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Summary for NSW Congregations

2. Approaching the Throne of Grace. We approach the throne of grace with confidence every day, knowing that forgiveness and grace is ours. We are approached by God to impart this forgiveness at his table of grace. Our synod was a time of experiencing God's grace as we walked with each other as se

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Summary for NSW Congregations

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    1. Summary for NSW Congregations

    2. 2 Approaching the Throne of Grace We approach the throne of grace with confidence every day, knowing that forgiveness and grace is ours. We are approached by God to impart this forgiveness at his table of grace. Our synod was a time of experiencing God’s grace as we walked with each other as servants of Christ and His church. We were proud to welcome an array of guests to our NSW District Synod:

    3. 3 ‘Poor little rich church’, Trevor Ruthenberg, LCA EOC New LCA Executive Officer of the Church ‘EOC’, Trevor Ruthenberg Asked by General Church Council to reorganise the administration effort of the LCA. Outlined reasons we need to look to change. Trevor is drawing together leadership across LCA to work with him to develop plans. Meeting scheduled for March 2010

    4. 4 New NSW District President Nominees from Pastors’ Conference: Robert Bartholomaeus, Pastor Springwood and current NSW District Vice President Mark Lieschke, Pastor and School Chaplain, Wagga Wagga David Grulke, LCA Defence Chaplain – Army It was a close vote requiring two written ballots. Mark Lieschke elected President and will be installed at Warrambui on 7 February 2010. Robert Bartholomaeus re-elected NSW Vice President. Pres. Mike Semmler thanked Pastor Robert Bartholomaeus for his role as acting President of NSW.

    5. 5 Regional Pastors Adopted Pastors’ Conference recommendation that Regional Pastor model be continued. Five NSW Zones led by Regional Pastors:

    6. 6 Key District Initiatives Warrambui celebrates 40 years in Feb 2010 Expressed their gratitude for great NSW District support. ‘The Village’ new development 95% complete and receiving great feedback. ‘The Dome’ Appeal in full swing and will enable more school groups to use facilities. Think about congregation retreats; Sponsor kids to camp Faith Inkubators Fabulous resources for family and youth ministry Resources Working Group Established in response to NSW District Summits Worship resources for church festivals Training sessions across NSW LLL sponsored technology to seven NSW congregations

    7. 7 Key District Initiatives Child, Youth and Family Ministry Looking to reinvigorate Youth gatherings across NSW Lutheran Women Fellowship is strong Seeking to encourage young women’s groups across NSW and to have them affiliated to LWNSW Lutheran Aged Care, Albury Emily Gardens at ‘The Rock’ opened and fully occupied Regular monthly worship commenced with Milbrulong/Uranquinty joining in. Further plans for expansion Education Increasingly operating nationally and as regional hubs St Paul’s, Walla Walla, challenged on student numbers for 2010

    8. 8 Mission Stories Tuggeranong engaged with Hope4Kids and building relationships with kids from Richardson School. ‘Shed Ministry’ to men in the ACT being established by Woden and Tuggeranong congregations.

    9. 9 Key Motions On Office of the Holy Ministry and recognition of Specific Ministry Pastors as called and ordained servants of Christ. Developing closer ties with Lutheran Church of Canada, Alberta and British Columbia Synod Approaching General Church Council (GCC) to release some of ‘Open Book’ surplus to reduce debt on Concord House. Requests to DCC to Assess a revised method for electing NSW President to allow prayerful discernment in the Word Explore ways to reduce the debt on Concord House to enable funds to be available for mission in NSW

    10. 10 Your District Church Council Welcome to new members Pr Mark Lieschke, NSW District President (elect) Don Mclean, North Coastal Lay representative Michael Dobie, extra lay member from Wollongong Trudi Skene, extra lay member from Tamworth Thanks to continued service from

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