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Explore the latest enhancements in WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 and WebSphere Application Server V5.1, including web service improvements, database ease-of-use updates, JavaServer Faces tools, SOA workflows, and more. Learn about dynamic development features, code assistance, and the top 10 capabilities of WebSphere Studio. Discover how to leverage Web Services Explorer, enhance relational database applications, and optimize performance for your projects.

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  1. WebSphere UpdateApplication Developer in Action and Application Server Highlights(Additional presentations, tutorials and technical resources are available at http://WebSphereCentral.com) Name Title Company

  2. Agenda • WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 Update • Web Services Ease-of-Use Improvements • Relational Database App Ease-of-Use Improvements • New JavaServer Faces Tools • Portlet Ease-of-Use Improvements • SOA and Workflow with Process Choreographer • Rational Modeling and Profiling • WebSphere Application Server V5.1 Update • Admin • Runtime • Performance • Configurations

  3. WebSphere Studio RefresherIn 3 slides or less

  4. Applications, Transactions and Processes Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, UDDI Middleware Connectors Relational Data Services, EJBs & Process Flows XML, Web Services, Portlets, Servlets, Java Server Faces/Pages Applications, Graphics, HTML, Applets Development Roles Web Site Development Java Development XML Web Services Development Portal Development Business Process Integration Cobol, PL/I 4GL Development Application Modeling End-2-End Development Directory and Security Servers Integration Servers TransactionServers Customers Partners Suppliers Employees Edge Servers Web Presentation Servers Web Application Servers DataServers

  5. Demos J2EE, Web Services, Portals, BI and beyond WebSphere Studio Fundamentals that Accelerate Development • The Workbench • Perspectives, Views and Editors • Switch between roles and tooling easily • Customize and minimize learning curves • Bottom Line  The Workbench adjusts to fit you…not the other way around! • Dynamic Development • Automatic, Incremental Build across all artifacts • Automatic J2EE hot-redeployment • Bottom Line Super-Fast Build/Change/Test Cycles! • On Demand Code Smarts • Contextual code assist & smart editors speed coding • Wizards and builders facilitate open standards & best practices • Bottom Line  Faster Low/High-Level coding & maintenance! Perspectives Views Editors Hanoi Banking Code Assistance Web Services Databases UML

  6. Eclipse WebSphere Studio WebSphere Studio Top 10 List “From J2EE to Web Services, WebSphere Studio has breadth and depth…” • Core IDE infrastructure and Java development tools (JDT) • Web App User Interface tools: Web Pages, Web Sites, Portlets, Struts and JavaServer Faces • J2EE and EJB tools • Web Services tools • XML and XSL tools • Relational Databases tools • Testing, Debugging and Profiling tools • Integrated Servers (J2EE App Servers) • On-the-fly coding with Hot Method Replace • J2EE dynamic build engine with incremental compile…while you type • Plugin Extensibility: Coding, Modeling, Frameworks, Testing, Teaming, Best Practices, Patterns, IBM Server toolkits and beyond (>400 plugins) (http://www.eclipse.org/community/plugins.html)

  7. Agenda • WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 Update • Web Services Ease-of-Use Improvements • Relational Database App Ease-of-Use Improvements • New JavaServer Faces Tools • Portlet Ease-of-Use Improvements • SOA and Workflow with Process Choreographer • Rational Modeling and Profiling • WebSphere Application Server V5.1 Update • Admin • Runtime • Performance • Configurations

  8. Web Services Ease-of-Use • External Web Services 1 • Web Services Explorer • Great for unit testing and experimenting • Launched separately or while building a new Faces JSP • Adding a Web Service to a project • Proxy created that knows how to call the Web Service • Input Parameters Bean • Results Bean • Action method created that uses the proxy bean • Drag-n-drop is used to create the UI • Once a Web Service is added to a project, any Faces JSP can use it • Local Web Services 2 • Easily explored using Web Services Explorer • Easily added from local workspace

  9. Agenda • WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 Update • Web Services Ease-of-Use Improvements • Relational Database App Ease-of-Use Improvements • New JavaServer Faces Tools • Portlet Ease-of-Use Improvements • SOA and Workflow with Process Choreographer • Rational Modeling and Profiling • WebSphere Application Server V5.1 Update • Admin • Runtime • Performance • Configurations

  10. Relational Data Ease-of-Use • WebSphere/Service Data Objects (WDO/SDO) 123 • Records and Record Lists abstract data access • Build a query without knowledge of SQL, JDBC, etc. • Select, Insert, Update, Delete • Drag-n-drop tables and forms of data onto UI • UI data display is automatically bound to Record/List queries • Supports conditions, relationships, optimistic concurrency, etc. • Easy to pass input parameters to queries • Drill-down using hyperlinks • Format display types like Currency, Decimal, String, Custom Masks, etc. • Once created, Record and Record List queries can be re-used across the app/pages • Drag-n-drop is granular and iterative…you can change your mind and not be limited by the style of a wizard • Foreign Key relationships easy to navigate (leading to complex queries through an easy and intuitive process) • Paging controls for automatic cursor control • WebSphere Data Objects (WDO) are the first iteration of Service Data Objects (SDO) (JSR235)

  11. Agenda • WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 Update • Web Services Ease-of-Use Improvements • Relational Database App Ease-of-Use Improvements • New JavaServer Faces Tools • Portlet Ease-of-Use Improvements • SOA and Workflow with Process Choreographer • Rational Modeling and Profiling • WebSphere Application Server V5.1 Update • Admin • Runtime • Performance • Configurations

  12. JavaServer Faces Ease-of-Use 1234567 • UI Components • Standard HTML-like components • Richer validation and formatting • Extended rich components for graphing, trees, tabbed views, data tables, etc. • Binding Data • Automatically synchronizes input/output UI components with data (WebSvcs, DBs, Beans, etc.) • Navigation • Simple “GoToPage()” and indirect Alias approach • Session and State Management • Very simple, automatic and available at various levels of scope • Page Data • Makes integrating UI with Web Services, databases, JavaBeans intuitive and well organized • Codebehind “PageCode” Files • One .java file for each .jsp • Event Driven nature eases thin and thick style of interaction • Validation and Formatting provide rich capability and alleviate past programming efforts

  13. Agenda • WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 Update • Web Services Ease-of-Use Improvements • Relational Database App Ease-of-Use Improvements • New JavaServer Faces Tools • Portlet Ease-of-Use Improvements • SOA and Workflow with Process Choreographer • Rational Modeling and Profiling • WebSphere Application Server V5.1 Update • Admin • Runtime • Performance • Configurations

  14. Portlet Ease-of-Use 12 • All of the JSF programming styles apply • Click-2-Action and People Awareness drag-n-drop • Built-in Portal Server Test Environment is turnkey • Forwarding control (navigating) to other Portlets within the same window pane is easier than before (doesn’t take up the whole browser) • Portlet specific deployment descriptors generated • Portlet specific page content is generated • Bottom line: • The Web Services, database, UI and MVC enhancements in JSF apply equally to Portlets as they do to Web Apps • Portlet development is significantly enhanced and was previously much more complex than Web Pages

  15. JavaServer Faces Review Name Title Company

  16. J2EE Web Development Programming Effort Automated by JSF Input  Process  Output • Input • Constructing web page forms, formatting, validation, etc. • GUI widget richness • Calling appropriate “Action” when button pressed, etc. • Passing data to business logic • Processing • Integrating to web services, databases, backends, biz logic, etc. • Maintaining user session and application state information • MVC layering • Output • Forwarding control to results screen/page • Displaying data, GUI controls, formatting, etc.

  17. JavaServer Faces (JSR 127) – What Does it Provide? • Based on MVC design pattern • Clean separation of Model, View, and Controller • User Interface Component Model – Set of standard widgets • Specification allows extending custom GUI components (i.e. DataTable, Graphing, Tree, Panel) • Server side management of User Interface, session and state info • Event driven architecture • Server-side rich user interface components respond to client events • Actions handle business logic • Validation Framework allows server-side validation • Declarative page navigation model • User Interface components are decoupled from its rendering • Allows for other technologies and pervasive devices (e.g. WML, etc) to be used • Internationalization/localization support

  18. Application Developer V5.1.2 JSF Design Points • WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 – Laying the foundation for quickly developing robust Web Applications • Accelerate GUI, Web Services, Database, Portlet and MVC development • Brings Rapid Web Application Development (RAD) to J2EE • Make Web Application Development in J2EE approachable to non-Java programmers • Enhance Web Application Development for J2EE experts • Appeals to developers familiar with Microsoft development tools (VB/Visual Studio .Net) • Reduces development costs • Reduce development time for WebSphere Applications • Accelerates deployment of departmental and enterprise level applications

  19. Application Developer V5.1.2 JSF Delivers • Visual development of UI • Drag-n-drop UI, events, actions, page navigation, • Easy Portlet building • Easy Web Services Integration • Easy Database Integration • Using WebSphere Data Objects/Service Data Objects (WDO/SDO) • WDO/SDO tools were beta in WebSphere Studio 5.1.1 but fully supported in 5.1.2 • Standards based • JavaServer Faces - JSR 127 • Service Data Objects - JSR 235 • Portlets – JSR 168 • New Web Development Tools • JSF tools were beta in WebSphere Studio 5.1.1 and now supported in 5.1.2

  20. JavaServer Faces Tools in WebSphere Studio Web Perspective Project Navigator Page Designer Page Data Palette Attributes Event Panel

  21. JavaServer Faces Tools • Simplify development of Web Applications • Reduces the skill level required to develop complex Web Application • Eliminates much of the hand-coding involved with integrating web applications into back-end systems • Standards based • Plug-and-play other JSF components easily • IDEs which support JSF will greatly simplify web application development • WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 is the first commercial IDE which exploits JSF based web application development

  22. What are WebSphere Data Objects (WDO)? • Framework for simplifying and unifying the client programming model for accessing backend systems/data • Automates construction of queries, results, data display, formatting, etc. • A high-productivity solution for integrating data into Applications • Relational databases available in WDO today • EJBs, Domino, JCA, etc. (future) • Supports common application patterns • Optimistic concurrency • Pagination (e.g. only retrieve 20 rows at a time) • WebSphere Data Objects are consistent with the emerging standard: Service Data Objects (SDO) • Joint IBM/BEA submission to the Java Community Process (JSR 235)

  23. Service Data Objects • The Problem • Many different models and APIs for Data retrieval, Data representations, Meta-data retrieval, Meta-data representations, logic components • No reasonable API available for “typed” XML data • Lack of support for standard application patterns • Optimistic concurrency, pagination of large data-sets, etc. Data Access APIs Data Access APIs Data Access APIs Data APIs Data APIs Data APIs Data APIs Data APIs Data APIs Data APIs Client Data APIs Client Mediator Data Access APIs Meta-Data Access APIs Meta-Data Access APIs Meta-Data APIs Meta-Data APIs (SDO) (Current Architectures)

  24. Service Data Objects • SDO DataObject with XSD & EMF provide a single, standard API (& implementation) for data & meta-data that we can use in place of many other APIs • Data is stored in a disconnected, source-independent format defined by the DataObject • DataObjects are stored in a graph called a DataGraph • Provides both dynamic loosely-typed and static strongly-typed interfaces to the data • Remembers change history • Data Mediator Service is responsible for filling graph of DataObjects from data source, updating data source from DataObject changes Data Access APIs Meta-data model Client Data APIs Pluggable Data Mediator Meta-Data Access APIs Data model (DataObject) Meta-Data APIs

  25. Faces Client Components • Included library of rich user interface controls for the Web Developer • Easily develop rich interactive User Interfaces in Web Applications • Extends JavaServer Faces, allowing a developer to quickly create highly interactive Web pages that run client-side • Thin client: low maintenance (no installed client code to upgrade) • More responsive web applications • Reduced bandwidth (fewer round trips to the server) • Components: • Data grid, tabbed panel, rich text editor, input formatters, tree control, chart (bar/line/pie), client-side model object

  26. Faces Client Components Tabbed Panel Tree Control Chart

  27. Faces Client Component Features • Client side infrastructure supporting • Data Tables • Web Services • Event handling • Manages data changes • Sends updates to server • NLV functions • Leverage JavaScript / XML in the Browser Data Grid Table Browser Runtime JavaScriptGrid Control Web ServicesForm MacromediaFlash Plug-in

  28. Portal Development • Simplified Portal Toolkit Installation • Single installation experience for Tooling and Portal Test Environment • Portability and Interoperability for Portlets • JSR 168 standard portlet API support • Visual Portlet and Portal Page Development • Visualization of many aspects of the Portlet programming model provides a friendlier development experience • Use JavaServer Faces components in portlets for richer UI and forms capabilities • Built-in Portal Test Environment • End to end Portlet development and testing

  29. Portal Toolkit - Function Overview • Create a portlet by a wizard • Visual portlet JSF editing • Customize a portlet by portlet.XML editor • Drag and drop for Click-to-action and People Awareness • Web Diagram Editor for Struts • Test and debug a portlet in Portal Test Environment

  30. JSF and Struts portlet creation by a wizard Visual Portlet JSF editing in Page Designer People Awareness Drag & Drop Click-to-Action Portlet Development

  31. JSF Review Summary • WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 appeals to Web Developers • JavaServer Faces and the associated WebSphere Studio tools provide a powerful environment for developing web applications • Brings RAD development to J2EE • WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 appeals to Portal Developers • Improved integration, visual portlet construction and JSF tools provide a powerful portlet development environment • WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 lays the foundation of taking Web, J2EE and Portal development to a new level of productivity • Bottom Line  Accelerates GUI, Web Services, Database, Portlet and MVC Web App development

  32. Agenda • WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2 Update • Web Services Ease-of-Use Improvements • Relational Database App Ease-of-Use Improvements • New JavaServer Faces Tools • Portlet Ease-of-Use Improvements • SOA and Workflow with Process Choreographer • Rational Modeling and Profiling • WebSphere Application Server V5.1 Update • Admin • Runtime • Performance • Configurations

  33. Business Workflow Through Service Composition(WebSphere Process Choreography Engine) WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Sub Flow Macro Flow MicroFlow Human Intervention The potential of SOA Visual Flow Builder for WSDL described Services(WebSphere Studio Process Choreography) Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) with WebSphere

  34. GUI Process-based Application Process Container Process Invoke Invoke Invoke Invoke Invoke Activity Implementations

  35. Process Choreography Value • First class support for J2EE and SOA • Leverage Web services technologies for access and integration • Leverage J2EE for implementation • Process capabilities integrated into the WebSphere Application Server • Single deployment and administration environment for both process-based and J2EE applications • Leverage qualities-of-service of WebSphere Application Server • Process capabilities integrated into the WebSphere Studio development environment • Single develop/debug/unit test environment for both process-based and J2EE application

  36. WBI Server Foundation V5.1 Process Choreographer • Process Engine following WAS Enterprise Process Choreographer V5: Core of new WBI Server Foundation 5.1 • BPEL enablement (based on BPEL 1.1 and IBM BPEL extentions) • Purely WebService based • Service-based Compensation • Integrated Process Modeling Editor, Debugger and Test Environment based on WSAD-IE 5.1

  37. Process Choreographer V5.1 • Provides choreography for • Web Services • J2EE Components (e.g. EJB, Java Class, other processes) • Dozens of Adapters to many backend systems (CRM, SCM, home grown, etc.) • People based activities • Purely WebService based • BPEL 1.1 Standard enabled (Business Process Execution Language) • Visual Process Modeling Editor, Debugger and Test Environment (WSAD-IE V5.1) • A J2EE Application on WebSphere Application Server (WBI Server Foundation V5.1) • Exploits WAS Base features (e.g. Clustering, Security, Admin, etc.) • Customizable Web Client for process management and human workflow interactions

  38. Relational Database WebSphere Process Choreographer: Architectural View c WebSphere Application Server WSAD-IE Web Client Business Process Engine Process Editor Internal I/F Process Navigation WebSphere MQ Series WebSphere MQ Series WebSphere MQ Series External I/F EJB BPEL/EAR Other Clients MDB People Interaction Factory Web Service File System

  39. BPEL4WS • Business Process Execution Language for Web Services • A language to specify behavior of business processes • between Web services • as Web services • Proposed industry standard for web services choreography • Published by IBM, Microsoft, and BEA (+ SAP and Siebel) • IBM Extensions to BPEL4WS • An important bridge between the J2EE and the .Net worlds

  40. Overall Structure of a Process Choreographer BPEL Process Process parties that interact with the business process activities that must be performed in response to faults ! PartnerLinks/Partners FaultHandlers data variables used by the process invoked concurrently if the corresponding event occurs Variables EventHandlers set of properties shared by all messages in a correlated group wrapper for a compensation activity CorrelationSets CompensationHandlers basic or structured activity * Activity Receive Reply . . .

  41. Do a blocking wait for a matching message to arrive Invoke a one-way or request-response operation on a portType offered by a partner Send a message in reply to a message that was received through a Receive Generate a fault from inside the business process ! Receive Throw Reply Invoke Some BPEL Basic Activities WPC 5.0 equivalents Event Process input Sync Process Activity Process Output Fault Node

  42. Wait for a given time period or until a certain time has passed Insert a "no-op" operation into a business process Update the values of variables or partner links with new data Immediately terminate the a business process instance Terminate Wait Assign Empty Some BPEL Basic Activities II WPC 5.0 equivalents Modified Event Empty Activity Transformer Service Fault Node

  43. Sequence Pick Switch Flow While BPEL Structured Activities WPC 5.0 equivalents • Collection of activities to be performed sequentially • Indicate that an activity is to be repeated until a certain success criteria has been met • Block and wait for a suitable message to arrive or for a time-out alarm to go off • Specify one or more activities to be performed concurrently • Select exactly one branch of activity from a set of choices Block Loop Event Block No comparable construct

  44. eXtendBank: Loan Application • Scenario: Customer applies for a Loan Application (QuickLoan) • Existing customer enters their customer information and loan amount • Business Process Demonstration (BPEL) • Utilizes IBM Business Integration Features: • Modeling Business Processes (WBI Modeler) • Building a Business Process (WSAD-IE) • Execution of a Business Process (WBI-SF) • BI Adapters (CICS/TXSeries) • Enterprise Service Bus (Messaging - WSIF)

  45. eXtendBank – The OLD Loan Application System Loan Officer Loan Officer CICS eXtendBank 3. Requests FAX Credit Report 2. Loan Officer enters loan information (3270 emulator) 1. Fill in Loan Application at Loan Department Customer Loan Officer Bank Manager Loan Officer Loan Officer Loan Officer 4. Makes decision as to whether this Loan application needs approval. 7.Sends email to Assess Business Risk – (Government Watch List) 5. Makes a decision on Loan Application 6. Loan Officer reserves Funds 8. Notifies customer Application Server Business Analyst (Rules change frequently) Developer

  46. Challenges with the OLD System • Length of time to process loan application • Paper based human interaction in processing loan application • Prone to error • A number of technologies are used: • Backend Systems, application servers, email applications • Difficult to integrate people, processes, and information • What happens if there is a failure during the process? • Manual work is needed to “undo” work performed • Difficult to react to business rule changes

  47. Business Rules Pre-Approved? (Business Rule) Too Risky? (Business Rule) Approved? eXtendBank: The NEW QuickLoan Business Process START Service (Web) Credit Check Create Loan Application Service (CICS) Service (Staff) (Human interaction) YES NO Loan Officer Approval Reserve Funds Service (J2EE) YES Service (JavaMail) Assess Loan Risk NO Legend YES Service (Web) Services Send Rejection Email NO Send Confirmation Email Service (JavaMail) END

  48. Benefits of the NEW System • QuickLoan Automated Business Process reduces time to process loan application: • Human activities can be replaced with automated services • Tasks can be performed in parallel • People, Processes, and Information easily integrated • CICS, J2EE Applications, partners, email systems, etc. • Failures during a process can be easily “undone” • Easy to react quickly to business rule changes. • Services Oriented Architecture allows plug-and-play capabilities • Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) • QuickLoan activities can be easily integrated into other business processes • The QuickLoan Business Process can be integrated into other business processes

  49. Demonstration Flow • Execution Demonstration: (Capability Demonstration) • Demonstrate normal execution of business process (richly@demo.com) • Debugger • Walk through the basic process • Demonstrate compensation (poorman@demo.com) • Walk through compensation in business process • Demonstrate Staff Support (middleman@demo.com) • Process Web Client • Dynamic Query, Asynchronous Beans, etc. • Demonstrate Process Monitoring • Demonstrate Business Rule Beans • Development Tool Demonstration • WBI Modeler • WSAD-IE (Integration Edition) V5.1

  50. Pre-Approved? (Business Rule) Too Risky? (Business Rule) Execution Flow: Normal (richly@demo.com) START Credit Check Create Loan Application YES Reserve Funds Assess Loan Risk NO Send Confirmation Email END

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