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SPECIFICATIONS OF AN INTELLIGENT MEDIATING MODEL FOR COLLABORATIVE e-LEARNING COURSEWARE SYSTEMS. By Dr. Caleb .O. Akanbi Information and Communication Technology Osun State University,Osogbo , Nigeria. Presentation Layout. Introduction Background System Architecture
SPECIFICATIONS OF AN INTELLIGENT MEDIATING MODEL FOR COLLABORATIVE e-LEARNING COURSEWARE SYSTEMS By Dr. Caleb .O. Akanbi Information and Communication Technology Osun State University,Osogbo, Nigeria
Presentation Layout Introduction Background System Architecture Model Specifications Implementation Conclusion 2 2 September 18, 2014 September 18, 2014
Introductione-Learning Courseware System (e-LCS) • an educational software platform for implementing e-learning programmes ( Universities, Colleges, Polytechnics) • platform can be obtained according to Monari(2005) ) by : • purchasing commercial e-LCSs such as WebCT, Convene, Blackboard, Authoware, Learning Space, Course Info, Cyber Proof, Mallad, CM Online. • subscribing to a kernel of e-LCS of another institution. • in-house software development by each institution 3 3 September 18, 2014
Introductione-Learning Courseware System (e-LCS) contd. e-LCS simulates the traditional learning classroom environment by using syllabus, schedule, course notes, examples, assignments, etc. Major Components of e-LCS : • tutoring and pedagogical contents. • learners Model • on-line facilities such as online assessment and multimedia course delivery. • Facilitators Model • Tools/environment for collaboration 4 4 September 18, 2014
Collaboration in Learning • an opportunity for students to learn through the expression and exploration of diverse ideas and experiences in cooperative groups. • forum for discuss with groups who advise, motivate, criticize and direct the students toward a better understanding of the subject matter. • Virtually all courseware are equipped with groupware collaborative tools which could be: • Synchronous such as: audio and Internet phone, video conferencing ,text chat. • Asynchronous such as e-mail, bulleting board system, multicast backbone (m-bone). 5 5 September 18, 2014 September 18, 2014
Benefits of Collaboration • deepens understanding, increases mastery of learning concepts and complements learning processes. • motivates and stimulates active students during learning processes. • extends knowledge by providing platform for solving a given problem together. 6 6 September 18, 2014 September 18, 2014
Limitations of Groupware Collaboration Tools • high bandwidth requirements through audio, video or multiple charting involved. • problem of finding suitable peers that will assist in time. • Even if peers found, the response may not be immediate to address the e-learner query request . • such tools do not provide platform for collaboration at the level of learning content 7 7 September 18, 2014
Why Content Level Collaboration ? • These e-LCS systems lack ontologies for sharing their domain knowledge learning objects with others (Sampson and Karampiperis, 2006). • Lack of interoperability Due to • differences in architectures, • platforms, • protocols and representations. Hence • does not permit collaboration with other e-LCSs during a learning process particularly, when a learner needs further adaptive and intelligent supports to
Collaboration proposed in this study Learning contents collaboration which involves • sharing e-LCS domain knowledge /learning objects on request. • Proposed solution Modeling an intelligent mediating architecture that provides a collaborative platform for courseware collaboration see figure 1 9
Intelligent Mediating System • software agent that act as intermediaries between providers of services and the consumers, requesting for the services. • improves the management of the integrated system through the amalgamation of learning objects coming from different knowledge base of diverse learning objects • which is a smallest digital reproducible and addressable resources of a learning contents stored in various Knowledge base of courseware systems (Koper, 2003). achieved collaboration using Artificial Intelligence approaches
Intelligent Approaches in Agent–Based SystemsCategories ( Gruer et.al. and Krishna 2006) • Rule based Reasoning: - IF-THEN statements represent knowledge encoded as rule • Case-based Reasoning: - adapt previous solution to a current problem. • Pattern Recognition: - detect sound ,shapes or long sequences using neural network ,fuzzy logic • Automatic Programming: - mechanism that generate a program to do a specific task • Artificial life: - recreate biological phenomena within computer based systems • Hybrid/ Integrated: - combination of two or more reasoning approaches adopted in this study
Embedded Intelligent Frameworks in Mediator System. The Hybrid reasoning approach consisting of • case based reasoning (CBR) and • rule based reasoning(CBR) adopted to provide intelligence for mediator system in this study to search for similar learning objects
System Architecture Model Design Considerations Agent based system architecture that provides • Knowledge Sharing across heterogeneous sources(.i.e courseware systems ) . • Adaptive support. The conceptual diagram showing e-learning collaborative environment envisioned in this study is showing in figure 1
Mediator System Architecture The system architecture consists of three main components; • Courseware Mediator Interphase (CMI). • Recommender Engine • Knowledge Base It has two agents • collaborative agent for searching for similar learning objects) and • filtering agent for recommending suitable learning modules. • Figure 2
Model Specifications Software engineering tool used is UML to specify the active and passive entities • Active entities are • R-courseware, • P-courseware, • Collaboration Agent and • Learners • Passive entities are • Courseware Mediating. Interface(CMI), • Filter agents, and • SynonymsDB . The active and passive entities specification is shown Figure 3 containing various cases and rules.
Implementation We are currently developing this prototype intelligent mediating system using appropriate program language such as • JAVA (Java expert shell software(JESS) and • Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Technologies.
Conclusion • The UML model specifications of class diagrams has been presented in this paper to show various interactions in the design. • It is believed that the full implementation of this mediating model will go a long way to solve the interoperability problem among diverse e- learning courseware systems in various institutions of higher learning.