Time allowed Preparation time + 10 hour exam Instructions Read the paper carefully. Before you start work, make sure you understand all the information. Respond to one question and produce a personal response. You have a preparatory period to research, investigate and develop your ideas. Your work during this period could be in sketchbooks, journals, design sheets, studies or any other appropriate form of preparation. You are allowed ten hours to produce your personal response outcome(s). The work submitted for this examination must be your own unaided work. You must hand in your personal response outcome(s) and the preparatory work at the end of the examination. Information Your work will be marked out of 80. All your work, including the work done during the preparatory period, will be marked. Advice You should discuss your ideas with your teacher before deciding on your starting point. You should make sure that any materials or equipment which you might need are available before you start the examination sessions. You may take all your preparatory work into the examination sessions. You should, when developing your personal response, make appropriate connections with other sources such as the work of artists, craftspeople and/or designers. You may work on further supporting studies until you have completed your personal response outcome(s). You may use any appropriate photographic medium, method(s) and materials, unless the question states otherwise. GCSE Photography Exam 2012
Your work will be marked according to how well you have shown evidence of: • developing ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources,demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding • refining ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes • recording ideas, observations and insights relevant to your intentions in visual and/or other forms • presenting a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements. Assessment Objectives These are equally weighted And are worth 25% each. The whole of the exam is worth 40% of your final mark. Last year you needed 52% over all (Coursework + exam) To achieve a grade ‘C’ Select 1 of the following
Tina Barney 1. People and Places Bill Brandt John Grierson In social documentary photography and social documentary film, people are often shown in specific locations that tell us about their culture, personalities, routines, likes and dislikes. The suggested artists have produced work that portrays people in the places where they live or work and gives us clues about their lives and the time in which they lived Richard Billingham Walker Evans Lewis Hine Research appropriate sources and produce images of people in places where the surroundings tell us something about them.
Animals In Motion 2. Eadweard Muybridge Many photographers and animators have portrayed animals in motion. In 1879, Eadweard Muybridge invented the zoopraxiscope which produced an illusion of movement. In 2010, Johannes Schiehsl created a black and white animated film of animals called ‘Zoopraxiscope’. Other photographers use still photography to freeze a moment in time by choosing an appropriate shutter speed. Johannes Schiehsl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrJ91OGjVmI Eric Hosking Research appropriate sources and produce your own response to the them.
3. VipulSangoi Dance Isabel Munoz often uses dance as inspiration for her photographs. She uses strong contrasting tones to emphasise the outline or shapes of isolated parts of the dancers. In a similar way, the photographs of VipulSangoi emphasise the expressive movement of limbs and the vibrant colour of the dancers costumes. Mikhail Baryshnikov is a former ballet dancer who uses digital processes to produce images which express the movement and energy of dancers. Isabel Munoz Also look at:- Lois Greenfield Paul Colwell Mikhail Baryshnikov Study appropriate sources and produce images inspired by a dance form of your choice.
4. Music Advised not to do this question. Speak to Mrs Brooke if you have any questions Many photographers specialise in recording musical events and musicians from different genres. They will often display their skill and creative work to prospective clients by producing a ‘showreel’. Showreels can be seen on websites or presented on a disc. Using music as your theme, research appropriate sources and produce your own show reel
Mixed Media 5. Annette Messanger JurgitaRemeikyte Both Annette Messanger and JurgitaRemeikyte produce mixed media work that includes groups of hanging or free-standing photographic images. Sally Mankus often transfers ner photographic images onto objects and frabrics. MEMORIES REFLECTING MY POINT OF VIEW Sally Mankus Research appropriate sources and produce a mixed media response to one of the themes.
6. Composition Camera shots, both still and moving, are sometimes framed using the proportions of a compositional device known as the ‘Golden Mean’ or the Golden section’. Photographers and film makers often use this to determine the postion of different elements within the image. Investigate relevant sources and produce your own work that is composed using the principles of the ‘GOLDEN MEAN’.
7. Here And Now Develop your own interpretation of the starting point ‘Here and Now’ You could record observations connected with a current event or issue in your locality as the basis for a documentary You might develop a sequence of images that narrate a journey that you currently or regularly take. You should make connections with appropriate sources when developing your personal response to ONE of the following suggestions
Week 1 In class this week… Go through exam paper in detail with the whole class. Try to narrow down your selection to 2 questions Do a mind map and basic mood board for each selection Decide how you are going to present your prep work i.e. in your A3 folder, Sketchbook, on the computer , etc. Suggested independent work… • A lot of thinking (make notes on paper) • Research, collecting images, presenting images and mind map
Week 2 In class this week… 1 to 1 discussion with Mrs Brooke about your ideas, brainstorms and anything else Once you have selected your question you need to research any given Photographers, PLUS some that you have found yourself. Present your research in your book Create another mood board showing that you have thought about your selection in more depth and found further images to inspire your ideas. Suggested independent work… • More thinking (make notes on paper) • Research, collecting images, presenting images etc
Week 3 In class this week… From the work that you have research, discussion and thinking time, what are your initial ideas? Presentation of ideas Planning initial test shoot Suggested independent work… • TEST PHOTO SHOOT • Presenting any work done in class
Week 4 In class this week… Print off and edit contact sheet. Print off a small selection of images ANALYSIS OF OWN IMAGES. What worked / didn’t work and WHY? Did your initial idea work, do you need to change anything? E.g. the idea / direction/ PLAN MAJOR SHOOT Suggested independent work… • Presentation of work done in school • Further research (If needed) • MAJOR SHOOT/S
Week 5 In class this week… Print off and edit contact sheet. Print off a selection of images ANALYSIS OF OWN IMAGES. Where are you going next?? DISCUSSION WITH MRS BROOKE Personal targets set Could range from development of ideas / research / photo shoot / editing etc. Suggested independent work… • Presentation of work done in school • PERSONAL TARGETS
Week 6 In class this week… Planning final outcome Developmental research Experimenting / editing / mini trials etc. Suggested independent work… • Presentation of work done in class • Research / photoshoots / experimenting / etc.
Half Term At home this week… Make sure all work done to date is COMPLETE PRESENTED FINAL CHANCE TO DO ANY MAJOR PHOTOSHOOTS.
Week 7 In class this week… 1 to 1 with Mrs Brooke going through what you intend to do in the exam Research into development ideas Plan of exam time, what I intend to do next week Suggested independent work… • Presenting work done this week • Any research / shoots / planning I need to do
THE FOLLOWING WEEKS ARE PROPOSED DATES THEY MAY CHANGE DUE TO OTHER EXAMS. I will let you know as soon as exam dates are published
Week 8 In class this week… The images that you work on in the exam will be saved in a separate folder. You can not access them at any other time. YOU MUST NOT SAVE THE 10 HOUR WORK ON A USB! EXAM MONDAY F14 Lesson Wednesday Present what you did yesterday in the exam. Review this and plan what you are doing in the next 2 hours. 3.EXAM THURSDAY S10 • IN AN EXAM, What do I do? • Editing photos (be selective, not everything needs a lot of work) • When editing do PRINT SCREEN, you have to show what you did in the exam • Have a power point presentation to record what you did in the exam • You may need to print out your edits and annotate them in your book • You can work in your book, but leave presenting your work to the lessons • IN THE LAST 10-15 MINS OF THE EXAM PRINT OFF THE POWER POINT THAT YOU HAVE DONE SO YOU CAN PRESENT IT NEXT LESSON OR AT HOME. Suggested independent work… • Presenting work done this week • Any research / shoots / planning I need to do
Week 9 In class this week… EXAM EXAM MONDAY F14 Lesson Wednesday 1 TO 1 WITH MRS BROOKE Present what you did yesterday in the exam. Review this and plan what you are doing. Get all print outs up to date. 3.Lesson Thursday 1 TO 1 WITH MRS BROOKE Continue to finish all work and get book up to date. Suggested independent work… Last weekend to get any more information / photos / research etc. before hand in next week
Week 10 In class this week… EXAM MONDAY F14 Lesson Wednesday Last chance to print off and present any prep work!!! EXAM THURSDAY S10 DEADLINE FOR ALL WORK END OF EXAM THURSDAY 11AM Only the Exam final pieces will be printed off the following week