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Tolga ÇAKMAK – Jan 04, 2012

Content Analysis of OpenCourseWare Initiatives within the Scope of Digital Literacy Skills Turkish OpenCourseWare Consortium Case. Tolga ÇAKMAK – Jan 04, 2012. BBY 608 - Electronic Information Services. Outline. Open Education Resources Digital Literacy Skills General Overview

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Tolga ÇAKMAK – Jan 04, 2012

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  1. Content Analysis of OpenCourseWare Initiatives within the Scope of Digital Literacy SkillsTurkish OpenCourseWare Consortium Case Tolga ÇAKMAK – Jan 04, 2012 BBY 608 - Electronic Information Services

  2. Outline • Open Education Resources • Digital Literacy Skills • General Overview • Methodology • Findings • Results and Recommendations

  3. OER • Definition of Open EducationResources?? • teaching, learning or research materials • in public domain • released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation and distribution (UNESCO, 2009).

  4. OER • Definition of Open EducationResources?? • digitized materials • freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners • Aim: use and reuse of thematerials for teaching, learning and research.

  5. Digital Literacy • Web 2.0 • New technologies and new resources • Controlled and uncontrolled contents • Critical thinking

  6. Digital Literacy • The digital literacy skills required for OER include: 1. Evaluating the resource 1.1.Where does the resource come from? 1.2.Who produced it? 1.3. Does it have use appropriate sources? 1.4. How current is it?

  7. Digital Literacy • 2. What can I do with resource? 2.1. Are there any license restrictions? 2.2. Is the resource format suitable for adaptation? • 3. Resources assumed to use the resource 3.1. Does it require access to particular digital resources (course readings)? 3.2. Does it require access to particular software 3.3. Does it require access to particular tools/ infrastructure?

  8. Digital Literacy • 4. Type of interaction assumed by the resource 4.1. Does it assume any particular type of interaction (group work?) 4.2. Does it assume any form of online interaction/ community? 4.3. Does it assume expert assistance? 4.4. How does it fit with my patterns of learning?

  9. General Overview • OpenCourseWare(OCW) - by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2000. • Many projects and consortia which enable access to course materials have been developed.

  10. E O R General Overview • In Turkey, the first initiative as regards OER is “Turkish OpenCourseWare Consortium” attempted by The Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) in 2007. • aimed to present course contents including curriculum, notes and presentations (powerpoint, video, animations, etc.) of the course • There were 65 universities attending the consortium in 2010, but merely five of them had active participations (Çağıltay, 2010). • However, today this number has been made 13.

  11. General Overview • All OER projects and consortia can be regarded as a considerably effective means of; • lifelong learning for each individual • connection between formal, non-formal and informal learning. • «OER have not only been one of the significant ways to reach information sources and course materials but also an efficient tool to disseminate information among higher educational institutions, particularly in the past decade.»

  12. Methodology • Aim: to demonstrate the current situation of first and main OER initiative, conducted by Turkish Academy of Science in terms of digital literacy skills that were determined under the scope of Information Literacy. • The focus group: Turkish OpenCourseWare Consortium. http://www.acikders.org.tr/ • Findings were gathered and obtained through content analysis and web based checklist. • Related research data were assessed via Predictive Analytics Software (PASW).

  13. Findings Content Distribution

  14. Who Produced it? Findings

  15. Who Produced it? Findings

  16. Course Type? Findings

  17. Course Level? Findings

  18. Course Topics Findings

  19. How current is it? Findings

  20. Findings • AdditionalResources • Courses thathaveadditionalresourcelist: 67.2% • Courses thathaveexams: 68.7% • 6 Courses haveassignmentsorlabstudiesalthoughtheydon’thaveanyexam. • 6 Courses requireadditionalprogramsforeffectivelearning • .jar • .c • PASW • .swf

  21. Findings Content Type?

  22. Findings How to create a course?

  23. Findings What can i do with resource

  24. Results & Recommendations • Most of the courses are created by Turkish scholars • Content creation policies should be revised • Moodle functions can be promoted instead of promoting PDF upload process. • Almost the same content is produced in the disciplines of social sciences, science • More content can be added in the discipline of engineering. • Other contributors or other content providers should be encourged.

  25. Results & Recommendations • OCW, as new controlled information resources,vitally significant and essential for individuals. • Turkish OpenCourseWare Consortium can be a crashing point of all organizational OCW initiatives.

  26. Thank you!Questions & Comments??Open is the Power! Tolga ÇAKMAK – Jan 04, 2012 BBY 608 - Electronic Information Services

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