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Delve into the world of submersibles, deep-sea exploration, and groundbreaking discoveries with a journey through the history of oceanic exploration. From Dr. Gallo's deep-sea dive to the incredible capabilities of ALVIN, learn about the fascinating advancements in underwater vehicles such as ROVs, AUVs, and HOVs. Discover the wonders of the deep ocean floor, from hydrothermal vents to cool sea species, and understand how modern technology like sonar and robot vehicles have revolutionized marine biology and oceanography. Join the quest for knowledge as we unravel the mysteries of the ocean depths!

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  1. SUBMERSIBLES • Deep floor exploration • Dr. Gallo • deep sea dive • more to explore • ALVIN • in a submersiblejonathan bird 16 minour deep ocean

  2. SHORT HISTORYSUBMERSIBLES • Average depth of ocean is 3,700m. • Deepest Scuba dive is about 135m • Scuba limitation: cold, pressure • REALLY • little better? • crazy

  3. TIME LINE • 1934 Dr. William Beebe reached a depth of 1000 meters in a steel chamber called a Bathysphere ( fits 2 people).

  4. Beebe’s BathysphereHis History

  5. TIME LINE • 10 min video

  6. In 1960 a Swiss team of Auguste and Jacques Piccard, made the deepest dive in a submersible (bathyscaphe) to the bottom of the Mariana Trench (10,852 meters- 4 hrs.).

  7. cameron's dive in 1 min (2min) • dive to marianna

  8. 1964 - Alvin is a submersible that has logged in over 4,400 dives to date. It holds a crew of 3. history of alvin • VENTS

  9. 1966- ALVIN recovered hydrogen bomb • Investigates hydrothermal vents • Submersable discoveries • barrel eye • discoveries COOL SUBS On 17 March 1966, Alvin was used to locate a submerged 1.45-megaton hydrogen bomb lost in a United States Air Forcemidair accident over Palomares, Spain. The bomb, found resting nearly 910 metres (2,990 ft) deep, was raised intact on 7 April

  10. restructure of alvin to 2013 6 min • 50 years Alvin Part 2 Rebuild • Part 1 • Part 3

  11. Alvin

  12. REVIEW • Challenger deep in Mariana Trench – deepest part of our ocean 7 miles deep • Found 350km SW of Guam • Navy used explosives to find location of challenger deep – real-time echos to map ocean floor • Beebe logged 40 dives in Bathysophere • Cameron – 2nd man to dive 7 miles (challenger deep) • Deepest scuba dive 1044ft. • Alvin discovered: Hydrogen bomb, Titanic, and Hydrothermal vents • Extremophiles – organisms living under extreme conditions Ex. Tube worms/shrimp by hydrothermal vents

  13. 1979 -Dr. Sylvia Earle holds the record for the deepest solo dive- 380 meters. (1246.72ft) in a Jim Suit

  14. New Suit (2 Min) • The JIM suit is an atmospheric diving suit (ADS) • One Man Suit

  15. The Jim Suit

  16. Dr. Earle Dive (7min) • Dr. Earle and deep sea diving (2 min) • Dr. Earle and exploration 11 min • #Cool creature (sea Pigs) • #Oar fish • ROV 2 min • submersible – whale • If you don't want water (other end of extreme)

  17. Dr. Gallo (17 min)

  18. Types of Underwater Vehicles HOV’s – Human operated vehicles (like Alvin) ROV’s – Remote Operated Vehicles • Are tethered to ship AUV’s – Autonomous Underwater vehicles robots pre-programmed to collect data Hybrid Vehicles – combine ROV’s with AUV’s cooll deep sea species

  19. ROV and sperm whale • sample collection • Dead whale? • Dancer?

  20. Cool eruption • exploring underwater lava

  21. How do Modern Submersibles Explore the Ocean Floor?Eruptiong volcano ROVs – Remote Operated Vehicles

  22. JASON • Robot connected by cables from a surface ship WHAT JASON SEES 35 SEC

  23. How was the Titanic Found?

  24. Why were scuba divers not used to locate the resting place of the Titanic? 12,500ft

  25. Sonar • Sonar stands for sound navigation and ranging. • Sonar uses a beam of sound waves directed downward • Sound wave will bounce off and return back causing an echo. • Image of bottom or object is created

  26. Sonar

  27. Sounding the Deepest Spot on Earth 1 min

  28. JAMES CAMERON • Long Way Down 2 min • long way down 3 min

  29. Summary The development of advanced technology, in the form of submersibles, robot vehicles, and sonar equipment has opened up the fields of Marine Biology and Oceanography in a way we could never have imagined!

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