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OUR SHORT BREAKS. Our Short Breaks for Adults with Learning Disabilities in Leicestershire & Rutland This is our Plan for 2009 to 2013. What are Short Breaks?. Short Breaks used to be called respite. A Short Break should be helpful for everyone. A Short Break is:

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  1. OUR SHORT BREAKS Our Short Breaks for Adults with Learning Disabilitiesin Leicestershire & Rutland This is our Planfor 2009 to 2013

  2. What are Short Breaks? Short Breaks used to be called respite. A Short Break should be helpful for everyone. A Short Break is: • For all family/parent carers to get a proper break from caring for someone they usually support every day and all day. This then helps them to carry on giving that care for the rest of the time • To help all the family or community to keep including and caring for the person • For people with a learning disability to get a break that they enjoy but away from their family with good chances to try new things, make new friends and learn new skills

  3. OUR SHORT BREAKS What makes a good short breaks service • Easy to understand information about the service • Quick and easy access to services • Short Breaks are often and for a long enough time • A range of choices to choose from • Be able to mix and match choices • Flexible service and responds to make sure each individual’s needs are met in a caring and supportive way • Support and give the person every chance to be able to do as much as they can and to build a trusting relationship

  4. Our Short breaks The Plan Our Short Breaks – The Plan This plan is to make your short breaks better. A lot of people have helped us to put this plan together: • People with learning disabilities • Family/parent carers • Staff who support you • The Partnership Board You helped us in deciding to call the plan Our Short Breaks.

  5. We want to the share the plan with you We want to tell you: • Why we need a plan • What people using the service have told us • How we are going to work to make things better for short breaks

  6. We have been listening to the views and vision in the following reports: • Valuing People and Valuing People NOW • Our health, our care, our say • Promoting independence, changing lives – the Adult Social Care Strategic Plan • The Leicestershire County Council Medium Term Strategy

  7. We have really listened to the guidance given by The Valuing People Support Team.A guide to Short Breaks: Supporting family carers and people with Learning Disabilities to have short breaks that work for them

  8. This guide says that when planning and delivering Short Breaks services we need to make sure we give: • The right information and an understanding of the need for Short Breaks provision • A choice and range of Short Breaks Options • Partnership working and joining services between local authority and health • A service that supports lets you to be more independent and based on what you need. This is called an outcome. • Emergency and specialised Short Breaks

  9. We need to make sure that this plan meets all the outcomes set out in all the reports The plan needs to: • Make Short Breaks be a positive and allows you to have control for both the person with a learning disability and for parent/family carers • Improve and further develop local short breaks services for parent/family carers and adults with learning disabilities across Leicestershire and Rutland in partnership with Leicestershire Partnership Trust • Offer a wide range of options that enables • Choice and control • Change to meet individual needs • Fairness • Good quality and accessible short breaks • Short breaks that focus on outcomes and includes everyone

  10. To make this plan we have worked in partnership with: • Family/Parent Carers • Adults with Learning Disabilities • Staff • The Carers Strategy for Leicestershire and Rutland • Short Breaks Services – Children and Young People’s Section • Young people leaving school • Leicester City Council • Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

  11. The Partnership Board agreed the Vision for Short Breaks ‘Social Care and Health will work together to make sure there are good short breaks for people with learning disabilities and their families and carers in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Short breaks should be fun, enjoyable and support people with learning disabilities to be part of the community and do new and different things. They should be easy to get, especially in an emergency, no matter what day or time it is. There should be different short breaks for people to choose what they want, when they want it.’

  12. Our Short breaks The Plan How did we make the plan? In April 2008 we started to get the views from lots of people. This is called consultation. We needed to find out: • What services people use now and is this meeting people’s needs • What people who use the service now, want from their Short Breaks in the future We sent out questionnaires : • Parent/family carers • People with learning disabilities • Health and Social Care professionals from Adult Social Care, health and voluntary organisations

  13. How many people were involved in the consultation? Questionnaires sent out Leicestershire 300 Rutland 80 Leicestershire 659 Rutland 45 To all the Learning Disability Teams Questionnaires completed 197 3 244 3 8 People with learning disabilities Family/parent carers Staff from the Learning Disability Locality Teams

  14. We could not have done this without their involvement.Thank youWe would now like to share with you what people have told us.

  15. Family/parent carers told us they use the following services for their short breaks

  16. Adults with Learning DisabilitiesThese are the type of services they would like to use in the future and what would most meet their needs

  17. Parent/family carersThese are the type of services they would like to use in the future and what would most meet their needs

  18. People from black and minority ethnic groupsThese views are included in the last chart but the amount of responses was not very high. To make sure their views are heard we have looked at them separately.

  19. Gaps in the service • There is a shortage of easy to get residential/overnight breaks for people with a mixture of disabilities • There is a shortage of residential/overnight breaks for people who have challenging behaviour • There is a shortage of services that can provide an emergency break • There is a shortage of service that meet everyone’s culturally needs. • There is a limited amount of services for people wanting to use direct payments • There is a limited choice of residential/overnight breaks • The use of non-traditional types of breaks like holidays has not been fully looked into

  20. Our Short breaks The Plan What have we done with this information? The most popular choices have helped us to put together an action plan. An action plan tells us the main areas that we need to develop to make sure you get a service that best meets your needs. We need to make sure that the action plan fits in with the future plan for Personalisation and Self Directed Support. Personalisation is one of the 4 big priorities for Valuing People NOW and this will affect all health and social care services in the Future.

  21. How will Self Directed Support affect the Short Breaks Plan? Self Directed Support will mean that people be given an amount of money to spend on their assessed needs This is good news for short breaks This will mean an increase in the amount of choices people can get for their short break The Short Breaks plan will not just be about developing ‘direct services’ but instead be Based on supporting people to have all options available to them

  22. Some of the main areas of the plan that we are looking at developing are: • Self-directed Support Like holidays in Britain with your family or friends and with the support you need • Building Based Services Like developing more flexibility and choice and for the service to offer a house/hotel type setting • Community Opportunities Like working with independent services to extend their hours so people can use their service through to the evening

  23. Emergency Short Breaks Like developing dedicated units for emergency situations via smaller independent providers, Adult Placement Service or dedicated beds within current residential services • Health Provision Like having a group of health staff that go out to where people are having their short break and meet their health care needs • Adult Placement Service Like developing the service so more providers want to give short breaks • Services to ensure all needs of everyone in the community are met Like working in partnership with Leicester City Council to develop and share good services

  24. What we are doing now? We have an action plan that will tell us what needs to be done to make the plan happen. We are now making this action easy to read. From now to March we will be going out to meetings to tell people all about the plan. We will send this easy to read plan to you We want to get it right. We would like for you to tell us what you think?

  25. Any questions ? If you have anymore views on this plan then please send in your comments to: Caroline Blankley, Planning and Commissioning, Mansion House, Leicester Frith, LE3 9QF Tel: 0116 225 5349 Cblankley@leics.gov.uk

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