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Searching and Integrating Information on the Web

This seminar explores data cleansing techniques to merge and purge conflicting records, addressing challenges like dirty data from multiple sources. It covers topics such as record linkage, approximate string joins, and interactive deduplication.

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Searching and Integrating Information on the Web

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  1. Searching and Integrating Information on the Web Seminar 3: Data Cleansing Professor Chen Li UC Irvine

  2. Paper readings • Efficient merge and purge: Hernandez and Stolfo, SIGMOD 1995 • Approximate String Joins in a Database (Almost) for Free, Gravano et al, VLDB 2001, • Efficient Record Linkage in Large Data Sets, Liang Jin, Chen Li, Sharad Mehrotra, DASFAA, 2003 • Sunita Sarawagi Anuradha Bhamidipaty, Interactive Deduplication Using Active Learning. Sarawagi and Bhamidipaty, KDD 2003 Seminar 3

  3. Motivation • Correlate data from different data sources (e.g., data integration) • Data is often dirty • Needs to be cleansed before being used • Example: • A hospital needs to merge patient records from different data sources • They have different formats, typos, and abbreviations Seminar 3

  4. Example Table R Table S • Find records from different datasets that could be the same entity Seminar 3

  5. Another Example • P. Bernstein, D. Chiu: Using Semi-Joins to Solve Relational Queries. JACM 28(1): 25-40(1981) • Philip A. Bernstein, Dah-Ming W. Chiu, Using Semi-Joins to Solve Relational Queries, Journal of the ACM (JACM), v.28 n.1, p.25-40, Jan. 1981 Seminar 3

  6. Record linkage Problem statement: “Given two relations, identify the potentially matched records • Efficiently and • Effectively” Seminar 3

  7. Challenges • How to define good similarity functions? • Many functions proposed (edit distance, cosine similarity, …) • Domain knowledge is critical • Names: “Wall Street Journal” and “LA Times” • Address: “Main Street” versus “Main St” • How to do matching efficiently • Offline join version • Online (interactive) search • Nearest search • Range search Seminar 3

  8. Outline • Supporting string-similarity joins using RDBMS • Using mapping techniques • Interactive deduplication Seminar 3

  9. Edit Distance • A widely used metric to define string similarity • Ed(s1,s2)= minimum # of operations (insertion, deletion, substitution) to change s1 to s2 • Example: s1: Tom Hanks s2: Ton Hank ed(s1,s2) = 2 Seminar 3

  10. Approximate String Joins • We want to join tuples with “similar” string fields • Similarity measure: Edit Distance • Each Insertion, Deletion, Replacement increases distance by one Seminar 3

  11. Focus: Approximate String Joins over Relational DBMSs • Join two tables on string attributes and keep all pairs of strings with Edit Distance ≤ K • Solve the problem in a database-friendly way (if possible with an existing "vanilla" RDBMS) Seminar 3

  12. Current Approaches for Processing Approximate String Joins No native support for approximate joins in RDBMSs Two existing (straightforward) solutions: • Join data outside of DBMS • Join data via user-defined functions (UDFs) inside the DBMS Seminar 3

  13. Approximate String Joins outside of a DBMS • Export data • Join outside of DBMS • Import the result Main advantage: We can exploit any state-of-the-art string-matching algorithm, without restrictions from DBMS functionality Disadvantages: • Substantial amounts of data to be exported/imported • Cannot be easily integrated with further processing steps in the DBMS Seminar 3

  14. Approximate String Joins with UDFs • Write a UDF to check if two strings match within distance K • Write an SQL statement that applies the UDF to the string pairs SELECT R.stringAttr, S.stringAttr FROM R, S WHERE edit_distance(R.stringAttr, S.stringAttr, K) Main advantage: Ease of implementation Main disadvantage: UDF applied to entire cross-product of relations Seminar 3

  15. Our Approach: Approximate String Joins over an Unmodified RDBMS • Preprocess data and generate auxiliary tables • Perform join exploiting standard RDBMS capabilities Advantages • No modification of underlying RDBMS needed. • Can leverage the RDBMS query optimizer. • Much more efficient than the approach based on naive UDFs Seminar 3

  16. Intuition and Roadmap • Intuition: • Similar strings have many common substrings • Use exact joins to perform approximate joins (current DBMSs are good for exact joins) • A good candidate set can be verified for false positives [Ukkonen 1992, Sutinen and Tarhio 1996, Ullman 1977] • Roadmap: • Break strings into substrings of length q (q-grams) • Perform an exact join on the q-grams • Find candidate string pairs based on the results • Check only candidate pairs with a UDF to obtain final answer Seminar 3

  17. What is a “Q-gram”? • Q-gram: A sequence of q characters of the original string Example for q=3 vacations {##v, #va, vac, aca, cat, ati, tio, ion, ons, ns$, s$$} String with length L → L + q - 1 q-grams • Similar stringshave a many common q-grams Seminar 3

  18. Q-grams and Edit Distance Operations • With no edits: L + q - 1 common q-grams • Replacement: (L + q – 1) - q common q-grams Vacations: {##v, #va, vac, aca, cat, ati, tio, ion, ons, ns#, s$$} Vacalions: {##v, #va, vac, aca, cal, ali, lio, ion, ons, ns#, s$$} • Insertion: (Lmax + q – 1) - q common q-grams Vacations: {##v, #va, vac, aca, cat, ati, tio, ion, ons, ns#, s$$} Vacatlions: {##v, #va, vac, aca, cat, atl, tli, lio, ion, ons, ns#, s$$} • Deletion: (Lmax + q – 1) - q common q-grams Vacations: {##v, #va, vac, aca, cat, ati, tio, ion, ons, ns#, s$$} Vacaions: {##v, #va, vac, aca, cai, aio, ion, ons, ns#, s$$} Seminar 3

  19. Number of Common Q-grams and Edit Distance • For Edit Distance = K, there could be at most K replacements, insertions, deletions • Two strings S1 and S2 with Edit Distance ≤ K have at least [max(S1.len, S2.len) + q - 1] – Kq q-grams in common • Useful filter: eliminate all string pairs without "enough" common q-grams (no false dismissals) Seminar 3

  20. Using a DBMS for Q-gram Joins • If we have the q-grams in the DBMS, we can perform this counting efficiently. • Create auxiliary tables with tuples of the form: <sid, strlen, qgram> and join these tables • A GROUP BY – HAVING COUNT clause can perform the counting / filtering Seminar 3

  21. Eliminating Candidate Pairs: COUNT FILTERING SQL for this filter: (parts omitted for clarity) SELECT R.sid, S.sid FROM R, S WHERE R.qgram=S.qgram GROUP BY R.sid, S.sid HAVING COUNT(*) >= (max(R.strlen, S.strlen) + q - 1) – K*q The result is the pair of strings with sufficiently enough common q-grams to ensure that we will not have false negatives. Seminar 3

  22. Eliminating Candidate Pairs Further: LENGTH FILTERING Strings with length difference larger than K cannot be within Edit Distance K SELECT R.sid, S.sid FROM R, S WHERE R.qgram=S.qgram AND abs(R.strlen - S.strlen)<=K GROUP BY R.sid, S.sid HAVING COUNT(*) >= (max(R.strlen, S.strlen) + q – 1) – K*q We refer to this filter as LENGTH FILTERING Seminar 3

  23. Exploiting Q-gram Positions for Filtering • Consider strings aabbzzaacczz and aacczzaabbzz • Strings are at edit distance 4 • Strings have identical q-grams for q=3 Problem: Matching q-grams that are at different positions in both strings • Either q-grams do not "originate" from same q-gram, or • Too many edit operations "caused" spurious q-grams at various parts of strings to match Seminar 3

  24. POSITION FILTERING - Filtering using positions • Keep the position of the q-grams <sid, strlen, pos, qgram> • Do not match q-grams that are more than K positions away SELECT R.sid, S.sid FROM R, S WHERE R.qgram=S.qgram AND abs(R.strlen - S.strlen)<=K AND abs(R.pos - S.pos)<=K GROUP BY R.sid, S.sid HAVING COUNT(*) >= (max(R.strlen, S.strlen) + q – 1) – K*q We refer to this filter as POSITION FILTERING Seminar 3

  25. The Actual, Complete SQL Statement SELECT R1.string, S1.string, R1.sid, S1.sid FROM R1, S1, R, S, WHERE R1.sid=R.sid AND S1.sid=S.sid AND R.qgram=S.qgram AND abs(strlen(R1.string)–strlen(S1.string))<=K AND abs(R.pos - S.pos)<=K GROUP BY R1.sid, S1.sid, R1.string, S1.string HAVING COUNT(*) >= (max(strlen(R1.string),strlen(S1.string))+ q-1)–K*q Seminar 3

  26. Summary of 1st paper • Introduced a technique for mapping approximate string joins into a “vanilla” SQL expression • Our technique does not require modifying the underlying RDBMS Seminar 3

  27. Outline • Supporting string-similarity joins using RDBMS • Using mapping techniques • Interactive deduplication Seminar 3

  28. Single-attribute Case • Given • two sets of strings, R and S • a similarity function f between strings (metric space) • Reflexive: f(s1,s2) = 0 iff s1=s2 • Symmetric: f(s1,s2) = d(s2, s1) • Triangle inequality: f(s1,s2)+f(s2,s3) >= f(s1,s3) • a threshold k • Find: all pairs of strings (r, s) from R and S, such that f(r,s) <= k. R S Seminar 3

  29. Nested-loop? • Not desirable for large data sets • 5 hours for 30K strings! Seminar 3

  30. Our 2-step approach • Step 1: map strings (in a metric space) to objects in a Euclidean space • Step 2: do a similarity join in the Euclidean space Seminar 3

  31. Advantages • Applicable to many metric similarity functions • Use edit distance as an example • Other similarity functions also tried, e.g., q-gram-based similarity • Open to existing algorithms • Mapping techniques • Join techniques Seminar 3

  32. Step 1 Map strings into a high-dimensional Euclidean space Metric Space Euclidean Space Seminar 3

  33. Mapping: StringMap • Input: A list of strings • Output: Points in a high-dimensional Euclidean space that preserve the original distances well • A variation of FastMap • Each step greedily picks two strings (pivots) to form an axis • All axes are orthogonal Seminar 3

  34. Can it preserve distances? • Data Sources: • IMDB star names: 54,000 • German names: 132,000 • Distribution of string lengths: Seminar 3

  35. Can it preserve distances? • Use data set 1 (54K names) as an example • k=2, d=20 • Use k’=5.2 to differentiate similar and dissimilar pairs. Seminar 3

  36. Choose Dimensionality d Increase d? • Good : • better to differentiate similar pairs from dissimilar ones. • Bad : • Step 1: Efficiency ↓ • Step 2: “curse of dimensionality” Seminar 3

  37. # of pairs within distance w Cost= # of similar pairs Choose dimensionality d using sampling • Sample 1Kx1K strings, find their similar pairs (within distance k) • Calculate maximum of their new distances w • Define “Cost” of finding a similar pair: Seminar 3

  38. Choose Dimensionality d d=15 ~ 25 Seminar 3

  39. Choose new threshold k’ • Closely related to the mapping property • Ideally, if ed(r,s) <= k, the Euclidean distance between two corresponding points <= k’. • Choose k’ using sampling • Sample 1Kx1K strings, find similar pairs • Calculate their maximum new distance as k’ • repeat multiple times, choose their maximum Seminar 3

  40. New threshold k’ in step 2 d=20 Seminar 3

  41. Step 2: Similarity Join • Input: Two sets of points in Euclidean space. • Output: Pairs of two points whose distance is less than new threshold k’. • Many join algorithms can be used Seminar 3

  42. Example • Adopted an algorithm by Hjaltason and Samet. • Building two R-Trees. • Traverse two trees, find points whose distance is within k’. • Pruning during traversal (e.g., using MinDist). Seminar 3

  43. Final processing • Among the pairs produced from the similarity-join step, check their edit distance. • Return those pairs satisfying the threshold k Seminar 3

  44. Running time Seminar 3

  45. Recall • Recall: (#of found similar pairs)/(#of all similar pairs) Seminar 3

  46. Multi-attribute linkage • Example: title + name + year • Different attributes have different similarity functions and thresholds • Consider merge rules in disjunctive format: Seminar 3

  47. Evaluation strategies • Many ways to evaluate rules • Finding an optimal one: NP-hard • Heuristics: • Treat different conjuncts independently. Pick the “most efficient” attribute in each conjunct. • Choose the largest threshold for each attribute. Then choose the “most efficient” attribute among these thresholds. Seminar 3

  48. Summary of 2nd paper • A novel two-step approach to record linkage. • Many existing mapping and join algorithms can be adopted • Applicable to many distance metrics. • Time and space efficient. • Multi-attribute case studied Seminar 3

  49. Outline • Supporting string-similarity joins using RDBMS • Using mapping techniques • Interactive deduplication Seminar 3

  50. Matching Functions Calculate similarity scores, thresholds Tedious coding Learning-based Methods Require large-sized training set for accuracy (static training set) Difficult to provide a covering and challenging training set that will bring out the subtlety of deduplication function Problems with Existing Deduplication Methods Seminar 3

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