algebra

    28. See mathematician and scientist “talking” Different notation, different methods of solving “Just in time” mathematics instruction A “cohort” naturally gets formed 10 credits of math/science gets them prepared for future coursework Benefits to Students

    29. Brainstorming Exercise

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