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Art Allen USCG Office of Search and Rescue Eoin Howlett Applied Science Associates

Environmental Data Server (EDS) support of USCG’s SAROPS (Search And Rescue Optimal Planning System). Art Allen USCG Office of Search and Rescue Eoin Howlett Applied Science Associates. USCG Area of Responsibility. EDS Data Set Display, ArcGIS. ADCIRC – works better for coastal zones

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Art Allen USCG Office of Search and Rescue Eoin Howlett Applied Science Associates

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  1. Environmental Data Server (EDS)support of USCG’s SAROPS(Search And Rescue Optimal Planning System) Art Allen USCG Office of Search and Rescue Eoin Howlett Applied Science Associates

  2. USCG Area of Responsibility

  3. EDS Data Set Display, ArcGIS ADCIRC – works better for coastal zones NCOM – works better for deep water Example of an aggregated NetCDF file (ADCIRC and NCOM) returned by a request to the EDS from an ArcGIS client.

  4. EDS and Connected Systems Overview SAROPS PORTAL WMS CLIENT OTHER Data Request Interface (DRI) – EDS Web Services Environmental Data Server Data Store Data Acquisition and Normalization Services (DAN) (EDS Catalog Server) Data Request Services (DRS) (EDS Request Processing Service Array) External Data Sources

  5. DATA ACQUISITION AND NORMALIZATION SERVICE ARRAY (high-level) DAN Processor, GFS Queues Acquisition Scheduler Service Processor, HYCOM Processor, NAM Notification Manager Service Dispatch Service Processor, GLERL QC Service Processor, NOGAPS Processor, FTP Queue Processor, NDFD PORTAL SERVICES Processor, OPENDAP

  6. DATA REQUEST SERVICE ARRAY (high-level) DR Data Request Interface (DRI) (EDS Web Services) Queues Notification Manager Service Processor, AGG Queues ASYNCH (1.1) Processor, ADCIRC SYNCH (1.0) PORTAL SERVICES Dispatch Service Processor, TIDAL WMS Processor, STATIC WFS Processor, RIVERS JMBL Delivery Manager Service FUTURE


  8. Service Arrays: Scalable • Multiple Windows Services provide for a scalable system. Services may be started on several servers, spreading processing across servers and providing redundancy. • Windows Services are started with Server StartUp. No login necessary. Windows Services are configured to ‘start-as’ a user that will have necessary EDS system privileges. • Service array allows for plug-in of new services on-the-fly. • Workflow and configuration are data-driven. • Message queue usage is light and quick. Order XML submitted to any queue is consumed as soon as processors are able to do so (any appreciable delay would be solved by starting additional services). Systems Admins (SA) may elect to apply redundant queues with no impact to the EDS. Queues are monitored to determine array performance with threshold excesses reported to SAs. • Orders will be entered into a database and tracked through their life cycles. Allowing for metrics reports and future order warm-starts.

  9. Service Arrays: Expandable • Basic structure includes SQL data driven dispatch of orders, throughout order life cycle, to queues monitored by specific services. • Delivery management is data driven and dependent upon order origination. • The service array design provides for modular processing, ultimately allowing OSC the option to create its own Processing Services. The Service Array Architecture is expandable without, necessarily, future reliance on ASA. • An Automated Validation service exists to test data immediately after acquisition via the EDS’ own request services. Validation orders are processed with a unique ‘client’ ID, allowing SAs to differentiate between operational and validation data orders. Validation order setup is completely data-driven, allowing SAs to specify AOIs for any of the non-tidal/static data sources.

  10. EDS Portal DANS DRS DataStore MAP Help DANS DRS DataStore MAP Help Database view of source status File System View Edit Order Purge Filter QA Notifications EDS DATABASE Queue Stats Notifications Portal Service DANS DRS DataStore MAP Help DANS DRS DataStore MAP Help Database view of Client Orders In Process Map view of available sources Filter Queue Stats Notifications

  11. EDS PORTAL • Thin-client front-end supported by Portal Service • User login required • Use of Portal Service promotes greater security, removing direct access to EDS, Database, Queue and FileSystem from the Portal itself • DAN (Catalog Server) view • Dealer-like visual of source order status • Dealer-like utilities (Edit, Order, Purge)‏ • View of outstanding orders on queues • View of any error, QA notifications • DRS (EDS Orders) view • View of any client orders in-process (source, AOI, interval, order time)‏ • View of outstanding orders on queues (provides view of service array)‏ • View of any error, cancellation notifications • Data Store view • Simple File System view • QA notification history may go here • Map view • Thin-client map view of any data source via WMS

  12. EDS Wind Products • US Navy NOGAPS (global winds) • NOAA NCEP GFS (Global Forecast System) • NOAA NCEP NAM (North America Mesoscale) • NOAA NDFD land and coastal winds • NOAA GLERL & NOS Great Lakes winds • NOAA NOS PORTS winds • NOAA NDBC buoys & CMAN stations .

  13. NOAA NCEP NAM (10-meter Winds) Tropical Storm Beryl 20 July 2006 .

  14. EDS Current Products • US Navy NAVO (via NCDDC) NCOM • NOAA NCEP North Atlantic HYCOM • NOAA GLERL/NOS Great Lakes currents • ADCIRC East and West • ASA tidal models • Mariano Seasonal Ship drift • Florida Current Data File • MARCOORA HF radar & STPS • USCG SLDMB’s .

  15. MARCOORAHF Radar

  16. MARCOORAHF Radar

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