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Politics in Pompeii

Politics in Pompeii. Stage 11 Culture Notes. When? End of March. Key Terms. fautores. supporters. duoviri. (IIVIR). judged cases presented in basilica; two elected annually. aediles. (aed.). supervised the following; two elected annually. a) public markets.

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Politics in Pompeii

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  1. Politics in Pompeii Stage 11 Culture Notes

  2. When? End of March

  3. Key Terms fautores supporters duoviri (IIVIR) judged cases presented in basilica; two elected annually aediles (aed.) supervised the following; two elected annually a) public markets d) places of entertainment b) police e) water c) baths f) sewer

  4. Key Terms candidatus a candidate wore a toga whitened with chalk candidus = white tituli election slogans painted on walls and houses painted at night to avoid crowds or opposing supporters (fautores)

  5. Key Terms divisor agent who distributed bribes for candidate; made promises on behalf of candidate praefectus special officer appointed by Emperor to run a town in the event of problems vicini a group of supporters who live near the candidate comitium the permanent voting hall in foro

  6. Town Council populus 100 leading citizens – free males new members chosen by council not elected by people

  7. Bribery Financial bribery was illegal but widely practiced. Legal forms of bribery included games and entertainment

  8. Requirements of Candidates 25 years old or older resident of city or surrounding area wealthy – no salaries for holding office high morals and strong character duovir must be an aedile before becoming duovir

  9. Requirements • Candidates would have to be wealthy because they were expected to : put on a splendid spectaculum in the theater pay for construction or repairs of public buildings.

  10. No salary for public office PERKS honor and fame preferred seating in the theater and amphitheater name inscribed on building statue

  11. Other Facts Caecilius was NOT a candidate Pompeii could run its own affairs but could come under Rome’s control if it did not preserve law and order. Voters: male citizens Women could not cast a vote but were active in local politics

  12. Election Graffiti Written on houses and business Large red and black letters ALL CAPS Dots between letters Painted by professional slogan writers/ painters

  13. Election Graffiti

  14. Election Graffiti - abbreviations OVF oro vos faciatis I beg you to make DPR dignus rei publicae a man worthy of the republic “worthy of holding office” rogat - asks ROG

  15. Campaign Slogans C GAVIUM RUFUM AED OVF GRANIS ROG (there is no U in Latin - so V = U; there is no J in Latin – so J = I) Gaius Gavium Rufus (for) Aedile I beg you elect (him) Granius asks this

  16. Campaign Slogans M HolconiumPriscumIIvir Marcus Holconius Priscus for duovir

  17. Another Slogan C IVLIVM POLYBIVM A E D O V F. PANEM BONVM FERT. I ask you to elect Gaius Iulius Polybius. He bakes good bread.

  18. Another Slogan C GAVIVM IIVIR O V F D R P VESONIVS PRIMVS ROG. I ask you to elect Gaius Gavius Rufus duovir. He is worthy of the Republic. Vesonius Primus asks this.

  19. Two more M CERRINUM VATIAM AED. O.V.F. SERIBIBI UNIVERSI ROGANT. SCR. FLORUS CUM FRUCTO. All the late-night drinkers ask you to vote for Marcus CerrinusVatia for aedile. Florus and Fructus wrote this. VATIAM AED. FURUNCULI ROG. The petty thieves support Vatia for aedile.

  20. CN HELVIUM SABINUM AEDILEM ALIARI ROGANT. The garlic dealers ask that you support GnaeusHeviusSabinus for aedile.

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