David Liu, Ph.D., P.E., S.E.
Robert Magliola, P.E., S.E.
2. Part I – General Review What is the K value?
effective length factor
Its application
3. FIG. 1. Effective length factors, K for columns.
4. FIG. 2. Alignment charts for effective length of columns in frames
6. Mathematical formula Braced column
Un-braced column
7. AASHTO LRFD Un-braced Columns
1.5 footing anchored on rock
3.0 footing not anchored on rock
5.0 footing on soil
1.0 footing on group piles
8. Modified k Values Effective length factor for columns in braced or un-braced frames
Journal of Structural Engineering, 1988,1989
Lian Duan and W.F. Chen
9. AASHTO Guidelines Slenderness effects in compression members
P-delta analysis
Moment magnification method P-delta, 5 iterations, 5% difference of displacement at top of the column between previous and present iterationsP-delta, 5 iterations, 5% difference of displacement at top of the column between previous and present iterations
10. Moment Magnification Method K=1 for braced column
K>1 for unbraced column
Neglect effects of slenderness
K L/r < 34-(12 M1b/M2b) braced column
K L/r < 22 un-braced column
K L/r >100 use P-delta analysis
11. Moment Magnification Method M2b is larger end moment due to dead load.
M2s is larger end moment due to Dead load or lateral load
M2b is larger end moment due to dead load.
M2s is larger end moment due to Dead load or lateral load
12. Moment Magnification Method Beta is ratio of maximum dead load moment to maximum total load moment.
M1b is smaller end moment due to Dead load
M2b is larger end moment due to dead load.Beta is ratio of maximum dead load moment to maximum total load moment.
M1b is smaller end moment due to Dead load
M2b is larger end moment due to dead load.
13. Moment Magnification Method Pier cap design for un-braced column
Total magnified moment at top of column
14. FIG. 3. Structural Model for a Single Span Frame.
15. FIG. 4. Bridge Elevation. 6 span bridge, 6 span bridge,
16. FIG. 5. Typical Sections.
17. FIG. 6. Pier Plan and Elevation
18. Pier Top Connection
19. FIG. 7. Pier Footings.
20. FIG. 8. GT STRUDL Model.
21. GT STRUDL INPUT Apply unit load at top of pier
Perform buckling analysis
List buckling shape
Member releases are not allowed. To simulate pin condition, defined a very short member with very small ITo simulate pin condition, defined a very short member with very small I
22. FIG. 9. Buckling Mode Shapes.
23. Table 1: Buckling Loads and K Values
With the same pier section, the longer pier has higher buckling load because shorter piers provide more lateral stiffness.With the same pier section, the longer pier has higher buckling load because shorter piers provide more lateral stiffness.
24. Findings The buckling load is sensitive to where the unit load is applied to.
Applying the unit load to all the piers at the same time will give you too conservative results.
Adding more members in the superstructure does not change the buckling loads.
Adding more members in the substructure does not change the buckling loads.
Typical K values used for pier design are very conservative.