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Di-hadron correlation and Mach-like cone structures in parton/hadron transport model

Di-hadron correlation and Mach-like cone structures in parton/hadron transport model. Y. G. Ma Shanghai INstitute of Applied Physics (SINAP) Chinese Academy of Sciences. Background introduction Model introduction Analysis method Results and discussions Conclusion. Associated particles

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Di-hadron correlation and Mach-like cone structures in parton/hadron transport model

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  1. Di-hadron correlation and Mach-like cone structures in parton/hadron transport model Y. G. Ma Shanghai INstitute of Applied Physics (SINAP) Chinese Academy of Sciences • Background introduction • Model introduction • Analysis method • Results and discussions • Conclusion

  2. Associated particles On away side: pT(assoc) > 2 GeV/c Hard associated particles → suppression 4 < pT(trig) < 6 GeV/c pT(assoc) > 0.15 GeV/c Soft associated particles→ enhancement Di-hadron correlations At Middle pT→ ???

  3. <pT> from away jets near side SOFTENED BROADENED <pT> from medium decay thermalization??? away side BROADENED SOFTENED Soft Associated particles on Away side (thermalization) What happens to a hard probe that traverses a colored medium? soften + broaden =?= thermalization

  4. Mach-like cone Structure nucl-ex 0510055 nucl-ex 0507004 2.5<pTtrigger <4.0 GeV/c x 1.0<pTassoc<2.5 GeV/c PHENIX Preliminary

  5. Split parameter D

  6. Possible interpretations of mach-like cone structure Wake Effect or “sonic boom” Θemission= arccos (cs/c) hep-ph/0411315 Casalderrey-Solana,Shuryak,Teaney nucl-th/0406018 Stöecker Hep-ph/0503158 Muller,Ruppert nucl-th/0503028A. K. Chaudhuri Cherenkov gluon radiation Θemission= arccos (1/n(p)) nucl-th/0507063 Koch, Majumder, X.-N. Wang Correlation of Jet with flowing medium hep-ph/0411341 Armesto,Salgado,Wiedemann

  7. AMPT model A Multi-Phase Transport model, Ko & Lin et al. (2) Melt AMPT (1) Default AMPT

  8. v2 vs pT X.Cai, M.Oldenburg QM05(STAR) D.Pal QM05(PHENIX) 1.Hydrodynamic behavior in AMPT (pT<1.5GeV/c), stronger v2 vs. data, 10mb. 2.Consistent with experimental result (pT>1.5GeV/c). J. H. Chen, YGM et al., Nucl-th/0504055

  9. Mixing-event Technique • (1) Get raw  correlation signal in same event • (2)Get respective background by mixing events in same centrality • (3)Get  correlation by removing background with ZYAM method Background Subtracted signal

  10.  correlations from AMPT (3<pTtrigger<6GeV/c ,0.15<pTassoc<3GeV/c) (1) ▲melt after hadron cascade (2) ●melt before hadron cascade (3)◆default after hadron cascade (4)★default before hadron cascade (5) ■Star Data 0-5% (4-6)*(0.15-4)GeV/c factor=1.58 Au+Au 200GeV (0-10%)

  11. Jet remnants character from AMPT Au+Au 200GeV

  12. Mach-like cone Structure in AMPT model  correlations in Au+Au 200GeV (2.5<pTtrigger<4GeV/c ,1<pTassoc<2.5GeV/c) 0-10% D 10-20% 20-40% 40-90%

  13. Special trigger/associated particle

  14. background subtracted 3-particle correlation signal Three-particle correlations in AMPT mix-event technique

  15. Parton cascade effect on 2- and 3- particle correlation (1)hadron cascade mechanism also can produce 2- and 3-particle correlation, but it can not give big enough splitting parameters. (2) the parton cascade mechanism is essential for describing the amplitude of experimental mach-like structure

  16. Conclusion • Di-hadron correlations can be produced by a a multi-phase transport model (AMPT). • Mach-like structure is born in the partonic process and further developed in hadronic rescattering process. • hadron cascade mechanism can produce di-hadron correlation, but it can not give big enough splitting parameters. • 3-particle correlations were investigated in the central Au+Au collisions with AMPT, partoni cascade will enhance the spilt of Mrch-like cone.

  17. Thanks for your attention And Welcome to Shanghai

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