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Prehistory. World History Fall 2007. Terms to Know (Dates). Prehistory. Period before writing was developed. C. OR Circa. About or Around. B.C. (E.). Before Christ (Before Common Era). A.D. Anno Domini = In the year of our Lord. Paleolithic.
Prehistory World History Fall 2007
Terms to Know (Dates) Prehistory Period before writing was developed C. OR Circa About or Around B.C. (E.) Before Christ (Before Common Era) A.D. Anno Domini = In the year of our Lord Paleolithic Old Stone Age (2+ million 10,000 years ago) Neolithic New Stone Age (10,000 years ago)
Types of Prehistory Scientists Anthropologists Study culture and human behavior Archaeologists Study past societies and prehistoric life through what people leave behind (Digs) Paleontologists Scientists designate prehistoric cultures by their tools Study fossils (e.g. skeletal remains) Rely on ARTIFACTS Tools, art, pottery, weapons, buildings, clothing, etc.
Tools of the Trade Radio Carbon Dating Living things absorb radioactive carbon (C-14 from the atmosphere) Once something dies, it slowly loses C-14 Scientists determine how much C-14 is left to determine an object’s age Only works for objects no more than 50,000 years old Thermoluminescence Dating Measures light given off by electrons in soil surrounding objects Good for about 200,000 years Ancient DNA Measures genetic material (blood, hair, etc.); Best method
The First Humans Stage 1 of Development Australopithecus First Hominids Lived in Africa 3-4 million years ago Nomadic (Roaming) People Used stones and sticks
First Finds “Lucy” 1974 – Hadar, Ethiopia (Africa) First semi-complete Skeleton 3 ft. 8 in., Chimp-like skull, Human-like teeth c. 3.2 million years old *Constant New Discoveries!!!
Toumai 7 million year old skeleton found in Chad, Africa Possibly the oldest hominid on record
Hominid Groups Hominids Humans and other ‘human-like’ creatures that walk upright (Bipedal) 3 Hominid Groups 1. Homo Habilis One with ability (After Australopithecus ) 2. Homo Erectus One who stands upright 3. Homo Sapiens One who thinks
Homo habilis (2.4 million years ago) First hominid considered ‘human’ Larger brain than Australopithecus (Half the size of modern humans) Sharpened stone and pebble tools
Stage 2 of Development Homo erectus (1.9 million years ago) Moved from Africa to Europe and Asia 1.8 – 1.5 million years ago (First to leave Africa) Used larger and more developed tools (hand ax) Used nature to its advantage First to use fire Built shelters Focus only on food Less Hairy No evidence of culture
Stage 3 of Development Homo sapiens (One who thinks) Two Groups - Neanderthals (came first) - Homo sapiens sapiens (look like us) Neanderthals Emerged 250,000 years ago (Europe) Defined Culture Cared for sick/aged Believed in life after death (1st to bury dead) Lived in small groups Used caves
First Modern Humans (Cro-Magnon) Emerged in Africa 135,000 years ago First evidence of religion Cave paintings, art, rituals depicting power & wonder of the natural world – Art protected hunters Taller/Better culture, but weaker than Neanderthals Created farming hoes, traps, and poisons Long distance weapons - Spears and Bows/Arrows Food surplus allowed population growth Created permanent communities Improved speech abilities
Cro-Magnon vs. Neanderthal Both ancestors of homo erectus Ice age closed off Europe and isolated Neanderthals Neanderthals reached Europe 100,000 years before sapiens sapiens Both are still Nomads Farther North = Lighter Skin
Genetic evidence suggests all modern humans derive from African ancestors who lived between 285,000 and 150,000 years ago, and modern non-Africans are ancestors of a single group of this population that migrated out of Africa 100,000 years ago Homo sapiens sapiens movement * Cro-Magnons out competed Neanderthals (Co-existed for 12,000 years) * Modern humans reached Europe 40,000 years ago, Neanderthals extinct 28,000 years ago
Sapiens Movement Continued… Run into Java Man and Peking Man (Homo Erectus) in Asia Erectus died out in Africa long time ago First to travel on the sea Problems: No sail (Egyptians) Did not navigate by stars/planets for another 50,000 years Wind and Tide
Early Homo Sapiens Accomplishments Inventions – Kayaks, Canoes, Snow Houses, Poisons Tools – Knives, Buttons, Axes, Cave Paintings Weapons – Shields, Spears, Harpoons, Blowguns, Bows & Arrows Medicines – Splints, Bandages, Herbs Art – Cave paintings, jewelry, sewing with ivory needles Food Preservation – Air tight containers, Dried meat, Freezing Gender Relationships Equal (Everyone works together) Down Side = Boredom, Short life span
Neolithic Revolution (8000- 4000 B.C.) Began at the end of the last ice age (10,000 years ago) Systematic Agriculture Develops (grow food on regular basis and keep animals) And as a Result: Don’t need to travel Tribes grow and Population Booms– 5 million (35,000 years ago) 50 million by Ancient Egypt (30,000 years later) 100 million (2,000 years later) People live longer – Nutrition + Less accidents raises life expectancy over 40 Gender inequality rises – males take leadership roles, most successful farmers take power, women assume ‘home roles’, religion shifts from female to male centered *Deities = Gods/Goddesses* Wheel is invented CIVILIZATION EMERGES