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Tullus Hostilius

Tullus Hostilius. By: T.J. Cook III. Five Facts in Latin and English. Tullus Hostilius tertius rex Romae ( Tullus Hostilius was the third king of Rome) Primum  bellum  pugnavit Albam Longam (He fought his first war against the city Alba Longa)

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Tullus Hostilius

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  1. TullusHostilius By: T.J. Cook III

  2. Five Facts in Latin and English • TullusHostiliustertiusrexRomae (TullusHostilius was the third king of Rome) • Primum bellum pugnavitAlbamLongam (He fought his first war against the city Alba Longa) • Romaequaesitum de belloHostiliustransfertur ad totamurbemAlbamLongam (Rome won the war, and Hostilius transferred the entire city of Alba Longa to Rome ) • A populo Romano pestisdivulgandamHostiliusvituperatur ex eobellothrist quam cultumdeorumvindicareHostiliusnegabantsetamentunc got a plaga (A plague spread through Rome and the people blamed Hostilius due to his thrist for war rather than worship of the gods; Hostilius denied this claim but then got the plague himself ) • ConantibusmortuusHostiliusIovis sacra faciant. Perambulabatautemritus, feciterrorem Jupiter fulminepercussiteumregemutposttrigintaannos (Hostilius died while attempting to perform the sacred rites of Jupiter. While going through the rites, he made an error and Jupiter struck him down with a thunderbolt after thirty two years as king)

  3. Two Pictures of TullusHostilius

  4. This is LATIN!!!! Bibliography • Source for Five Facts: Livy, . "TullusHostilius The Third King of Rome (673-641 BC)."University of Dallas. University of Dallas, n.d. Web. 27 Oct 2011. http://dante.udallas.edu/hutchison/Seven_kings/king_hostilius.htm • "TULLUS HOSTILIUS." Roman Myth Index. Myth Index, 2007-2008. Web. 27 Oct 2011. <http://www.mythindex.com/roman-mythology/T/Tullus-Hostilius.html>. • Source for Two Pictures:"The Founding of Rome." Book of Cels. Book of Cels, n.d. Web. 27 Oct 2011. <http://bookofcels.com/assignments/rome/rome.htm>.

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