Lawyers Mr. Nero CLN4C1
Description • Lawyers and Quebec notaries provide legal advice and represent clients; prepare contracts, wills, and other legal documents; and may act as executors, trustees or guardians in estate/family law matters. They may specialize in specific areas of law such as criminal law (lawyers only) and corporate, real estate, and labour law. • Lawyers also plead cases or conduct prosecutions before courts of law, tribunals/boards, and negotiate civil dispute settlements.
Duties • Advise clients of their legal rights according to law; • Argue clients' cases before courts of law, tribunals and boards; • Draw up legal documents such as wills, divorces and contracts; • Negotiate settlements of civil disputes; Perform administrative and management functions related to the practice of law; • Act as executor, trustee or guardian in estate and family law matters.
Titles • Lawyers may have one of the following special titles depending on their position within he legal field. • Attorney • Barrister • Corporate Counsel • Crown Prosecutor • Solicitor
Some Important Statistics… • These statistics are for the career grouping of Judges, Lawyers and Quebec Notaries (NOC 411). • Workers are employed in the following industries: Professional, scientific and technical services (76%), Public administration (15%). • According to the Labour Force Survey (2009), 47% of workers in this group were self-employed, while the average for all occupations was 16%. • 93% of workers in this occupation worked full-time, compared to the average of 81% for all occupations.
Statistics continued… • Women represented 40% of workers in this occupation, compared to the average of 48% for all occupations. • This occupation (Lawyers and Quebec Notaries) is part of a larger group called Judges, Lawyers and Quebec Notaries (NOC 411). According to the Labour Force Survey (2009), the unionization rate for this group was 20%, while the unionization rate for all occupations was 31%.
How to become a lawyer • To work in this field, you need a pre-law college or university program and a bachelor's degree from a law school. • To be a lawyer, you must complete a period of articling, a bar admission course and exam, and a licence in the province/territory where you'll work. • Most recent entrants have an undergraduate university degree, and almost 1 in 4 has a graduate degree.
Schools • As mentioned yesterday, judges and lawyers will have the same schooling as one occupation stems from the other. As a result, their education is not unlike that of a judge. In Canada we have many fine law schools where individuals can learn the necessary skills required to enter the field of courtroom law. Some of these include; • Carlton University (Ottawa) • McGill University (Montreal) • Western University (London) • Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto (Toronto)
How to become a lawyer • Degrees Associated with This Career • Bachelor • Master • Doctorate • Useful Experience/Skills • Leadership • Community involvement • Interpersonal skills • Committee work • Useful Secondary School Subjects • Social Studies (Law) • English (Communication) • Family Studies • Math
Who hires Lawyers? • Lawyers are not just hired to work one case. Sometimes lawyers can make a salary like any other regular working person would. • Here are a list of a few employers who may keep a lawyer on retainer (pay them for a rainy day). • Law firms • Government • Private sector corporations.
Wait….Lawyers make how much? • Here are the average annual salaries.2010: $109,0082005: $89,6062000: $81,7741995: $70,204 • The number is only going to grow and grow and grow….
Is the Job Market Safe? • One important question to ask before you enter the world of Law School is what exactly does the job market look like? • Is it reasonable to think you can get a job after you finish school? • Job opportunities will arise primarily from lawyers and notaries who are retiring and, to a lesser degree, from employment increase. Numerous other positions will become vacant because of career path advancements among lawyers and notaries. In fact, experience and education in this field provide access to a multitude of occupations that may or may not be related to the law. Namely, they allow people to access positions as university professors (NOC 4121) and financial planners (NOC 1114), and to be promoted to management positions and become judges (NOC 4111). • As the number of students enrolled in the bachelor of laws degree has recently risen significantly, their labour market situation is likely to be slightly more difficult over the next few years.
How good of a lawyer are you? • Choose a partner and come up with a scenario (crime) where an individual would need to be defended by the two of you. • Once you have laid out a scenario describe how you would go about preparing a case for your client. Think about the many tools we looked at during our last unit. How would you represent your client?