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Learn about PVAAS teacher-specific reporting and how it can enhance decision-making for teacher effectiveness. Find out how to access and interpret PVAAS reports.
PVAAS-Teacher Specific Data and Roster Verification FEBRUARY 17, 2014
Which do you say, Pop or Soda? • Press ‘A’ for Pop • Press ‘B’ for Soda • Press ‘C’ for I use a different word.
Do you prefer fries or onion rings? • Press ‘A’ for Fries • Press ‘B’ for Onion Rings • Press ’C’ for I never eat either
Teacher Effectiveness System in Act 82 of 2012 Building Level Data/School Performance Profile Effective 2013-14 School Year Indicators of Academic Achievement Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Subgroups Academic Growth PVAAS Other Academic Indicators Credit for Advanced Achievement • Teacher Observation & Practice • Effective 2013-14 School Year • Danielson Framework Domains • 1.Planning and Preparation • 2. Classroom Environment • 3. Instruction • 4. Professional Responsibilities Building Level Data, 15% Teacher Specific Data PVAAS/Growth 3 Year Rolling Average 1. 2013-14 SY 2 . 2014-15 SY 3. 2015-16 SY Teacher Specific Data, 15% Observation/Practice 50% Elective Data/Student Learning Objective (SLO) Optional 2013-14 School Year Effective 2014-15 School Year District-Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements Elective Data, 20%
Overall Important Information • It is the Red Section of the Educator Effectiveness System • A teacher needs a 3 year rolling average before it counts for Educator Effectiveness • PVAAS Teacher Specific Roster Verification begins this Spring • It will impact teachers who plan, provide instruction for and assess: • PSSA reading and mathematics in grades 4-8; • PSSA science in grades 4 and 8; • PSSA writing in grades 5 and 8; • Keystone-related courses—Algebra I, Biology, Literature • Instructional Responsibility is a new term. It is calculated by multiplying the (% Student + Teacher Enrollment) by (Full or Partial % of Instruction).
What is PVAAS teacher-specific reporting? • PVAAS is a measure that indicates the academic growth of a teacher’s group of students • PVAAS provides a measure of academic growth for students by taking into account both their endpoint and their entering achievement level • By concentrating on growth, PVAAS puts the emphasis on what educators can influence • For the first time in Pennsylvania teachers will have access to information regarding their influence on the academic progress of students
What is the purpose of PVAAS teacher-specific reporting? The purpose of PVAAS teacher-specific reporting is to: • provide a teacher-specific growth measure to be used as part of Pennsylvania’s Educator Effectiveness System • provide diagnostic feedback to teachers regarding their influence on the academic growth of students • provide data for teachers and administrators to guide discussions about a teacher’s influence on the academic growth on groups of students
How can PVAAS teacher-specific reporting enhance decision-making? PVAAS teacher-specific reporting serves as one additional source of data to inform building-based decisions regarding: • differentiated instruction in the classroom; • tutoring students in need of extra support; • mentors for beginning teachers; • cooperating teachers assigned to work with student teachers; • members of school-wide planning committees; • curricular planning; and/or • professional development. Confidential Data As per Act 82, an employee's individual rating form shall not be subject to disclosure under the act of February 14, 2008 (P.L.6, No.3), known as the "Right-to-Know Law."
What will the teacher see when they receive their report? Demo Sites https://pvaas.sas.com • Elementary: Akara.Martinez1 • Middle: Meera.Fatehi1 • High: Kamyl.Stoika1
PSSA Achievement vs. PVAAS Growth • Measures students’ progress across time (i.e., across years and grade levels) • Measures students’ performance at a single point in time • Highly correlated with students’ demographic background • Not related to demographic background when a student’s prior achievement is adequately accounted for; dependent on what happens as a result of schooling
Previous Year’s Group Grade 8 Most Recent Year’s Group Grade 8
Grade 4 Grade 6 Grade 3 Grade 5
Concept of Measuring Growth- What do these growth colors mean? Higher Achievement Higher Achievement Lower Achievement Lower Achievement Prior Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students Current Achievement Teacher’s Group of Students
What do we mean by “Green”? • At least maintain the achievement level for a group of students • If a higher achieving group of students: to keep them high achieving • If an average achieving group of students: to keep them at least at that level • If a lower achieving group of students: to keep them at least at that level, and not lose ground as a group • We may need to yield more growth if increased achievement is the goal.
What is PVAAS Roster Verification? Roster Verification is a way for teachers to VERIFY their students rosters – Are the right students linked to the right teachers for the right subject/grade/courses for the right proportion of instructional responsibility?
New Term: % Instructional Responsibility • This % is your total Instructional Responsibility for a student. • This % reflects how much the student will be weighted in the PVAAS analyses. • The % Instructional Responsibility is calculated by multiplying the (% Student + Teacher Enrollment) by (Full or Partial % of Instruction). % Instructional Responsibility % Student + Teacher Enrollment Full or Partial % of Instruction
New Term: % Student + Teacher Enrollment • IS … • The % of a grade/subject/course that a student and teacher are concurrently enrolled • Total Days Possible: Day 1 through last school day before LEA testing window opens • Default is 100% • IS NOT… • Attendance % Student + Teacher Enrollment
New Term: Full or Partial % of Instruction Of the time that the teacher and the student were concurrently enrolled in the grade/subject/course, • How much of the instruction (Domains 1 and 3) belongs with the teacher? • How much of the instruction (Domains 1 and 3) belongs with another teacher? Full or Partial % of Instruction
Calculating % Instructional Responsibility % Instructional Responsibility Full or Partial % of Instruction % Student + Teacher Enrollment Of time student & teacher enrolled together, are you the only PA certified educator providing content-specific instruction (Domains 1 and 3) of the assessed eligible content in the grade/subject/course? What proportion of the grade/subject/course are the student and teacher concurrently enrolled?
Timeline—State Process Each window has a specific open and close date. Start verifying when your window opens to allow time for questions.
PVAAS Demo Site and Resources Erie School District Website http://www.eriesd.org/educatoreffectiveness Educator Effectiveness Project on PDE website http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/educator_effectiveness_project/20903 Standard Aligned System (SAS) Portal Teacher Effectiveness http://www.pdesas.org/Instruction/Frameworks Standard Aligned System (SAS) Portal Student Learning Objectives http://www.pdesas.org/Instruction/StudentLearningObjectives/ School Performance Profile http://paschoolperformance.org/ Website: https://pvaas.sas.com