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Explore LLRF system issues in Crab Cavities for optimal performance - from phasing to amplitude control and noise reduction. Detailed analysis and solutions provided by Cockcroft Institute researchers.
Modelling LLRF performance for Crab Cavities A. C. Dexter and G. Burt Cockcroft Institute (Lancaster University) Part of this work was funded through EUCARD
LHC Crab Cavity LLRF System Issues • Phasing cavities to each other. • Phasing cavities to the arrival of beam bunches. • Amplitude control so bunches get the correct rotation at IP. • Amplitude control to perfectly eliminate rotation after the IP. • Detected failure of LLRF system to regulate power amplifier. • Transverse kick following quench of superconducting crab cavity. • Cavity spectral noise reducing emittance. • Excitation of the LOM in the 4 rod cavity
LHC Crab Cavity LLRF System Issues 1&2 • 1. Phasing cavities to each other. (avoids transverse offsets at the IP) • Emittance growth due to DC transverse offsets at the collision point has been studied by S. Paret and J. Qiang. • Assume 110 milli-deg white noise in crab cavity and had unacceptable emittance growth but this could be corrected by the transverse damping system. • Synchronisation to 20 milli-degrees is likely to be readily achievable. 2. Phasing cavities to the arrival of beam bunches.(avoids longitudinal offsets of collisions) Not identified as an issue.
LHC Crab Cavity LLRF System Issues 3-5 • Amplitude control so bunches get the correct rotation at IP. • (Errors only affect luminosity, luminosity levelling is to be used anyway) • Amplitude control to perfectly eliminate rotation after the IP.(consequence of imperfect cancellation after many turns) • Not likely to control amplitude better than 1/16000 (14 significant bits) hence after 8000 machine turns (two crab systems per turn) the bunch could have its full crabbing angle. • Is there a non disrupted method of measuring crabbing angle? • Detected failure of LLRF system to regulate power amplifier. • (If the LLRF system decides to drive the crab cavity with the wrong phase then there is insufficient time to dump the beam before damage is caused) • To mitigate this one can only steer the beam back to the correct direction after passing through the crab cavities.
LHC Crab Cavity LLRF System Issue 6a • Transverse kick following quench of superconducting crab cavity • (results for slow undetected quench below) Quench from Qext= 600000 to Qext = 30000 in 1ms Fast quench shown last year. Experiments suggest phase change hence need to look at Lorentz detuning and pressure detuning
LHC Crab Cavity LLRF System Issue 6b • Transverse kick following quench + detune of superconducting crab cavity • (results for slow undetected quench below) Quench from Qext= 600000 to Qext = 30000 in 1ms + detune ½ bandwidth Detune plus quench can gives about 20 degrees phase error in this case.
LHC Crab Cavity LLRF System Issues 7. Cavity spectral noise reducing emittance. cds.cern.ch/record/1619669/files/CERN-OPEN-2013-032.pdf LHC AND CLIC LLRF FINAL REPORTS. Steps planned from last year • Obtain better time domain estimates of bunch offsets • Determine predictability of bunch offsets as this allows feed forward • Obtain likely microphonic spectra • Evaluate kick summations for a wide range of disturbance parameters • Repeat analysis for a crab cavity in the SPS • Determine key investigations that can validate expected bunch lifetimes This year diverted attention to the LOM
4 rod cavity simulation with no measurement errors Power follows beam offset Dips follow gaps in bunch structure Amplitude correction depends on gain Phase follows microphonics
Beam offset frequency = 5.000 kHz Cavity microphonics = 2.000 kHz Revolution frequency = 11.245 kHz FourierCoefficients no measurement errors Gaps in the bunch structure give the largest response
Noise sources I temperature vibration VCO IQ Detector Controller Vector Modulator Q PLL filter digitisation electron source Phase Detector d.c. voltage source cavity pick-up beam pick-up beam offset microphonics getting 16 bit accuracy at 100 MBPS is difficult main interest here is measurement errors between cavity pick-up and controller beam offset probably known but use arbitrary values here cavity can be modified to change microphonic spectrum but arbitrary values used
With errors Amplitude measurement error = 0.01% Phase measurement error = 0.005 degrees Time delay = 0.5 ms
crab voltage kick betatron motion synchrotron motion axis RF Spectral Noise and Beam Effects Sum voltage acting on a particle starting displacement at x(to) with phase f(to) is given as Both the phase f and the offset x are oscillatory at crab cavity Can do explicit summations to get effective voltage acting on particles as a function of their Betatron and Synchrotron phases. Sum on revolutions until phases de-cohere. Noise at synchrotron frequency gives differential transverse kicks Noise at betatron frequency gives differential longitudinal kicks What does white noise do?
Kick contribution after m revolutions For one disturbance frequency fn the previous formulation for small bunches yields Transverse damping can only remove this term From before Fourier coefficients can be determined for known disturbances Terms containing the phase are different for differing particles in the same bunch For all frequencies we are interested in summations of the form
White noise Big kicks clearly come from when frequencies are equal to revolution frequencies +/- the synchrotron or betratron frequency but for white noise there is perfect cancellation
Sum kick for a disturbance at synchrotron freq. Graphs give voltage kicks acting on particles phased apart by 90 degrees in the same bunch. The kick becomes unacceptable after a few tens of turns.
Kick as summation For convenience have moved synchrotron frequency away from disturbance frequency Kicks are worryingly large.
4 Rod cavity LOM excitation – bunch kicks The 400 MHz four rod crab cavity has to have an acceleration mode near 370 GHz Accelerating modes take energy from the beam and for an unbroken bunch train give the same kick to each bunch. This is not true when the train has gaps.
cavity phasors referenced to bunch freq. Cavity phasor starts at the origin. Each bunch moves phasor to right by 1.0 If LOM frequency is 9⅓ times bunch frequency then phasor rotates by 270 deg and damps a little between bunches. END (after bunch) START
4 Rod cavity LOM resonant excitation Excitation of the LOM voltage depends on the Mode frequency and has resonances at multiples of the bunch repetition frequency (40 MHz here) Strong damping limits the voltage induced and the maximum kick.
Damping options Specification asks for LOM damping with Q < 100 (This requires big opening in cavity which compromises performance in the operating mode) Is there a safe option to damp with Q > 100 must demonstrate that the cavity never be deformed so that the LOM becomes resonant or must have protection that dumps the beam if LOM moves onto resonance Could use Active Damping to compensate for gaps Could even use Active Damping to control voltage near or at resonance.
÷ 4 x 37 I VCO IQ Detector Controller Vector Modulator Q PLL filter set point Phase Detector Processor Bunch Counter Crab Cavity Beam pick-up LLRF scheme to damp LOM Away from resonance use active damping to compensate gaps so that every bunch gets the same kick. Important to limit bunch growth. This kick can be set at precisely zero or alternatively at the steady state point. Must drive at LOM frequency. Must be synchronised to bunches with a set fractional ratio to minimise noise at small offset frequencies. Must have virtual response in less than 25ns hence an element of feed forward. Each bunch rotates cavity phasor to an new location. The controller moves the set point simultaneously (every 25 ns) so that departures form the desired phase are corrected Multiplying bunch interval by 9⅓ means that only 3 set points are needed
Active Damping Applied No power need during train, 100W needed to correct during gap
Active Damping Applied at Resonance Without active damping kicks rise to ~ 50 kV during bunch
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LLRF parameters Master oscillator frequency (MHz) : 400.8 Bucket frequency (MHz) : 40.08 Energy set point (Joules per cell) : 1.89 Maximum Amp Power (Watts per cell) : 8500.0 Maximum beam offset (mm) : -0.250 1 for random offset 0 for periodic : 0 Offset fluctuation frequency (Hz) : various (200 -5000) Initial Bunch phase retard (degrees) : 0.0 Bunch phase jitter (degrees) : 0.0 1 for random charge fluc 0 for periodic : 0 Phase jitter frequency (Hz) : 5000 Bunch charge fluctuation (fraction) : 0.005 1 for random charge fluc 0 for periodic : 1 Charge fluctuation frequency (Hz) : 5000 Bunch charge (Coulombs) : 3.2e-8 Bunch train length (seconds) : 86.90166e-6 Bunch train gap length (seconds) : 2.02096e-6 RF advance time (seconds) : 200.0e-6 Cavity freq. shift from microphonics Hz : 40.0 Vibration frequency of cavity (Hz) : various (200 -2000) Initial vibration phase (degrees, sin) : 0 Measurement phase error in degrees : various (0.0, 0.005,…) Measurement amplitude error as fraction : various (0.0, 0.0001. …) Delay for control system in seconds : 0.5e-6 Control update interval in seconds : 0.5e-6 Initial gain constant for controller : various (5-10 optimum) Amplifier Bandwidth : 5.0e6 Measurement filter bandwidth : 10.0e6 Feed forward sum jump (~1.2e6) : 0.0e6 Bunch structure was hard coded Largest cavity perturbation is the bunch offset A stiff cavity should minimise microphonics
Cavity Model Input coupler Mode damping included in mode circuit resistance Solve in time domain with 4th order Runge Kutta one time step per RF cycle