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Do you want to know what damage can a roof leak cause? then read this infographic to know how can you save future damages caused by a leaking roof. <br>
WHATDAMAGECAN A ROOFLEAKCAUSE? MOULDANDMILDEW When water is allowed to accumulate in your home, you can expect mould and mildew to begin growing. This can happen when a roof leaks. DAMAGETOROOFINGMATERIALS When wood is continually exposed to water, it can begin to discolour and rot. If you ignore a roof leak you might notice issues with beams, studs, and joists. DAMAGETOWALLSANDCEILINGS A roof leak can quickly go from affecting your roof space to the interior of your home, including walls and ceiling. DAMAGETOINSULATION Along with affecting the structure of your home, a leaking roof can also affect your home’s insulation. ELECTRICALPROBLEMS When water leaks into your roof, there’s the potential for it affect your electrics. This can result in short circuits and blown fuses, or worse. AUSTRALIAN WATERPROOFING COMPANY HTTPS://WWW.WATERPROOFING.MELBOURNE