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CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: First Results and Plans R. Hollmann, A. Gratzki, R. Mueller O. Sievers Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Kaiserleistr. 35 63067 Offenbach rainer.hollmann@dwd.de. CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: First Results and Plans. Overview.
CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: First Results and Plans R. Hollmann, A. Gratzki, R. Mueller O. Sievers Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Kaiserleistr. 35 63067 Offenbach rainer.hollmann@dwd.de Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: First Results and Plans Overview • First Results of Initial operational processing • Validation of SRB products • Atmospheric Divergence Profile from SEVIRI/GERB • Method • A case study Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Ibla_77n60w file_id:01 xsize: 1350 ysize: 720 Ibla_77n00e file_id:02 xsize: 1215 ysize: 720 Ibla_77n60e file_id:03 xsize: 1350 ysize: 720 Ibla_68n58w file_id:04 xsize: 1260 ysize: 1215 Ibla_68n29w file_id:05 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_68n00e file_id:06 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_68n29e file_id:07 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_68n58e file_id:08 xsize: 1260 ysize: 1215 Ibla_57n58w file_id:09 xsize: 1125 ysize: 1215 Ibla_57n40w file_id:0A xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_57n20w file_id:0B xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_57n00e file_id:0C xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_57n20e file_id:0D xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_57n40e file_id:0E xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_57n58e file_id:0F xsize: 1125 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n60w file_id:10 xsize: 810 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n60e file_id:18 xsize: 810 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n62w file_id:19 xsize: 360 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n62e file_id:23 xsize: 360 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n47w file_id:11 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n31w file_id:12 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n16w file_id:13 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n00e file_id:14 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n16e file_id:15 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n32e file_id:16 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_46n47e file_id:17 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n53w file_id:1A xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n40w file_id:1B xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n26w file_id:1C xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n13w file_id:1D xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n00e file_id:1E xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n13e file_id:1F xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n26e file_id:20 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n40e file_id:21 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Ibla_35n53e file_id:22 xsize: 1215 ysize: 1215 Sub-tiles for PPS-processing Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Pre-operational results from July 2004 Fractional cloud cover Land surface albedo Surface downwelling longwave flux Surface incoming shortwave flux Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Payerne, 491 m asl Carpentras, 100 m asl Validation of Shortwave Radiation June 2003 All-sky Sat-Meas: 17.3 W/m² r = 0.93 Sat-Meas: 5.8 W/m² r = 0.97 Clear-sky Sat-Meas: 2.1 W/m² Sat-Meas: -2.5 W/m² Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Validation for October 2002, June 2003, March – April 2004 Surface Incoming Solar Radiation Mean differences in W/m² June 2003 Mar 2004 Apr 2004 Instantaneous comparison at time of overpass vs. hourly surface obs. Sat-Meas CARPENTRAS 5.8 0.3 -22.4 CABAUW 14.8 18.8 - LINDENBERG 10.8 -6.6 -11.0 AVERAGE SIS all Stations (W/m²) June 2003: 12.2 March 2004: 8.6 April 2004: -14.1 PAYERNE 17.3 21.9 -8.8 Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Validation for October 2002, June 2003, March – April 2004 Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation Oct 2002 June 2003 Mar 2004 Apr 2004 Sat.-Meas CARPENTRAS -14.2 -8.1 -17.2 -24.0 CABAUW -14.1 -11.3 -9.5 - Instantaneous comparison at time of overpass LINDENBERG -3.7 8.2 -2.8 10.6 PAYERNE -15.4 -14.1 -27.5 -26.9 AVERAGE SDL all Stations (W/m²) October 2002: -11.9 June 2003: -5.5 March 2004: -14.3 April 2004: -13.4 Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Validation for October 2002, June 2003, March – April 2004 Surface Outgoing Longwave Radiation Oct 2002 June 2003 Mar 2004 Apr 2004 Sat.-Meas -2.2 0.7 -6.5 - Instantaneous comparison at time of overpass CABAUW LINDENBERG -3.0 2.1 1.0 1.2 PAYERNE 13.8 10.0 -27.8 -24.4 AVERAGE SOL all Stations (W/m²) October 2002: 0.8 June 2003: 4.3 March 2004: -11.1 April 2004: -11.6 Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: Overview, first Results and Plans Summary / Outlook: • Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring has started the pre-operational processing of NOAA-AVHRR overpasses in February 2004 • Operational production ~ Jan 2005 • Surface Radiation Processing, first validation; • mean differences for SIS ~ 15 W/m² • mean differences for SDL ~ 10 W/m² • mean differences for SOL ~ 5 W/m² • 2ndUser Workshop Autumn 2005 in Nuremberg (Germany). • 29.08.-31.08.2005 invitation follows Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Atmospheric Divergence Profile from SEVIRI/GERB Method RTM calculation Results: neuronale net´s - for sza-bins of 10° - 3 atm. Layers - SW, LW sep. by O. Sievers Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Atmospheric Divergence Profile from SEVIRI/GERB Application to METEOSAT-8 NET-Heating rate in K/day lower troposphere 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 image from SEVIRI @ 23.09.2003, 12:00 UTC by O. Sievers Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Atmospheric Divergence Profile from SEVIRI/GERB Examples of vertical profiles of net heating rate for 23.09.2003, 12:00 UTC B A E D C H I F G location of profiles Height in km Heating rate in K/day by O. Sievers Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Atmospheric Divergence Profile from SEVIRI/GERB Summary / Outlook: • A neuronale net approach has been built up to calculate atmospheric divergence profiles from SEVIRI/GERB radiances • The accuracy of the method is 0.08 K/d (stratosphere), 0.24 K/d (upper troposphere), 0.14 (lower troposphere) (5 %, 12 %, 19 %) • Application to METEOSAT-8 (SEVIRI), 23.09.2003 demonstrates its capability • validation? by O. Sievers Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
www.cmsaf.dwd.de Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Spare slides Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: Radiation Divergence Profiles Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: Radiation Divergence Profiles Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: Radiation Divergence Profiles Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: Radiation Divergence Profiles Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Climate Monitoring SAF Product Groups • Cloud parameters • Radiation budget parameters: surface and TOA • Water vapour in the atmosphere Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
V3 V2 MSG (rad & clouds) HCP (ATOVS & MSG) Area Extension EPS Merging V1 NOAA (rad & clouds) CM-SAF Surface Radiation Budget: Overview, first Results and Plans CM-SAF: Schedule & Versioning Full Operations Phase Initial Operations Phase I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I 2008 I 2009 Brussels, 09-Nov-2004
Climate Monitoring SAF Surface radiation parameters SIS Surface Incoming Short Wave Radiation SNS Surface Net Short Wave Radiation SDL Surface Downward Long Wave Radiation SOL Surface Out going Long Wave Radiation SNL Surface Net Long Wave Radiation SRB Surface Radiation Budget SAL Surface Albedo Time resolution daily mean, monthly mean, monthly mean diurnal cycle SAL (weekly, monthly) Spatial resolution (Pixel), 15 km x 15 km Brussels, 09-Nov-2004