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4- 苯基二苯甲酮與三乙胺電荷 - 轉移誘導激態複合體的形成及其光化學的應用. 陳順基 明志科技大學化工系. The Exciplex Formation of Charge-Transfer Induced 4- Phenylbenzophenone with Triethylamine and the Application in Photochemistry. 中華民國一百年十二月二十四日. Jablonski Diagram. Photophysics. Photochemistry. 2.
4-苯基二苯甲酮與三乙胺電荷-轉移誘導激態複合體的形成及其光化學的應用4-苯基二苯甲酮與三乙胺電荷-轉移誘導激態複合體的形成及其光化學的應用 陳順基 明志科技大學化工系 The Exciplex Formation ofCharge-Transfer Induced 4- Phenylbenzophenone withTriethylamine and the Application in Photochemistry 中華民國一百年十二月二十四日
Jablonski Diagram Photophysics Photochemistry 2
Identification of (n, *) & (,*) 單態的(n , *)及(, *)性質: 參態的(n , *)及(, *)性質: 3
Molecular Complex E A I D + - S D + A 1 D H E 1 S D + A 0 D E CT D H 0 間 距 離 D A Electron donor-acceptor complex (EDA complex) Mulliken CT吸收理論 Ψ(S0) = aΨ(DA) + bΨ(D+A-) Ψ(S1) = aΨ (D+A-)bΨ (DA) ECT = ID EA (H1 H0) 4
激態雙體(Excimer, Excited dimer) (Forster et alZ. Phys. Chem. 1954) 5
激態複合體(exciplex, excited complex) (Leonhardt et alBer. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1963) 6
Photophysics of BP & PBP BP及PBP吸收及溶劑效應 7
Vibrational structure Vibrational structure provides clues as to which transitions are most possible Emission of biphenyl 8
Lifetimes & Quantum yields BP及PBP在EPA中的低溫磷光生命期 BP及PBP螢、磷光相對量子產率 9
State energy diagram Phenyl-substitutent can stabilize the (, *) energy levels. 10
Phosphorescence Quenching of BP a. Monitored at 450nm 11
Stern-VolmerAnalysis a:steady-state b:transient lifetime c:Fouassier J. Chim Phys. 1983 12
Phosphorescence Quenching of PBP Excitation spectra 13
Stern-VolmerPlot kq = 4.52 107 M-1s-1 a. Monitored at 480nm 15
Thermodynamics of Exciplex E‡a=1.8 kcal/mol Arrhenius plot kq = Aexp(-E‡a/RT) 16
Thermodynamics of Exciplex Stevens-Ban plot ln[(CT)/(LE)] = A H/RT 17
Potential Energy Curve Erep(LE) = E LE hvLE Erep(CT) = E LE hvCT H 18
不同胺類的淬熄效應 20
Temperature-dependent quenching 不同溫度各種胺類的淬熄速率常數kq×10–7(M-1s-1) 21
Temperature-dependent quenching 各種胺類淬熄參態PBP的活化能與前指數因子 各種胺類的Arrhenius plot 22
PBP-TiPA系統在不同溫度的磷光光譜 PBP-TiPA系統的Stevens-Ban圖 23
Photoreduction of PBP PBP-TEA隨照光時間產物消長的HPLC圖 (tR = 7為PBP, tR =11.5為4-phenylbenzopinacol) 26
Photoreduction of PBP 電荷-轉移誘導的光還原反應機構 27
BP-系列光引發聚合反應 TMPTA-PBP-TEA硬化後之FTIR圖 TMPTA硬化前之FTIR圖 28
Conclusion • The photophysical analysis confirmed that the low-lying excited singlet and triplet states of PBP is 1(n, *), 3( , *) respectively. Thus, an intramolecular energy transfer has occurred from the n * of carbonyl to the * of biphenyl. • Direct evidence for triplet exciplex formation of excited PBP triplet with amines was provided by the observation of emission at longer wavelengths than that of the phosphorescence of PBP. • The quenching rate constants were dependent on the ionization potentials of amines. The trend reflects on the calculated activation energies (Ea) for exciplex formation of 3PBP and amines. 29
Conclusion • The stabilization enthalpy (H) of exciplex increases with increasing steric effect of amines from TEA to TiPA, " Entropy Control" is expected to widely contribute to the exciplex formation for PBP-TiPA system under high-temperature limit region. • The bimolecular reactivity of photoreduction is very fast for lowest 3(n, *), but (, *) triplet is almost unreactive without amine electron donor. A new mechanism of hydrogen atom abstraction has been proposed by rapid charge-transfer to form an exciplex with TEA following proton transfer. • The PBP-TEA is an efficient photoinitiator and shows the same charge-transfer induced radical’s formations that are able to initiate the polymerization of acrylic type monomers. 30