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Towards a Sustainable Development View of ICT-based Local Content in South Africa

This project aims to integrate emerging ICT with UN's goals to foster sustainable development in South Africa. It focuses on local content creation, engagement, and overcoming socioeconomic challenges.

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Towards a Sustainable Development View of ICT-based Local Content in South Africa

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  1. Towards a Sustainable Development View of ICT-based Local Content in South Africa Steve Vosloosteve@molotech.org.za

  2. Project brief • Sponsored by IISD and IDRC (Canada) • In 6 developing countries it aims: • To integrate the visions of the emerging IS with the principles and priorities of the UN's MDG and WSSD • To foster interaction between the national SD and ISpolicy communities • Outcome: workshops, research paper (book)

  3. Overview • South Africa • Forthcoming ICT Strategy • Local content • Sustainable development • Engagement

  4. South Africa • Apartheid legacy  democracy in 1994 • Population: 44 million • Chronic income/wealth inequality, along spatial and racial biases • 30% households have no electricity • 15% households have no toilet facility • 30% unemployment • Half live below poverty line (US$1.8/day) • Cultural diversity: 11 official languages, many peoples

  5. ICT penetration in SA • Radio: 75% of households • TV: 50% of households • PCs: White households: 46% Black African, Indian, Coloured: 2% (Census 2001) • Internet: (approx.) 10% of population have access • Strong ICT penetration in wealthy groups in cities

  6. Telephone density

  7. National ICT Strategy • Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development (PNC on ISaD) working on:ISaD Plan and Implementation Strategy • To create a clear national IS vision for SA to which national, provincial and local govt should align their ICT strategies • To maximise the use of ICTs for development in SA

  8. Local content • E-Education • E-Health • SMMEs • E-Govt National ICT Strategy (cont.) ICT Infrastructure Devp Human Resources Devp Applications …

  9. Local content • What is local content? • “The expression of the locally owned and adapted knowledge of a community – where the community is defined by its location, culture, language, or area of interest” (Ballantyne 2002) • SA focus on arts, culture, heritage and IK • Influences: SA history, WSIS

  10. Key message … Local content is a fundamental building block of SD

  11. Cape Gateway www.capegateway.gov.za

  12. OKN Mobile www.oknmobile.com

  13. Mindset www.mindset.co.za

  14. Engagement • 2 half-day workshops: CT and Jhb • Academia, Government, CSOs Impact: • Point was acknowledged • “Development” in Country Report is economics focused • Continue to advise PNC on LC issues

  15. Thank You Steve Vosloo steve@molotech.org.za www.molotech.org.za

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