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Introduction to Openers

Explore thought-provoking questions, create graphs, and learn key concepts through interactive activities in various fields such as sports, physics, and storytelling.

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Introduction to Openers

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  1. Introduction to Openers

  2. Opener 8/14 1) Which team is the greatest sports team ever? Why? 2) Which color is best? Why? 3) Would you rather be able to fly (5 ft off the ground at 2 m/s) or be able to turn invisible for 5 minutes with a 1 hour recharge? Why? 4) What is physics?

  3. Opener 8/15 • What is the greatest movie of all time? Why? • Draw a picture of a car. • How does the moon stay floating above our heads? Explain. 4) Make a list of class rules and explain.

  4. Opener 8/16 • What is the best way to make the most money? How do you know? 2) What is a goal you want to accomplish next week? 3) How can you identify if someone needs help? 4) What are some lab safety rules?

  5. Opener 8/20 • If acid spill on you, what do you do? • Does hot glass look like cold glass? • Should you put chemicals back to their original containers? Why or why not? • What does lag mean? How can it affect you in video games?

  6. Opener 8/21 Lucky the dog runs to the 25 m mark in 5s. He then stops to sniff a fire hydrant for 2 seconds. He picks up a smell and sprints in the same direction for 5s, moving 45 m further away. After he gets too far, his owner calls him and he returns slowly to where he started in 10s. • Make a position vs time graph to fit this story. Be as specific as possible. 2) What is the furthest Lucky got from his owner? 3) What time did lucky return to his owner? 4) What was Lucky’s top speed?

  7. Opener 8/22 • Create a story that matches the position vs. time graph. • How fast is the object moving At 40-55s? 3)How much distance did the object cover?

  8. Opener 8/23 • What are the units for: Position, time, speed? • What is the difference between displacement and distance? Give an example of when they are the same and when they are different. • Write a procedure for making a PB and J sandwich. • Give a position vs. time graph that represents “The Tortoise and the Hare” Fairy tale.

  9. Opener 8/26 • When did we first discover the world was round? • When did we first land on the moon? (Bonus to name all 3 people • What would a position time graph look like if the object is speeding up from 0 m/s? • What is the difference between speed and velocity?

  10. Opener 8/27 • Describe the motion of the object. • Find the velocity for each line segment • Graph a Velocity vs. Time graph for this object

  11. Opener 8/28 • Create a story for the following position vs time graph. • Using the following data create a position vs. time graph. • What was the biggest velocity of the object in the data table? How did you find it?

  12. Opener 9/3 1) Create the other graph (Pvt or Vvt)

  13. Opener 9/4 • Create a position vs time graph with at least 4 different velocities. Label the lines with: • Two of the lines should have the same speed (still different velocities) • One section should not be moving • What are the units for velocity, time, and displacement? • A person is driving for 1.81 hours to go to a concert. If they drive an average of 55 miles per hour, how far is the concert assuming there were no stops?

  14. Opener 9/5 • Draw or create a story of an object that has at least 3 different motions. • Find a partner and draw the position time graph of their story. 3) A car that is stopped for 5s, instantly moves to 3m/s to the left. It then slows to a stop in 4s. Draw a velocity vs time graph that represents this car.

  15. Opener 9/6 • What are the units for time, displacement, and velocity? • What does a constant velocity mean? A negative velocity? • What does acceleration mean? 4) Mr. Dolson ran to Mr. Schmitt’s room (101). He stopped and talked to Mr. Schmitt for a little than continued to walk to the office. After he dropped of some paper work, he went back to his room and sat down. • Make a Position vs Time graph of Mr. Dolson • Make a Velocity vs. Time graph of Mr. Dolson

  16. Opener 9/9 • Describe the motion of the object. • What is the object’s initial velocity? • What is the objects acceleration? • How far has the object gone?

  17. Opener 9/10 • What are the units for position, velocity, acceleration, and time? Answer the following questions. Show all work and draw a picture with labels.

  18. Opener 9/11 For the following questions ( 1-5) write down which variable (x, vi, vf, a, t) you are looking for and the units that your answer would be in. • How far did the object go? • How fast did the object start? • When did the object reach the end? • By how much did the object change it’s velocity? • How long did it take to reach its top speed? • If a piece of paper and a book drop at the same time above a table, which will hit the table first? By how much? Why?

  19. Opener 9/12 • How does a person learn? • What does learning mean? Determine which formula you would use 3) A car comes to a stop in 3.4 s. If the distance traveled is 225.3 meters and the average acceleration is 2.2 m/s2, how fast were they driving initially? 4) A parachutist jumps out of an airplane on earth. It takes her 29.2 seconds to reach the ground. How high up was the plane? 5) A car driving 64 m/s slams on their brakes to avoid an accident. If their average acceleration was -11.3 m/s2, how far was their stop? 6) Tina is driving from Plainfield to Milwaukee 114 miles away. If it takes her 1 hour and 32 minutes to get there, what was her average velocity

  20. Opener 9/17 1) List the units for displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. 2) What is the difference between speed and velocity? 3) What is the difference between average velocity and instantaneous velocity? 4) Can an object have an average speed of 30m/s but never travel at 30 m/s? 5) A ruler is dropped from a table and caught 0.3 m on the ruler. How long did the ruler fall for?

  21. 9/18 1) List the units for Δx , v, a, t 2) A person dropped water from a bucket on their friend. The water hit the friend in 0.5s. How far above was the bucket of water? 3) Cops pulled up to a car crash. The skid marks were 70m long and the car could accelerate at -8 m/s/s. If the speed limit was 20m/s, was the car speeding? 4) A Rock is thrown straight up and lands 3s later. How high did the rock reach?

  22. Opener 9/19 • Describe when an object has: • Displacement • A negative velocity • A positive acceleration 2) On the 15m high dive, you drop a pool toy into the water. How fast is it moving right before it hits the water? 3) On Mars, you drop the same pool toy on their high dive and find that the toy is moving down at 12 m/s as it hits the water. What is the acceleration due to gravity on Mars?

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