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Will Self-Driving Trucks Make Trucking Jobs Easier

In this article, we will discuss what type of trucking carrier you want to drive for, regardless if you're a rookie truck driver or a seasoned veteran. Read on to find out more about these different types!

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Will Self-Driving Trucks Make Trucking Jobs Easier

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  1. Will Self-Driving Trucks Make Trucking Jobs Easier? The truckingindustryischanging,notjustbecause ofself-drivingfreighttrucks.As the economygrows,sodoesthe demand forgoods. And that means more and more cargo is being transported across the country — and around the world. Trucking companiesare expected to hire an unprecedented number of driversthis year.That’s goodnews for peoplewhowant ajobintrucking!Buthow willnew technologylikeself-drivingtrucksaffectyourabilitytoland one? WhatAreSelf-DrivingTrucks? Self-driving trucks are trucks with some level of automation. They can operate on highways butrequire a humanoperatorfor off-highwaydriving,suchasgoingthroughconstruction zonesandurbanareas. There are various levels of autonomy for self-driving trucks ranging from 1 to 5, but only levels1and2are legalforUSroads.

  2. Level1automationmeans thatthevehiclecanprovidesteeringassistanceor brakingand acceleration assistance,whilelevel2 applies to truckswith advanceddriving assistance systems (ADAS)withtheabilitytotake over steering,acceleration,and breakinginspecific scenarios. At the time being, only lower-level automation trucks are available; however, it’s worth mentioning that youcanexpectmore as companiescontinuetheir researchintothis field. HowWillSelf-DrivingTrucksAffectTruckDrivers? As automated trucking continues to develop, truckers may feel like they will be replaced. However, all levels of self-driving trucks need to be supervised by an experienced human truck driver. The skills required for a professional driverare not easily gained, and the trainingisextensive.Inadditionto driving expertise,drivers needgood decision-making skillstoensuresafeoperations. Self-driving trucks are being developed for use on highways at low speeds, but this doesn’t meanthatonce on theroad,thesevehicleswill make better decisionsthan humans.Infact, human drivers have an advantage over automated systems because they can react quickly ifsomething goes wrongwiththeirvehicle orifothercarson theroad are driving dangerously. Truckingis the backbone ofour economy,and truckers shouldn’tfeellikethey’llbereplaced anytimesoonbecause the skillsand experiencegainedasaprofessionaltruck driveroutweighdriving automation byleapsand bounds! How Self-DrivingTrucks CanMake TruckDrivingEasier It’s no secret that driving trucks can be a stressful job. With long hours and tight deadlines, truck driversoften have toadhere tostrictschedulesthatcan take a toll on even the most seasoned professional. As such, the risk of accidents increases because of driverfatigue orotherfactors likeroad conditionsand weather. Since self-driving trucks are designed for safety and assistance, they can potentially reduce the numberofaccidents andunsafeconditions on theroad,making driving less stressful.

  3. Technologies likeadaptive cruisecontroland breakassistanceenablea better driving experienceforthe driver. While thetechnologyofself-drivingtrucksisexpectedtoadvanceinthecoming decades, it’simportantto rememberthateven fullyautonomoustrucks require experienced human operatorswhoare alert,engaged,and preparedto take controlatanytime. DrivewithWarriorLogistics AtWarriorLogistics,people are our greatestassets,and westrive to create an environment that enables each of our Warriors to achieve their fullest potential. We understand the value truck driversbring to the American economy, so we ensure all our team members have the tools and resources they need for success. From rigorous safety training and competitive benefits to our state-of-the-art Cascadia fleet, we’ve got you covered. Move your career forwardwith one ofAmerica’sleadingtruckingcompanies.Apply today!

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