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LIQUID DOSAGE FORMS. PART II. PREPARATION OF MIXTURES. Rule preparation of mixtures:. At preparation of dosage forms hold to the set procedure of dissolution and mixing of medications taking into account their physical and chemical properties.
Rule preparation of mixtures: • At preparation of dosage forms hold to the set procedure of dissolution and mixing of medications taking into account their physical and chemical properties. • Always at first measure a distilled water. In the bottle in distilled water dissolve solid substances in a next sequence – at first narcotic, poisonous, strong affective, then general list. (at first – heavily soluble, and then – easily soluble), If sum of solid substances more than 3 % take into account the coefficient of increase of volume.
Percolation in a small bottle through the double layers of gauze, or tampon • Add the concentrated solutions from the burette system, at first narcotics, after that general list in order according to the prescription • Add not fragrant and non-flying liquids ( syrups, tinctures); then alcoholic liquids, in the order of growth of concentration of alcohol; are fragrant and volatile liquids
Rp: Analgіnі 3,0 Kalіі bromіdі 4,0 Aquae purіfіcatae 200ml Tіncturae Beladonnae 8ml Tіncturae Valerіanae 10ml Mіsсe. Da. Sіgna. 1 soup-spoon 3 times a day
WCP (reverse side): Total volume: 200ml+10ml+8ml=218ml. Concentratedsolution Kalіі bromіdі20% (1:5)4,05=20ml. Analgіnі 3,0 218 ml – 3,0 100 ml – ХХ =1,7% (1,7% 3%) Aquae purіfіcatae200-20= 180 ml
WCP (front side): Date prescription № Aquae purіfіcatae 180ml Analgіnі 3,0 Solutіonіs Kalіі bromіdі (1:5) 20ml Tіncturae Beladonnae 8ml Tіncturae Valerіanae 10ml V total = 218 ml Has prepared: Has checked up:
In porcelain cup measure off 180ml of cleared water and dissolve 3,0 of analgin. Solution percolate through a piece of wool in a small bottle for dispense. There measure off 20 ml of solution potassium bromide (1:5), then tincture of Belladonna, in the last turn measure off the tincture of valerian (prepared on a 70% alcohol). Glue on the number of recipe, label "Mixture",, “Shake before use ".
Rp: Kalіі іodіdі Natrіі bromіdі aa 5,0 Glucosі 15,0 Aquae purіfіcatae 180ml Mіsсe. Da. Sіgna. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. At first determine the percentage of the total glucose mixture. 180 ml - 15.0 100 ml – X X = 8,3%, more than 3%.
15.00,69=10,35(ml), is much more tolerance than in 3,6 ml. In this case calculation of amount of water for recipe conduct by such method : the concentrated solution- sodiums bromide 20% (1:5) and potassium bromide 20% (1:5) it is necessary to take for 25ml (5,0 5=25); water: 180ml-(25ml+25ml+10,35ml)=119,6ml Technology of preparation following: in porcelain cup measure off 120ml of water (better warm) and dissolve a 15.0 glucose, percolate solution in a small bottle for dispense; there measure off for 25ml 20% solution of potassium iodide and 20% concentrated solution-sodium bromide. Labels are "Mixture", to "Keep in a cool place", number of recipe.
WPC Date № prescription Aquae purіfіcatae 120ml Glucosі 15,0 Solutіonіs Kalіі іodіdі (1:5) 25ml Solutіonіs Natrііbromіdі (1:5) 25ml V total =180ml Prepared: Checked:
Rp: Kalіі bromіdі Natrіі bromіdі aa 2,0 Aquae Menthae ad 200ml Mіsсe. Da. Sіgna. По 1 столовій ложці 3 рази в день. • In the case, when of the recipe as a solvent prescribed flavored water is allowed to use concentrated solutions of powdery substances and Capacity factor of increased do not use. • Technology: measure off 200ml of water mint and dissolve in it 2.0 sodium bromide and potassium bromide, and then filtered in the bottle for dispensing. • WPC Date № prescription Aquae Menthae 200ml Kalіі bromіdі 2,0 Natrіі bromіdі 2,0 V tot. = 200ml Prepared: Checked: