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Palaeolinguistics – kinship terms in the Indo -European proto-language

Palaeolinguistics – kinship terms in the Indo -European proto-language. Relatives by blood : Father : *p ə 2 t ē r: Skt. pitár -, Gk. p at ē r , Lat . pater, Goth. f adar , Arm. hayr , OIr . athair etc. – from *pah 2 - ‘ protect ’?

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Palaeolinguistics – kinship terms in the Indo -European proto-language

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  1. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Palaeolinguistics – kinship terms in the Indo-European proto-language • Relatives by blood: • Father: • *pə2tēr: Skt. pitár-, Gk. patēr, Lat. pater, Goth. fadar, Arm. hayr, OIr. athair etc. – from *pah2- ‘protect’? • alsoToch. somapācar, OP hama-pitar-, Gk. Homopátōr, OE samfeðra ‘with the same father’ • 2. *atta: Hitt. attas, Gk. atta, Goth. atta, Alb. atë, Russ. otec; alsoOIr. aite ‘fosterfather’ • Mother: • *mātēr: Skr. mātar-, Av. mātar-, Gk. mētēr, Lat.māter, Oir. māthair, ON mōðir, Arm. mayr, OCS mat’, Lith. móte (latermeaning ‘wife’), Toch. mācar • *anna- or the like, e.g. Hitt. annas

  2. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Brother and sister • Brother: • *bhrāter-: Skt. bhrātar-, Av. brātar-, Lat. frāter, Oir. bráthair (alsomeaning ‘relative, cousin’, Goth. brōðar, Lith. broterelis, OCS brat’, Toch. prācar, Arm. ełbayr; Gk. phrātērmeans ‘member of a brotherhood’ besideadelphos ‘consanguineousbrother’ • Sister: *suesor- (‘one’sownwoman’?): Skt. svasar-, Gk. eor, Lat. soror, Goth. swistar, Lith. sesuo, OCS sestra, Oir. siur, Arm. khoyr, Toch. s̩ar; Hitt. –sara- in e.g. hassussara- ‘queen’ from hassu- ‘king’ • Also *suesrio- in Lat. consobrinus ‘mother’ssister’s/brother’s son’, OE (ge)swor ‘mother’ssister’s son’, Arm. kheṙi ‘mother’sbrother’ • Sibling? Why German Geschwister, Danish søskende (sister- + kin)

  3. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Son and daughter • Son: • *suhnu-: Skt. sūnu-, Av. hūnu-, Goth. sunus, Lith. sunus, OCS synъ; *suhiu- in Gk. huius, Toch. Soy; from *seuh- ‘engender’? • *putlo-: Skt. putra-, Av. puθra-, Osc. puklum; perhaps alsoLat. pullus ‘chicken’, Hitt. Épulla- ‘children’s house’ • Daughter: • *dhugh2ter-: Skt. duhitar-, Av. duγədar-, Gk. thugatēr, Arm. dustr, Osc. fuutir, Gaul. duxtir, Goth. daúhtar, Lith. dukte, OCS dъštь.

  4. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The old ones and the littleones • Grandfather: • *h2auh2o-: Hitt. huhhas, Toch. āwe, Arm. haw, Lat. avus, ON afi • Cf. alsoLat. avunculus ‘mother’sbrother; uncle’ • Grandmother: • *h2an-: Hitt. hannas, Gk. annís, Arm. han; Lat. anus ‘old woman’ • Grandchild: • *népot-: Skt. nápāt-, Av. napāt-, Lat. nepōs, Alb. nif, Oir. nía, ON nefi, Lith. nepuotìs; alternative meaning ‘nephew’; fem. *neptih2-

  5. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The in-laws • Mother-in-law: • *suek’ruh2-: Skt. śvaśrū-, Gk. hekurá, Arm. skesur, Lat. socrus, Welsh chwegr, Goth. swaíhro, Lith. šešiure, OCS svekry • Father-in-law: • *suek’uró-: Skt. śvaśurá-,Gk. hékuros, Lat. socer, Alb. vjehërr, Welsh cwegrun, OHG suehus, Lith. šešuras, OCS svekrъ • Whoseparentsarethe *suek’ruh2- and *suek’uró-? Indian, Greek, BSl. only the husband’sparents, but OHG suehurspecifically the wife’sfather, also the only Av. example of xvasura-, and Ennius (Old Latin) socrusspecificallyabout the wife’smother

  6. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskabus The in-laws • Brother-in-law: • *suēk’uro-: OHG suager (oldest attestations: ‘the wife’sbrother’), Kashmirihahar ‘the wife’sbrother’, Skt. śvāśurá- ‘pertaining to the father-in-law’; if thiswordwaslexicalized in the meaning ‘wife’sbrother’ (as opposed to *daiuér- ‘husband’sbrother’, *suek’uró- onlymakessense as ‘wife’sfather’ (and the corresponding feminine as ‘wife’smother’)

  7. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The in-laws – the wife’s point of view • Husband’sbrother: *daiuér-: Skt. devár-, Pashto levar, Gk. daēr, Arm. taygr, OCS děverъ,OE tācor, OHG zeihhur • Husband’ssister: *g’l̥huos-: Gk. gálōs, Arm. tal (for *calaftertaygr), Lat. glōs, OCS zъlъva; cf. also Skt. giri- ‘brother’swife’ • Husband’sbrother’swife: *(h)ienh2ter-: Skt. yātar-, Pashto yor, Gk. pl. einatéres, Arm. ner, Lat. pl. ianitrices, OCS jętry

  8. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The in-laws – the husband’s point of view • Generally lessprecise, and derived from either: • oneself, one’sone, separate (*sue-) or • words for ‘bind, connect’ • Brother-in-law, wife’sbrother: Skt. syālá-, OCS šurъ, ORuss. šurinъ, n.pl. šurjata. Formal detailsdifficult, but perhaps from the root *sh2ai- ‘bind’. • Cf. alsoe.g. Skt. bándhu- ‘relative’, Gk. pentherós ‘father-in- law, brother-in-law, son-in-law’, Lith. bendras ‘partner, associate’, Lith. bandžius, Ofris. bōst ‘in-law’, all from the root *bhendh- ‘bind’ • Lith. laíg(u)onas ‘wife’sbrother’ probably from the same root as Lat. ligo ‘bind’

  9. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Derivatives of *sue-/*suo- • (beside *suesor- and the wordfamily of *suek’uro-): • OHG. giswio ‘brother-in-law’, more precisely ‘sister’s husband’, with fem. giswia ‘sister-in-law’ • From *-su(e)i-h3on(h2)- ‘having his ownauthorithy’ • Hencemasc. *suoi-h3n(h2)-o- > Germ. *swaina- > ON sweinn ‘boy, young man, serf, herdsman’, OE swán ‘man, warrior, herdsman’ (by popularetymology ‘swineherd’), dialectal German Schwein ‘young man’. Originally ‘a young man under the authority of another, someone under a master’ • And fem. *suoi-h3n(h2)-ah2- > Lith. sváine, Arm. kheni ‘wife’ssister’. Originally: ‘someone (fem.) belonging to someone with his ownauthority’

  10. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Cross-cousinmarriage

  11. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The women • Woman, wife: • *gwenə2, gen. gwnah2-s: (Skt. jani-, Gr. gunē̄, Goth. qino etc.) • Alsowords for ‘cow, heifer’, e.g. Russ. korova ‘cow’, dial. ‘bride’ • *pri(h2)ah2-: Skt. priyā- ‘wife’, Av. Friia- ‘dear, own’, OEfrige ‘wife’, root *preih2- ‘please’, middle ‘rejoice in, love’ • Perhaps *per- ‘house’ -> *per-i ‘in the house’ -> *per-i-h2‘what is in the house’ -> *prih2-o- (adj.) ‘what is in the house’ • *potnih2- (fem. of *potis ‘master’): Skt. pátnī-, Gk. potnia, OPrwais-pattin, Lith. viešpatni, Alb. zonjë (alsousedabout the mother of the master of the house)

  12. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The outsiders • Widow: • *ui-dhh1euah2-: Hitt. SALu(i)dati, Skt. vidháv̄ā-, Lat. vidua, Goth. widuwo, Opr. widdewu, OCS vьdova; Gk. masc. ēitheos‘widower’ • Orphan: *h3orbho-: Hitt. harp- ’changeallegiance’: Gk. orphanos, Arm. orb, lat. orbus’bereaved’; OCS. rabъ ’servant’ (Russ. rebenok’child’); Skt. arbha- ’child’; Oir. orbe, Goth. arbi’inheritance’ < *h3orbhio-; Arm. arbaneak ’servant, helper’ (Iranian). Cf. also German Arbeit • Concubine, mistress: • *parihkah2- (*pr̥h2i- ’ved siden af’ + *-h3kw-?): Av. pairikā ’demonicmistress’, MP parīk, Arm. harč, MIr. airech

  13. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The men • Husband: • *potis: Toch.A. pats, B. petso’husband’, Skt. páti- ’husband, master’, Av. paiti- ’master’, Gk. posis ’husband’, Goth. bruþ-faþs ’bridegroom’, Lith. pàts‘husband; self’, alb. zot ‘master of the house’ (*u̯ik’- + pot-); Cf. alsoLat. hospes, oks. gospodь’host’ (*ghosti-poti-) • Master: *dems-potis: Skt. dám-pati-, Av. dǝ̄ngpati-, Gk. despotes • *domu/o-h3n(h2)o-: Skt. damūnas-, Lat. dominus, Lith. namūnaitis; cf. also the type Lat. patrōnus, mātrōna, Av. vīsān-

  14. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab The servants • Servant: *h2m̥bhi-kwolh1os: Skt. abhi-cara-, Gk. amphipolos, Lat. anculus, fem. ancilla • *upo-sth2o-: Skt. úpasthi-, Mir. foss, W. gwas (lat. vassus, vassalus); Arm. vastak‘hardlabour’; adj. ’tired’ (probablyIranian)

  15. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Men and age sets • Young man:*h2i̯u-h3onh2-, *h2i̯u-h3n̥(h2)-ko-: Skt. yúvān-, gen. yunaḥ, yuvaśá-, Av. yuuan, Lat. iuvenis(comp. iūnior), Oir. óa’younger’, w. ieuanc, got. juggs, lit. jáunas, oks. junъ • Man : *u̯ih-ró-: Skt. vīrá-, Av. vīra-, Lat. vir, Oir. fer, Goth. waír, Lith. výras; but Toch.A. wir’young, fresh’: designation of men fit for war • *h2nér-: Luv. annara-, annari- ’strong, manly’, Skt. nár-, Av. nar-, Gk. anēr, Arm. ayr, Osc. ner ’mand, leder’; Cf. alsoOir. nert’strength’

  16. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Men and age sets • Old man: *ĝerh2ont-: Toch.B. śrān- (?), Skt. járant-, Oss. zærond, Gk. gerōn; Arm. cer < *ĝerh2o-; On karl < *ĝerǝ2-lo- • *dhĝhmon-: ’earthling’, Lat. homō, Oir. duine, Goth. guma, Lith. Žmuõ; cf. also Lith. žmogùs’man’, probably < • *-gw(h2)u- to the root *gwah2- ‘walking on the earth • *m(o)rtos: ‘mortal’; Skt. márta-, Av. marǝta-, Gk. (Hes.) mortos, Arm. mard • *prei̯sgwu-: Gk. presbus, Cret. preisgusarm. erēcc (u-st.) ’elder’; perhaps alsoLat. prīscus

  17. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab More aboutfree men • *h1leudh- ’grow’: Germ. *leudi- ’man, person’; pl. ’people’, OHG. liuti etc., Lith. liáudis, OCS. ljudьje • *h1leudhero- ’free’: Gk. eleutheros, Lat. līber’free’, pl. līberī ’children’ (NB the suffix, and cf. Gk. eleutheronēmar vs. doulionēmar; Lat. līber vs. servus), Pael. loufir ‘free man’, Venet. louderobos’children’; cf. the Latin legal formula: : a man gives his daughter to her future husband liberumquaesundum causa’to achievelegitimatechildren’ (libertās vs. servitūs) • Epithet of Zeus/Iuppiter: Eleutherios (alsoadj. ’free, noble’), Lat. IouvemLeiberum, Osc. gen. Lúvfreís

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