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Last year , We won the competition of collecting cells . We collected 250 Kgs cells . As a present we got 75 trees for planting school garden and also 3 labratory experiment sets . This year we are joining the same competititon . We have already collected nearly 100 kgs of cell .
Lastyear, Wewonthecompetition of collectingcells. Wecollected 250 Kgscells. As a presentwegot 75 treesforplantingschoolgardenandalso 3 labratoryexperimentsets.
Thisyearwearejoiningthesamecompetititon. Wehavealreadycollectednearly 100 kgs of cell.
Wearecollectingbluetips in thecampaign. Whenwereach 250Kgs, wewillwinwheelchairfor a handicappedperson. This is also a socailresponsibility.
Wearecollectingusedeadibleoil. Studentsaretakingfromtheoilfromtheirhousesorneighbourhood. Theyknowthat a litre of usedoilpollute a bilionliter of water. Wearesendingcollectedoiltorecylingcentresto be produced as motorine.
Wearecollectinganythingwhicharerecycable, such as paper,metal, glassetc. So, wehavespecialtrashes in ourschoolgardenandclasses.
Wearecontinuingouractivitieswithparentsandstudents in ourinstitution.