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Understanding Organizational Growth and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the key factors influencing organizational growth and efficiency in the medium to long term. Explore the purpose of an organization and strategies to keep it agile and innovative. Learn about the essential roles of Production, Administration, Entrepreneurship, and Integration in maintaining organizational success. Find out when an organization grows old and methods to rejuvenate and stay relevant. Uncover the stages of organizational development from infancy to aristocracy and how to navigate challenges at each phase. Gain insights on effective leadership, risk management, and adaptability to sustain organizational youth and vitality.

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Understanding Organizational Growth and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Guide for Understanding Organizations Nicolás Jodal ARTech jnj@artech.com.uy

  2. What makes an organization grow old?

  3. When is an organization efficient in the medium and long term?

  4. What is the purpose of an organization?

  5. P - Production The purpose of the organization is satisfying its clients.

  6. Summary Role Impact Time P effectiveness short term

  7. A - Administration • It means • Systematizing • Transforming into a routine • Scheduling activities • So that things are done at the right time and with the right intensity

  8. A - Administration • The administrator must: • Facilitate implementation • Control work • But they must not: • Carry out production tasks • Define what has to be produced

  9. Summary: Role Impact Time P effectiveness short term A efficiency short term

  10. E - Entrepreneurship • Acting proactively and not reactively towards the future • Creativity • Assuming risk

  11. Summary Role Impact Time P short term efficiency A short term efficiency effectiveness long term E

  12. I - Integration

  13. I - Integration From a Mechanistic mindset… … to an Organic mindset

  14. When is an organization efficient and effective in both the short and long term?

  15. When it fulfills the four roles Role Impact Time P short term effectiveness A short term efficiency effectiveness E long term I long term efficiency

  16. What makes an Organization grow old?

  17. What does young or old mean? Flexibility Control High Low Prime Growth Aging

  18. Courtship (paEi)

  19. Affair (--E-) Courthsip (paEi)

  20. Infancy (Paei) Affair (--E-) Courtship (paEi)

  21. Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Affair (--E-) Courtship (paEi)

  22. Go-Go (PaEi) Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Affair (--E-) Courtship (paEi)

  23. Founder’s trap (P-E-) Go-Go (PaEi) Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Affair (--E-) Courtship (paEi)

  24. Adolescence (pAEi) Founder’s trap (P-E-) Go-Go (PaEi) Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Affair (--E-) Courtship (paEi)

  25. Premature Aging (PAeI) Divorce Adolescence (pAEi) Frustrated Entrepreneur (paEi) Founder’s trap (P-E-) Go-Go (PaEi) Infancy (Paei) Infant Mortality (P---) Courtship (paEi) Affair (--E-)

  26. Prime (PAEi) Premature Aging (PAeI) Divorce Adolescence (pAEi) Frustrated Entrepreneur (paEi) Founder’s trap (P-E-) Go-Go (PaEi) Infancy (Paei) Infant Mortality (P---) Courtship (paEi) Affair (--E-)

  27. Stable (PAeI) Prime (PAEi) Premature Aging (PAeI) Divorce Adolescence (pAEi) Frustrated Entrepreneur (paEi) Founder’s trap (P-E-) Go-Go (PaEi) Infancy (Paei) Infant Mortality (P---) Courtship (paEi) Affair (--E-)

  28. Stable (PAeI) Aristocracy (pAeI) Prime (PAEi) Divorce Premature Aging (PAeI) Adolescence (pAEi) Founder’s trap (P-E-) Frustrated Entrepreneur (paEi) Go-Go (PaEi) Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Courtship (paEi) Affair (--E-)

  29. Stable (PAeI) Prime (PAEi) Aristocracy (pAeI) Divorce Premature Aging (PAeI) Adolescence (pAEi) Early Bureaucracy (pA-i) Founder’s Trap (P-E-) Frustrated Entrepreneur (paEi) Go-Go (PaEi) Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Courtship (paEi) Affair (--E-)

  30. Stable (PAeI) Prime (PAEi) Aristocracy (pAeI) Divorce Premature Aging (PAeI) Adolescence (pAEi) Early Bureaucracy (pA-i) Founder’s Trap (P-E-) Frustrated Entrepreneur (paEi) Go-Go (PaEi) Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Bureaucracy (-A--) Courtship (paEi) Affair (--E-)

  31. Prime (PAEi) Aristocracy (pAeI) Divorce Premature Aging (PAeI) Adolescence (pAEi) Early Bureaucracy (pA-i) Founder’s Trap (P-E-) Frustradte Entrepreneur (paEi) Go-Go (PaEi) Infant Mortality (P---) Infancy (Paei) Bureaucracy (-A--) Death Courtship (paEi) Affair (--E-)

  32. What makes an Organization grow old? An Organization grows old when it loses its E LQQD

  33. Test Success through risk-taking Success through risk-avoidance Cash flow problems Good cash flow From why and what to do To how it was done and who did it Everything is permitted if not prohibited Everything is prohibited unless expressely permitted Problems are considered opportunities Opportunities are considered problems

  34. Aging It keeps people for their personality, regardless of their contribution to the organization

  35. Growth It keeps people for their contribuion, regardless of their personality

  36. What are we doing to keep our organizations young?

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