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9 minutes ago - <br><br>Copy Link https://uyahsegoro.blogspot.com/?book=B09NF9MPFT<br> | READ [PDF] The How to Guide on Testosterone Replacement Therapy: 117 Weeks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy <br><br><br>| ***2022 updated after 117 weeks (27 months) using TRT.New chapter and additional information has been added.***My marriage was basically sexless, I was tired, depressed, and getting fatter by the second. I believed that aging was natural and all the things I was going through mentally, physically, a
The How to Guide on Testosterone Replacement Therapy: 117 Weeks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy ***2022 updated after 117 weeks (27 months) using TRT.New chapter and additional information has been added.***My marriage was basically sexless, I was tired, depressed, and getting fatter by the second. I believed that aging was natural and all the things I was going through mentally, physically, and emotionally were normal for my age.To put it very bluntly I had not had a decent erection in years, hardly any desire for sex, I had no extra energy to play with my kids, and my man tits were starting to show. To top it off. I was very depressed because of the previously mentioned issues. My doctor prescribed me Cialis and Anti Depression meds. Yeah, this was going to be my life.Make no mistake! YOU ARE IN A FIGHT!◆Afight for a better life.◆Afight to improve your relationships.◆Afight for your health.◆Latly, a fight for your time on this earth and how you spend it.I was ready to fight so I forced myself to exercise, and I dieted like a crazy person all to no avail. Then I heard an advertisement on the radio for TRT. If you never realize that you are in a fight, then you stand no chance of competing?If you are like me you are probably wonderingWhat are my real options other than TRT?Will TRT help me?Are Men using this stuff (TRT) or not?Is it safe?What happens when you take it?I really wanted an honest testimonial from someone. I could not find one. I found many Doctors and businesses out there touting the success of TRT, but no one like me. No regular guy that could provide the answers I was looking for.I wanted to take every advantage I could to succeed in my life, in my relationships, in
my body. You can’tbeat life, not one single person ever has, but you can improve your odds when you realize that you have options. After I turned 40 I wrote down things I wanted to improve. Every time I would write out what I wanted, like, play more with the kids, or make my wife happy in the bedroom. It would come back to one of these 6 things. S-E-S-A-M-E. Sesame is an acronym I invented for several those 6 core components♥Se Drive♥Erctions♥Slep♥Atitude♥Mucle ♥EnrgyThese are the 6 core components, that I believe, are needed for an Amazing Life.So S.E.S.A.M.E was born as a way for me to apply data analysis to my health and well being. I went all the way back to my twenties and started thinking about how I felt and what I could do when I was that age. I lumped the years in 7 year blocks and then averaged the results to get the SESAME total for those years. By doing this I had a chart for my twenties, thirties, and now forties. I could actually make a comparison between the years and how I felt. I could also now forecast how I wanted to feel…and so I picked 29. I am 41 and my goal is to feel and live as though I am 29 again.S.E.S.A.M.E became my obsession as I have tried to improve my scores.In this Book you will get an in-depth and descriptive inside look at the world of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). I answer all your questions about what it’slike to go through TRT. I candidly discuss the good, bad, and ugly of this process. You will see intimately what I felt and went through weekly. I graphically describe the improvements and negative side effects that occurred.My current Q/L score is 40. Where will I be after 8 weeks? Was I able to get my 29 year old self back? What is my life like after 2 years on TRT? Was I able to bring something to the Fight and continue bringing something? Find out inside.
Bestselling new book releases The How to Guide on Testosterone Replacement Therapy: 117 Weeks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy