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Metadata to Support the Survey Life Cycle

Learn about Statistics Canada's Integrated Metadatabase (IMDB) for managing survey metadata through a comprehensive model. Explore tools for metadata entry, time travel versioning, and metadata organization for over 560 surveys.

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Metadata to Support the Survey Life Cycle

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  1. Metadata to Support the Survey Life Cycle Alice Born, Statistics Canada Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECDWork Session on Statistical Metadata(METIS)Geneva, April 3-5, 2006

  2. Outline • Description of STC’s Integrated Metadatabase (IMDB) • Common metatdata set for a survey life cycle • Tools for entering metadata • Time travel – versioning rules • Complete model

  3. Corporate metadata at Statistics Canada • Integrated Metadatabase (IMDB) • Collection of information about each of Statistics Canada’s 560+ current surveys • Aimed at helping users interpret statistical data • Survey description • Survey instrument • Methodology • Data accuracy • Variables, classifications

  4. What is the IMDB based on? • ISO 11179 Specification and Standardization of Data Elements • Corporate Metadata Repository (CMR) – USBC (D. Gillman) • Extension of ANSI X3.285 for the management of statistical information (American National Standards Institute metamodel)

  5. Surveys - definition • Metadata in the IMDB is organized around the survey entity • Refers to collection, compilation and publication of data measuring characteristics of a population • Three types of surveys: • Direct • Administrative • Derived

  6. Statistical Activities • Group of surveys that share common feature, common explanatory text • E.g., System of National Accounts:The Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA) provides a conceptually integrated framework of statistics and analysis for studying the state and behaviour of the Canadian economy. The accounts are centered on the measurement of activities associated with production of goods and services, the sales of goods and services in final markets, the supporting financial transactions and the resulting wealth positions.

  7. Regions Statistical Activity Organization Survey Stewardship Contact Universe Documentation Frame Identification Survey instance Identification Time Frame Instrument Keyword Question Classification Theme Data file Methodology Data Element Instrument designSamplingData sourceError detectionImputationEstimationQuality evaluationDisclosure controlRevisions and seasonal adjustmentData accuracy Data Element Concept Object Class Property Formula Conceptual Domain Value Domain

  8. Common metadata set for survey life cycle Statistical activity Survey (direct, administrative, derived) Target population (population, statistical unit) Survey instance (each survey process) Collection instrument Methodology Data accuracy Documentation Data file (Data elements, value domains)

  9. Common metadata set for survey life cycle Methodology Instrument design Sampling Collection method Error detection Imputation Estimation Quality evaluation Disclosure control Revisions and seasonal adjustment

  10. Common metadata set for survey life cycle Survey Survey Instance- questionnaires- variables (DE)- methodology- data accuracy

  11. Common metadata set for survey life cycle Survey Instruments

  12. Common metadata set for survey life cycle Data elements

  13. Common metadata set for survey life cycle Methodology Target population Instrument design

  14. Tools for loading metadata into IMDB

  15. Statistical Activity - Identification Tab

  16. Statistical Activity and Survey- DescriptionTab

  17. Survey Instance (cycle) – Times Frames

  18. Data sources – Description

  19. Versioning (time-travel) • Metadata change over time – each survey instance, survey or statistical activity • Rules for revisions and versioning of administered items • Three functions: • Create • Update • Version

  20. Versioning (time-travel) Survey: • Changes to mandate or subject of survey – new survey (new IMDB record and new SDDS number) • Changes to characteristics of surveys – new version of survey Survey instance: • Each reference period – new version of the instance • Now it coincides with release of data in the Daily • Demand for the new instance version to coincide with collection start dates • Central link to versioning of other administered items (instrument, methodology and data file)

  21. Versioning (time-travel) Target population: • Changes result in a new version of the survey and target population Statistical activity: • Changes to program mandate or structure (addition or removal of surveys) results in new version of statistical activity

  22. StatisticalActivity Applications/Software Target population Survey Frame and Sample Methodology Survey Instance Products(COR) Instrument Data File Data elements

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