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LESSON 4. 自我介紹信 & 求職申請信. Why cover letter? . (1) Most employers read your cover letter first (2) Cannot speak to the person directly (3) A writing sample of yours (4) The first connection between you and the company. REVIEW—Formal Letter. First Paragraph-- short purpose

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  1. LESSON4 自我介紹信&求職申請信

  2. Why cover letter? • (1) Most employers read your cover letter first • (2) Cannot speak to the person directly • (3) A writing sample of yours • (4) The first connection between you and the company

  3. REVIEW—Formal Letter • First Paragraph-- short purpose • Subsequent Paragraphs • Relevant information behind the writing • Essentials and concentrate/clear and logical • Last Paragraph– what you hope others to do ※ Proofread your letter※

  4. Basic Structure I. • What position are you going to apply for? • Self-introduction (simple). • Your qualification. • Asking (politely) for an interview.


  6. Create a “Narrative Hook” What benefits can you offer ? What do you want? • Purpose • I’m writing to apply for the position of … • I’m seeking a job as an … • I’m writing in reply to your advertisement for… • I’ve long been interested in • working for your company. • I have exactly the • background you’re asking for.

  7. HOW TO BEGIN? Dear Mr. White, • My name is Ryoma Cheng, a recent graduate of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. • I’m writing to apply for the position of development engineer. • I’ve been hoping to find the kind of position you’re offering because I have exactly the background you’re asking for. • I majored in computer science and have three years experience in related fields. I believe this should qualify me for the position. • Enclosedherewith are copies of my diplomas and resume for your reference. • I am looking forward to your reply. • Sincerely yours, • Jeanne Yang Main Purpose: Apply for a job The job you are applying for+ What qualifications do you have?

  8. Main Content

  9. Rule of thumb • Who you are and what you are about. • Your experience & profession: • I was an employee of … • (Profession)Ispecialize in… • (Profession)I am able to… • (Experience)I have rich experience in … • (Major)Imajored in… • Be Clear: How much information? • (1) Show your capacity:Why you are suitable for the job. • (II)Simply& Efficient: Hook readers’ attention.

  10. Questions to ask II. • Why the company? • Why you? • Have you developed a very special skill? • What distinguishes you from other applicants?

  11. Example 1 簡單地介紹自己的基本資料以及 與此職位的相關經歷,如相關科系畢業,有相關證照或曾經從事相關工作。並說明為何適合此職位的原因。 Dear Mr. White, I’m writing to apply for the position of computer clerk. I majored in computer science and have three years experience in this work. I believe this should qualify me for the position. Enclosed herewith are copies of my diplomas and resume for your reference. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Jeanne Yang

  12. Example 2 (Simplified Ver.) 基本資料 +簡述相關經歷。 強調自己的能力。

  13. Example 3

  14. Impress the reader with a finishing touch • I am confident that my experience can fulfill the requirements of this position. • I believe that my skills could be of use to your company. • I believe I am the best man for this position.

  15. HOW to CLOSE?

  16. Maintain Momentum--- An Interview • Passive : you decide… • Active : Tell the reader when… • Active + : I’ll call you and meet you asap. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-close-a-cover-letter.html • EXTRA: • Contact information & Certifications

  17. PASSIVE CLOSE • A copy of my resume is enclosed for your consideration. If you have an interest in my background, I would be pleased to hear from you. I’ve enclosed my resume,… …you can contact me if you like it.

  18. ACTIVE CLOSE Perhaps we can meet and discuss my qualification. I can meet you at your convenience. • Perhaps we could meet and discuss my qualification in detail. I’m flexible on timing during business hours or afterwards.

  19. ACTIVE+ CLOSE I really want to meet with you ! • I’m eager to meet with you to discuss my qualification. You can reach me immediately on my mobile phone at 888-888-8888. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please contact me as soon as possible, Thank you !

  20. Asking for an Interview • Be grateful:  • Thank you very much for your time and consideration. • Thank you for considering my application • I would be very grateful for your consideration. • Asking for an interview: • I would appreciate it if you can grant me an interview. • I am available to come for an interview at your convenience. • I look forward to hearing from you. • I'm looking forward to your reply

  21. REVIEW

  22. 基本架構 (review) 1.點明來信目的:應徵。 Ex. I’m writing to apply for the position of finance manager. 2. 簡述相關經歷。 Ex. I’m specialized semiconductor circuits design and have rich experience in patent claims. 3. 表示期待面試機會。 Ex. I would be very grateful for your consideration.

  23. 實用例句分析 • 地一部分: 說明自己要應徵的職位, 並表達對應徵此職位的熱誠。 • 實用例句: • I’m writing (I wish) to apply for the position of ….. • I’m replying to your advertisement for …. • .I would like to apply for… • .I’m seeking a job as an ….. • 加強自己的動機及對方的印象: • 1.I’ve long been interested in working for your company. • 2.I have exactly the background you’re asking for.

  24. 第二部分: 簡述自己的基本資料以及與此職位的相關經歷。並說明為何適合此職位的原因。 • 實用例句: • 介紹自己的經歷及專長: 1.I was an employee of …..for…... • .I’m specialized in…… • .I am able to….. • .I have rich experience in …… • .I majored in … • 適度地表達自己能勝任此份工作 (optional): • .I am confident that my experience can fulfill the requirements of this position. • .I believe that my skills could be of use to your company. • .I believe I am the best man for this position. • .I believe I am the best man for the job.

  25. 適度地感謝對方: • .Thank you very much for your time and consideration. • .Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to • meetingyou. • 表示期待得到回信或面試的機會: • .I would be very grateful for your consideration. • .I would appreciate it if you could grant me an interview. • .I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can fully explain my qualifications. • .I am available to come for an interview at your convenience. • .I look forward to hearing from you. • .I’m looking forward to your reply. • 第三部分: 表示期待得到回信或面試的機會。 實用例句:

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