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Chapter 7 Inheritance. Inheritance is the process by which a new class is created from another class The new class is called a derived class The original class is called the base class
Chapter 7 Inheritance University Of Ha’il
Inheritance is the process by which a new class is created from another class The new class is called a derived class The original class is called the base class A derived class automatically has all the instance variables and methods that the base class has, and it can have additional methods and/or instance variables as well. Inheritance is especially advantageous because it allows code to be reused, without having to copy it into the definitions of the derived classes. Introduction University Of Ha’il
The extends clause in a class declaration establishes an inheritance relationship between two classes. It has the following syntax: classClassName2 extendsClassName1 { // body of the class } Introduction University Of Ha’il
A derived class, also called a subclass (or child class), is defined by starting with another already defined class, called a baseclass or superclass or parent class, and adding (and/or changing) methods, instance variables, and static variables The derived class inherits all the public methods, all the public and private instance variables, and all the public and private static variables from the base class. The derived class can add more instance variables, static variables, and/or methods. Derived Class (subclass) University Of Ha’il
//This example shows how to declare a simple class inheritance hierarchy class Grandparents{ } class Parents extends Grandparents{ } class Uncles extends Grandparents{ } class Sisters extends Parents{ } class Brothers extends Parents{ } class Cousins extends Uncles{ } class InheritanceHierarchy { publicstaticvoid main(String[ ] a) { Grandparents Grandfather =new Grandparents(); System.out.println( "Instantiated Grandparents” ); Grandfather =new Parents(); System.out.println( "Instantiated Parents" ); Grandfather =new Sisters(); System.out.println( "Instantiated Sisters" ); Grandfather =new Brothers(); System.out.println( "Instantiated Brothers" ); Grandfather =newUncles(); System.out.println( "Instantiated Uncles" ); Grandfather =new Cousins(); System.out.println( "Instantiated Cousins" ); } } Example (Inheritance) University Of Ha’il
Output: Instantiated Grandparents Instantiated Parents Instantiated Sisters Instantiated Brothers Instantiated Uncles Instantiated Cousins Example (Inheritance) University Of Ha’il
A derived class automatically has all the instance variables, all the static variables, and all the public methods of the base class Members from the base class are said to be inherited. Definitions for the inherited variables and methods do not appear in the derived class The code is reused without having to explicitly copy it, unless the creator of the derived class redefines one or more of the base class methods. Inherited Members University Of Ha’il
Inherit Variable and Methods A class inherits the state (determined by variables) and behavior (determined by methods) defined by all of its super classes. Therefore an object has one copy of every instance variable of its own class and its super classes. Variable Hiding If a variable of a class has a same name (type maybe different) as a superclass variable, in that case class variable hides the superclass variable. You can access a hidden variable by using super keyword super.variable Inheritance and Variables University Of Ha’il
class C1 { static int x; } class C2 extends C1 { staticString x; } class Cc { public static void main(String[] args) { C1 p = new C1(); p.x = 55; System.out.println( “p.x="+ p.x); C2 q = new C2(); q.x ="This is a String"; System.out.println( "q.x="+ q.x); } } Example(Inheritance and variables) Output: p.x=55 q.x=This is a String University Of Ha’il
class M100 { int x = 100; } class M200 extends M100 { int x = 200; void display() { System.out.println( "x=" + x); System.out.println( "super.x=" +super.x); } } class SuperKeyword { public static void main(String[] args) { M200 m200 = new M200(); m200.display(); } } Example(Inheritance and variables) Output: x=200 super.x=100 University Of Ha’il
Write an application that illustrates how to access a hidden variable. Class G declares a static variable x. Class H extends G and declares an instance variable x. A display() method in H displays both of these variables. Homework University Of Ha’il
Method Overriding • Method overriding occurs when a class declares a method that has the same type signature as a method declared by one of its super classes. • When a method in a subclass overrides a method in a superclass, the method in the super class is hidden relative to the subclass object. • Method overriding is a very important capability because it forms the basis for run-time polymorphism (means one interface, multiple implementation). University Of Ha’il
Method Overriding • The access permission of an overridden method can be changed from private in the base class to public (or some other more permissive access) in the derived class. • However, the access permission of an overridden method can not be changed from public in the base class to a more restricted access permission in the derived class. University Of Ha’il
Method Overriding • Given the following method header in a base case: private void doSomething() • The following method header is valid in a derived class: public void doSomething() • However, the opposite is not valid • Given the following method header in a base case: public void doSomething() • The following method header is not valid in a derived class: private void doSomething() University Of Ha’il
Note • Do not confuse overriding a method in a derived class with overloading a method name • When a method is overridden, the new method definition given in the derived class has the exact same number and types of parameters as in the base class. • When a method in a derived class has a different signature from the method in the base class, that is overloading. • Note that when the derived class overloads the original method, it still inherits the original method from the base class as well. University Of Ha’il
Example (Method Overriding) class MethodOverriding { publicstaticvoid main(String[] arg) { C1 obj =new C1(); obj.hello(); A1 a =new C1() ; a.hello(); } } class A1 { void hello() { System.out.println( "Hello from A1" ); } } class B1 extends A1 { void hello() { System.out.println( "Hello from B1" ); } } class C1 extends B1 { void hello() { System.out.println( "Hello from C1"); } } Output: Hello from C1 Hello from C1 University Of Ha’il
The final Modifier • If the modifier final is placed before the definition of a method, then that method may not be redefined in a derived class. • If the modifier final is placed before the definition of a class, then that class may not be used as a base class to derive other classes. University Of Ha’il
Example (Inheritance and Methods) class SuperForMethod { publicstaticvoid main( String[] ar ) { I1 obj; System.out.println( "Initiating I1" ); obj =new I1(); obj.hello( "morning" ); System.out.println( "Initiating J1" ); obj =new J1(); obj.hello( "noon" ); System.out.println( "Initiating K1" ); obj =new K1(); obj.hello( "evening" ); } } class I1 { void hello( String s ) { System.out.println( "I1:"+ s ); } } classJ1 extends I1 { void hello( String s ) { super.hello(s); System.out.println( "J1:"+ s ); } } class K1 extends J1 { void hello( String s ) { super.hello(s); System.out.println( "K1:"+ s ); } } University Of Ha’il
Example (Inheritance and Methods) Output: Initiating I1 I1:morning Initiating J1 I1:noon J1:noon Initiating K1 I1:evening J1:evening K1:evening University Of Ha’il
Exercise(Inheritance and Methods) • Write an application that illustrates how a method can invoke a superclass method. Class I2 is extended by J2. Class J2 is extended by K2. Each of these classes defines a getDescription() method that returns a string. That string includes a description of the class plus descriptions of each superclass. Instantiate each of these classes and invoke the getDescription() mehod. University Of Ha’il
Inheritance and Methods • When we define a method with the same signature as a base class methods, we effectively override that base method. That means when we send the same message to base or subclass, the methods defined for that class will be executed. This is called overriding. This is what we do in C++ when we define a method as virtual. • To access the parent method we can use modifier super followed by the dot and the parent method name. • Super.parentMethod() University Of Ha’il
The super Constructor • A derived class uses a constructor from the base class to initialize all the data inherited from the base class • In order to invoke a constructor from the base class, it uses a special syntax: public derivedClass(int p1, int p2, double p3) { super(p1, p2); instanceVariable = p3; } • In the above example, super(p1, p2); is a call to the base class constructor University Of Ha’il
The super Constructor • A call to the base class constructor can never use the name of the base class, but uses the keyword super instead. • A call to super must always be the first action taken in a constructor definition. • An instance variable cannot be used as an argument to super. University Of Ha’il
Example (Inheritance & Constructor) class InhAndConstructor { publicstaticvoid main(String[ ] ar) { U1 u1 =new U1(); System.out.println( "u1.s1="+ u1.s1); System.out.println( "u1.t1="+ u1.t1); System.out.println( "u1.u1="+ u1.u1); } } class S1 { int s1; S1( ) { System.out.println( "print S1" ) ; s1=1; } } class T1 extends S1 { int t1; T1() { System.out.println( "print T1" ); t1=2; } } class U1 extends T1 { int u1; U1( ) { System.out.println( "print U1" ); u1=3; } } Output: print S1 print T1 print U1 u1.s1=1 u1.t1=2 u1.u1=3 University Of Ha’il
Example (Inheritance & Constructor) class SuperAndConstructor { publicstaticvoid main(String[] arg) { U2 u2 =new U2(1,2,3); System.out.println( "u2.s2 ="+ u2.s2); System.out.println( "u2.t2 ="+ u2.t2); System.out.println( "u2.u2 ="+ u2.u2); } } class S2 { int s2; S2( int s2) { this.s2 = s2; } } class T2 extends S2 { int t2; T2( int s2, int t2) { super(s2); this.t2 = t2; } } class U2 extends T2 { int u2; U2(ints2, intt2, int u2) { super(s2,t2); this.u2 = u2; } } Output: u2.s2 =1 u2.t2 =2 u2.t2 =3 University Of Ha’il
Inheritance & Final classes • final classes – A class can be defined as ‘final’ when we do not allow any further sub classing. • This can be done for security reasons, or to allow Java to perform some optimization in accessing methods. final class Polygon extends Shape { } University Of Ha’il
Abstract Class • There are 3 possible modifiers that may precede the classkeyword: abstract Cannot be instantiated final Cannot be extended public Can be accessed by any other class. If this keyword is missing, access to the class is limited to the current package. University Of Ha’il
Example (Abstract Class) class Triangle extends Shape { voiddisplay() { System.out.println( "Triangle" ); } } class AbstractClass { publicstaticvoid main(String[] arg) { Shape s =new Circle(); s.display(); s =new Rectangle(); s.display(); s =newTriangle(); s.display(); } } abstractclass Shape { void display() { } } class Circle extends Shape { void display() { System.out.println( "Circle" ); } } class Rectangle extends Shape { voiddisplay() { System.out.println( "Rectangle" ); } } OUTPUT: Circle Rectangle Triangle University Of Ha’il
Variable Modifiers • The possible modifiers that may precede the declaration of a variable are: final Is a constant private Can be accessed only by code in the same class protected Can be accessed only by code in a subclass or the same package public Can be accessed by any other class static Is not an instance variable University Of Ha’il
Polymorphism • Polymorphism (from the Greek, meaning "many forms", or something similar) is the quality that allows one name to be used for more than one (hopefully related) but technically different purpose. • Method overriding occurs when a class declares a method having same types of signature as a method by one of its super class. • Note: Super class reference can refer to objects of its own or its subclass. University Of Ha’il
Polymorphism • Methods can be overloaded. A method has the same name as another member methods, but the type and/or the count of parameters differs. class Integer { float val; void add( int amount ) { val = val + amount; } void add( int num, int den) { val = float(num) / den; } } University Of Ha’il