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- 초급 Contents - . - 초급 Contents - . 3 1 1 National News. ▶ Word Check. ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로 , 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오 . ☞ 빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오 . shirt famous Manchester United soccer baseball. ▶ Expression Check. ☞ 주어진 단어를 선택하고 , 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오 . - 1 -.
3 1 1 National News ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. shirt famous Manchester United soccer baseball ▶Expression Check ☞주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오. - 1 -
3 1 1 National News PARK’S SHIRT SOLD Do you know Park Ji-sung? Park is a very famous Korean soccer player. He is playing with the Manchester United. He has so many fans! A Manchester United shirt signed by Park Ji-sung was sold on May 30 in Seoul. A Manchester United soccer ball also signed by Park was sold, too in a sale. The event was held by the British community in Korea. It was for the British 2009 Queen’s Birthday Ball. The money from the sale will be used to help poor people in Korea. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 2 -
3 1 2 World News ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아선을 그으세요. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ▶Expression Check ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. was built / build - 3 -
3 1 2 World News LIFE-SIZE GUNDAM Gundam is a famous robot in Japanese animation. Many children and adults like this robot series. Gundam turns 30 this year. A real-size Gundam was built to celebrate the 30th anniversary. This giant Gundam robot is in Shiokaze Park on Odaiba Island, Tokyo, Japan. It is 18 meters tall and weighs 35 tons. How about going to Japan to see this Gundam for summer vacation? ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 4 -
3 1 3 People ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. bring / bringing so / as - 5 -
3 1 3 People GENGHIS KHAN In 1205, a tribal leader emerged in Mongolia. His name was Temujin. Temujin united many different tribes in Mongolia. After successfully bringing the Mongolians together, he established written laws. The laws were known as the ‘Yasa.’ The ‘Yasa’ guided the actions of Mongolians throughout the whole of their empire. The Mongol Empire was the largest one ever. Temujin also established a powerful military. His soldiers had the best weapons on Earth at the time. His people called Temujin the Khan, or king. He became known as Genghis Khan. The Mongol Empire helped begin trade between the East and the West. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 6 -
3 1 4 Sports ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞ 다음 낱말에서 빠진 철자를 채워 넣고, 단어를 한번 더 쓰시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. - 7 -
3 1 4 Sports New York Yankees Spring is here. It is a new baseball season. Do you like Major League Baseball? What is your favorite team? In America, many baseball fans like the New York Yankees. The New York Yankees is a professional baseball team of New York. The team started in 1901. But it had the name ‘Yankees’ in 1913. The Yankees is a very popular team. It won the championship title 27 times. Some of the most famous players played for the Yankees. The Yankees is also well known for its pinstriped uniform. Many baseball players want to wear the pinstriped uniform. This year, Korean pitcher Park Chan-ho plays for the New York Yankees. We hope Park pitches well this season. Way to go, Park!! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 8 -
3 1 5 Essay ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞문법적으로 틀린 부분을 찾아바르게 고치시오. - 9 -
3 1 5 Essay Friendship Friendship means many things. When two people have trust, they share friendship. Trust means you believe someone. Friendship is very impor- tant. A friend can help you when you are in trouble. A friend can keep you safe. A friend can save your life.One example of friendship is the Roman story of Damon and Pythias. Pythias was put in jail because he fought against Dionysius. Dionysius was the king of Syracuse. Pythias had a friend named Damon. Damon went to jail for him. So Pythias could say goodbye to his family. The king would kill Damon if Pythias did not return. Just before the king was about to kill Damon, Pythias returned. Dionysius was so impressed with their friendship, and he let Pythias and Damon go home. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 10 -
3 1 6 Animals ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞문법적으로 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. long / longer was / be - 11 -
3 1 6 Animals ANTARCTIC FUR SEAL People often call fur seals Antarctic fur seals. Fur seals live in Antarctic waters. Fur seals live in difficult and cold areas. Underfur protects them from cold weather. Their underfur is waterproof and keeps them warm. Fur seals eat fish and krill. But fur seals are afraid of leopard seals.Leopard seals sometimes hunt little pups. Pups must be careful. A female fur seal weighs 45 kilograms. A male fur seal weighs 190 kilo- grams. A female is 1.2 meters tall. A male is 1.9 meters tall. Females live longer than males. Females live for more than 20 years. Males live for about 15 years. Fur seals were once hunted for their fur. But they are now protected. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 12 -
3 1 7 Fun Stories ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아선을 그으세요. ● ● ● ● ● ● ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. - 13 -
3 1 7 Fun Stories Sword of Damocles "There once lived a horrible king named Dionysius,” Uncle Shelton said. “Everyone hated him. But he was very wealthy and powerful! Each day, however, he felt dread for his life!” ”Really?” Midnight said. “What does ‘dread’ mean?” “Well...” “How happy you must be, King Dionysius,” his friend Damocles said. ”Maybe we should trade places,” the king said. ”Oh no, great king!” Damocles said. “May I pretend to be a king for one day, however?” “Very well,” Dionysius said. “You may pretend to be a king tomorrow.” The next day, Damocles was king! He was brought into a huge banquet hall. He sat at the table’s head. Damocles was so happy! It was the happiest day of his life! Suddenly, however, he looked up. Above him was a large, sharp sword! A single horse hair kept it connected to the ceiling! It could fall at any moment! The smile left Damocles lips. He became very pale. ”What’s wrong?” said the horrible king. ”That sword! That sword!” yelled Damocles. ”Now you know how I live every day. I have great power, but I also have great dread!” See, Midnight, that’s what “the sword of Damocles” means in English. It means the feeling something bad is about to happen! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 14 -
3 1 8 Places ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아선을 그으세요. ● ● ● ● ● ● ▶Expression Check ☞주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오. is / are because / because of disappeared / disappear - 15 -
3 1 8 Places BERMUDA TRIANGLE There are many mysterious places in the world. One of them is the Bermuda Triangle. Let's find out this place. The Bermuda Triangle is in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. The area covers the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the whole Caribbean islands. Many ships and planes pass this area to go to the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean islands. However, many aircrafts and ships have disappeared here. They disappeared mostly in the southern part of the triangle. This place is mysterious. The causes for many of these accidents are yet unknown. People think it is because of human errors, bad weather or other problems. But still, they don't know the exact reasons why these accidents happened. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 16 -
3 1 9 My Diary ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞동사(Verb)의 과거형(Past Tense)을 쓰시오. Verb spend bring get know Past Tense - 17 -
3 1 9 My Diary Homework Clear, Friday, January 15, 2010 My friend and I got together at my house. We planned to do homework together. My mom looked happy because we were studying. She brought us cookies and juice. Then my friend had an idea. She said, “Let’s do some computer games first.” We would do homework after the games. We agreed to finish the games in one hour. But we spent three hours on the games. We could not finish our homework. My mom got angry when she knew it. I will do my homework first and play later. “I am very sorry, mom.” ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 18 -
3 1 10 Focus ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. bitter / better bitter / butter - 19 -
3 1 10 Focus Tongue Twisters A tongue twister is hard to pronounce. You will speak better when you practice it. Your tongue will twist when you practice it. Practice is not easy, but try it. You will become a good speaker. Let’s begin with an easy one. “Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.” Now, try a harder one: Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said “This butter’s bitter!” But a bit of better butter will make my butter better? So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so it was better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 20 -
3 2 1 National News ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. Expression | yell to fined though them - 21 -
3 2 1 National News Leash Your Dog at Parks! From now on, dog owners have to leash their dogs and clean up after them at 17 major parks in Seoul. This is to protect children from dog bites and let them play in clean environments. The parks include Namsan Park, Sangam World Cup Park, and Yeouido Park. Last Sunday, the Seoul City Government said that pet owners will be fined if they break the laws. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 22 -
3 2 2 World News ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. On May 22, a 13-year-old American pianist named Llewellyn Werner played 12) ___ piano __ Baghdad, Iraq. His performance 14) ___ wonderful and the audience gave him a big hand.“I’d like to bring Americans and Iraqis 15) ______ together through music.” closer the was in live - 23 -
3 2 2 World News Music Brings Us Together! On May 22, a 13-year-old American pianist named Llewellyn Werner played the piano in Baghdad, Iraq. His performance was wonderful and the audience gave him a big hand. “I wanted to make the people in Iraq happy with my music,” he said. “I’d like to bring Americans and Iraqis closer together through music.” Let’s hope his music makes America and Iraq become friends! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 24 -
3 2 3 People ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞주어진 단어를 알맞은 순서대로 나열하시오. - 25 -
3 2 3 People Welcome to Seoul! Seoul is a beautiful city. Many foreigners visit Seoul every year. Soon, TV ads about Seoul City will be on air in many countries in Asia and America. Famous Korean singers and actors such as the Wonder Girls, 2PM, and Lee Byung-hun will appear in the ads. They will let people around the world know about Seoul. Let’s hope more visitors come to Seoul this year! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 26 -
3 2 4 Sports ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞ 알맞은 그림을 찾아선을 그으세요. 11. hoop 12. player 13. stadium ● ● ● ● ● ● ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. - 27 -
3 2 4 Sports A Wonderful Dunk Shot On October 27, there was a basketball game at Jamsil Stadium. During this game, a lucky basketball player successfully made a dunk shot. He is Lee Seung-joon of Samsung. He did a great job. For a successful dunk shot, you need to jump very high and then put the basketball through the hoop. He said he practiced very hard. He is a really great player! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 28 -
3 2 5 Essays ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞ 뒤섞인 철자를 알맞게 배열해서 단어를 쓰시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. - 29 -
3 2 5 Essays Doorknobs Are Full of Germs! Ah-choo! It’s getting colder. You have to wash your hands often during the cold season. This is because you can catch a cold by touching doorknobs, elevator buttons, and escalator handrails! The cold virus and germs can live on doorknobs for more than two hours. Make sure to wash your hands with soap after touching them. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 30 -
3 2 6 Animals ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. There are dinosaurs! But they are not real. 11) __ July 14, many kids visited there and learned many interesting 12) ______ about dinosaurs. The exhibition runs 13) _____ August 22. Word Box | of until things on swam day ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. - 31 -
3 2 6 Animals Dinosaurs Are Huge! Watch out! There are dinosaurs! They look real, don’t they? But they are not real. Dinosaurs died a long time ago. But if you visit BEXCO in Busan, you can see many different dinosaurs! On July 14, many kids visited there and learned many interesting things about dinosaurs. The exhibition runs until August 22. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 32 -
3 2 7 Fun Stories ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 찾아 쓰시오. open fun time of riding - 33 -
3 2 7 Fun Stories A Wooden Bicycle Do you enjoy riding a bicycle? Riding a bicycle is surely a fun thing. Bicycles are normally made of metal. Surprisingly, one Chinese man made one from wood. He made an effort for 2 years to finish this special bicycle. He carved pretty patterns on the wood. Does this bicycle work? Yes, he is riding the wooden bike with his wife! It’s so cool! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 34 -
3 2 8 Places ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. Canberra is the 11) _______ of Australia. Canberra is Australia’s 12) _______ inland city. Two U.S architects 13) __________ the capital city in 1913. Word Box | designed capital on largest and ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. - 35 -
3 2 8 Places Canberra -Canberra is the capital of Australia. -Canberra is Australia’s largest inland city. -Two U.S architects designed the capital city in 1913. -It’s winter in Canberra from June to August; summer is from December to February. -In Australia, the school year begins in late January or early February and finishes just before Christmas. ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 36 -
3 2 9 My Diary ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ▶ Comprehension Writing ☞그림에 해당하는 문장을 찾아 쓰시오. 14. 15. * My mom took me to the dentist and I had to have a tooth taken out. * I will always brush my teeth before I sleep. - 37 -
3 2 9 My Diary Friday, July 29, 2011 RainyMy parents always told me "Don’t eat too many sweets!"And "Brush your teeth before you sleep!" But I always ate lots of sweets and slept without brushing my teeth. When I woke up this morning, I felt terrible. I had a very bad toothache. My mom took me to the dentist and I had to have a tooth taken out. It hurt so much that I screamed very loudly! So, I’ve decided to eat fruits instead of sweets from now on. I will always brush my teeth before I sleep! Keeping my teeth healthy will keep toothaches far far away! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 38 -
3 2 10 Focus ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오. don’t / doesn’t run / running and / among - 39 -
3 2 10 Focus London’s New Double-Decker London is famous for its red double-deckers. A double-decker is a tall bus with two levels. On May 17, London introduced a new double-decker. The new bus is very modern. The passengers can get on and off the bus more easily. The bus is also good for the environment. It doesn’t pollute the air much. The bus will start running in 2012. This is great news for both people and the environment! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 40 -
3 3 1 National News ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞주어진 단어를 선택하고, 전체 문장을 다시 쓰시오. out / catch leave / about - 41 -
3 3 1 National News When Did the Korean War Break Out? On December 30, 2010, the KFTA (Korean Federation of Teachers’ Associations) said that most Korean students don’t know very much about the Korean War. The KFTA asked 1,240 elementary, middle, and high school students about the war. Only about 50 percent of them knew that the war broke out in 1950. About 26 percent didn’t even know that North Korea attacked South Korea. It is important to learn the history of our country! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 42 -
3 3 2 World News ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. The 30-second video will be played 48 times a day on Times 11) ______ . The video says that “Dokdo is part of Korea. Visit Dokdo, the beautiful 12) ______ of Korea.” Let’s hope the video will help many people know that Dokdo 13) _______ to Korea! Word Box | talk belongs none Square island ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. - 43 -
3 3 2 World News Dokdo Video Ad Appears in NYC On March 1, a video ad on Dokdo was shown in New York City. The 30-second video will be played 48 times a day on Times Square. The video says that “Dokdo is part of Korea. Visit Dokdo, the beautiful island of Korea.” Making the video ad was singer Kim Jang-hoon’s idea. Let’s hope the video will help many people know that Dokdo belongs to Korea! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 44 -
3 3 3 People ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. On October 31, DilmaRousseff became 14) ___ first female president of Brazil. She said she was very happy to become her country’s first 15) ______ leader. Congratulations, Ms. Rousseff! tomorrow took female race the - 45 -
3 3 3 People Brazil Elects First Woman President On October 31, DilmaRousseff became the first female president of Brazil. She said she was very happy to become her country’s first female leader. She promised to work hard for her country. She will start working as the president from January 1 next year. Congratulations, Ms. Rousseff! Please make Brazil a better country! ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 46 -
3 3 4 Sports ▶Word Check ☞ 다음 영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 바꾸시오. ▶Expression Check ☞밑줄 친 부분에 유의해서 다음 문장을 해석하시오. ☞빈 칸에 올바른 단어를 골라 쓰시오. Expression | a held lakes are spoke - 47 -
3 3 4 Sports Kite Festival in LA In the picture, a Viking ship is flying in the sky! There are many other interesting kites, too. On March 14, a Kite Festival was held at a beach in LA. Many people took part in the festival. The kite festival is held every year. Don’t you want to participate, too? ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ 지문을 읽고 주어진 물음에 답하시오. ☞ 글의 내용과 일치하면 T(True), 일치하지 않으면 F(False)를 쓰시오. - 48 -