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introduction to learner analytics. January Exploring Learning Technologies (ELT) Meeting.
introduction to learner analytics January Exploring Learning Technologies (ELT) Meeting The following presentation is a remixed summary of the first week of course materials in Introduction to Learning and Knowledge Analytics taught by Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute, Athabasca University. http://learninganalytics.net is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
introduction to learning analytics January Exploring Learning Technologies (ELT) Meeting
…everything I know about learning analytics…I learned from Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University’s open course Introduction to Learning and Knowledge analytics that runs January 10-February 20, 2011 at http://www.learninganalytics.net/
what comes to your mind when you hear/see the term learning analytics?
learning analytics definition “…measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs…” George SiemensTechnology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI) Athabasca University Source: Siemens, George. Learning Analytics A foundation for informed change in Higher Education retrieved January 17, 2011 from http://www.slideshare.net/gsiemens/learning-analytics-educause
why? “…academic analytics can be used to profile and even predict students who may be at risk, by analyzing demographic and performance data of former students...” John Fritz Instructional Technology & New Media University of Maryland in Baltimore County Source: Fritz, John. Learning Analytics retrieved January 17, 2011 from http://www.slideshare.net/BCcampus/learning-analytics-fritz
why? “Academic analytics helps address the public’s desire for institutional accountability with regard to student success, given the widespread concern over the cost of higher education and the difficult economic and budgetary conditions prevailing worldwide.” Kimberly E. Arnold Educational Assessment Specialist Purdue University Source: Siemens, George. Learning Analytics A foundation for informed change in Higher Education retrieved January 17, 2011 fromhttp://www.slideshare.net/gsiemens/learning-analytics-educause
stages of learning (academic) analytics A. Stage 1: Extraction and reporting B. Stage 2: Analysis and monitoring C. Stage 3: “What-if” scenarios D. Stage 4: Predictive modeling & simulation E. Stage 5: Automatic triggers and alerts Source: Goldstein, P. J. (2005) Academic Analytics: Uses of Management Information and Technology in Higher Educationhttp://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ecar_so/ers/ers0508/EKF0508.pdf
process of learning analytics • Select • Capture • Aggregate & Report • Predict • Use • Refine • Share Source: Elias, T. (2011) Learning Analytics: Definitions, Processes, Potentialhttp://learninganalytics.net/LearningAnalyticsDefinitionsProcessesPotential.pdf
analytics on campus Source: Goldstein, P. J. (2005) Academic Analytics: Uses of Management Information and Technology in Higher Educationhttp://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ecar_so/ers/ers0508/EKF0508.pdf
BbCheck My Activity (CMA) Source: Fritz, John. Learning Analytics retrieved January 17, 2011 fromhttp://www.slideshare.net/BCcampus/learning-analytics-fritz
Check My Activity Demo Source: Video retrieved January 18, 2011 from: http://www.screencast.com/users/fritzumbc/folders/Jing/media/de7af05d-0c10-49cd-ad50-b93ead39c6ee
Bb System Reporting Source: Fritz, John. Learning Analytics retrieved January 17, 2011 from http://www.slideshare.net/BCcampus/learning-analytics-fritz
Bb Course Reporting Source: Fritz, John. Learning Analytics retrieved January 17, 2011 from http://www.slideshare.net/BCcampus/learning-analytics-fritz
Bb Activity by Grade Distribution Source: Fritz, John. Learning Analytics retrieved January 17, 2011 from http://www.slideshare.net/BCcampus/learning-analytics-fritz
SIGNALS:Purdue Source: (1) Video retrieved January 18, 2011 from: http://www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/signals/signals_final/index.htm (2) Fritz, John. Learning Analytics retrieved January 17, 2011 from http://www.slideshare.net/BCcampus/learning-analytics-fritz
Many, Many concerns Privacy Security Ethics Ownership Technical infrastructure and protocols Skills needed? Source: Siemens, George. Learning Analytics A foundation for informed change in Higher Education retrieved January 17, 2011 fromhttp://www.slideshare.net/gsiemens/learning-analytics-educause
Academic Analytics: Goldstein (2005) A. Stage 1: Extraction and reporting B. Stage 2: Analysis and monitoring C. Stage 3: “What-if” scenarios D. Stage 4: Predictive modeling & simulation E. Stage 5: Automatic triggers and alerts Source: Goldstein, P. J. (2005) Academic Analytics: Uses of Management Information and Technology in Higher Education http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ecar_so/ers/ers0508/EKF0508.pdf
process of learning analytics • Select • Capture • Aggregate & Report • Predict • Use • Refine • Share Source:Elias, T. (2011) Learning Analytics: Definitions, Processes, Potentialhttp://learninganalytics.net/LearningAnalyticsDefinitionsProcessesPotential.pdf
process of learning analytics .5 Define Goals…what’s our purpose…what question are we attempting to answer? • Select • Capture • Aggregate & Report • Predict • Use • Refine • Share Source:Elias, T. (2011) Learning Analytics: Definitions, Processes, Potentialhttp://learninganalytics.net/LearningAnalyticsDefinitionsProcessesPotential.pdf
what questions have you been asking about your teaching and learning practice?
Resources Elias, T. (2011) Learning Analytics: Definitions, Processes, Potential http://learninganalytics.net/LearningAnalyticsDefinitionsProcessesPotential.pdf Introduction to Learning Analytics and Knowledge http://www.learninganalytics.net/ Goldstein, P. J. (2005) Academic Analytics: Uses of Management Information and Technology in Higher Education http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ecar_so/ers/ers0508/EKF0508.pdf Siemens, George. Learning Analytics A foundation for informed change in Higher Education retrieved January 17, 2011 from:http://www.slideshare.net/gsiemens/learning-analytics-educause Fritz, John. Learning Analytics retrieved January 17, 2011 from: http://www.slideshare.net/BCcampus/learning-analytics-fritz Signals Overview retrieved January 18, 2011 from:http://www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/signals/signals_final/index.htm MyUMBCScreencast retrieved January 18, 2011 from: http://www.screencast.com/users/fritzumbc/folders/Jing/media/de7af05d-0c10-49cd-ad50-b93ead39c6ee