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Enhancing Power Quality in Competitive Energy Markets

Understand the impact & importance of Power Quality (PQ) services on industrial productivity. Compare costs & benefits in competitive electricity markets for effective industrial operations.

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Enhancing Power Quality in Competitive Energy Markets

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  1. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  2. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  3. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  4. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  5. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  6. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  7. INVESTICIJE Pay-back gap Deregulacija EES Zaupanje odjemalca (DSM) 8 % 25% DISKONTNA STOPNJA UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  8. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  9. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  10. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  11. Model edinega kupca G G SO EDINI KUPEC IZVOZ UVOZ DIS DIS G L L L L L UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  12. Anglija in Walesnova organizacijska struktura Nuclear Electric National Power PowerGen Škotska Neodvisni generatorji National GRID Francija 12 Regionalnih distribucij Neodvisni generatorji Odjemalci UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  13. Struktura trga G G G G G G G G G ponudbe Bilateralne pogodbe G G SO - obratovalno načrtovanje - sistemske storitve - dostop na omrežje - energetske izravnave -poravnave in obračuni PX- BORZA Distrib. Distrib. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  14. prodaja sistemski operater urni trg Organizator trga Upravljanje dostopa na omrežje Vele-prodaja meritve izvajalec energetskih storitev združenje Finančni trg lastništvo denar energija storitev produkt Kompleksnost trga električne energije elektrarna prenosno podjetje distribucijsko podjetje odjemalec UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  15. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  16. Ključno vprašanje deregulacije V ČIGAVIH ROKAH JE SKRB ZA RAZVOJ ENERGETSKEGA SISTEMA ? UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  17. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  18. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  19. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  20. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  21. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  22. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  23. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  24. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  25. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  26. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  27. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  28. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  29. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  30. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  31. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  32. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  33. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  34. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  35. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  36. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  37. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  38. POWER QUALITY -- THE ADDED VALUE The problem of Power Quality (PQ) cost in industrial customers is particularly important at present in the new scenery of competitive electricity markets. In fact, it represent the added value that the electric suppliers can provide to the users for improving their productivity and the reliability of their industrial process. The industry must compare the cost of the PQ services provided by the utilities with the cost derived from damages to the production output and/or to the plants. While this later is easy to define because is related to the physical replacement of some equipment, the cost of production losses is not simple to monetize. Regina Lamedica UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  39. Contents and reflections on power quality and energy market • Power quality responsibility • Economic regulation of network charge • Quality parameters • Measurements in the past • Measurements nowadays • Research • Model of Slovenian power system UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  40. Electricity supply has nowadays become a part of every day life and is a service expected by electricity consumers. Their expectations rely on the availability of electricity whenever needed and on a safe and satisfactory operation of all connected electrical devices. In order to carry out economic regulation of network charge, the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenian regulator) monitors quality electricity supply, which is divided into: reliability (continuity) of supply, voltage quality and commercial quality. The Agency monitors the parameters of quality electricity supply with the intention of permanently increasing and maintaining its level, respectively. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  41. The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) has divided quality of electricity supply to: • commercial quality, dealing with service between the supplier or system operator and the consumer, • continuity (reliability) of supply, dealing with the number and duration of interruptions spotted with consumers, • quality of voltage which contains the technical characteristics of voltage measured in the receiving-transmitting point of the consumer. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  42. Agency’s main task is to prepare and issue the methodology for the calculation of network charge and methodology for setting out the criteria for defining eligible costs while taking into consideration the mechanisms of promotion, manifested in the field of investment, ascertaining technical losses of the system and maintenance. Together with these mechanisms which monitor cost efficiency of system operators, quality of electricity supply in case of consumers also needs to be monitored. A decrease of costs in a company can be most easily reached by means of decreasing costs in the field of maintenance and investment, which can also lead to a lower quality level. UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

  43. Legal bases for quality of electricity supply • The Energy Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No.: 26/05; EZ-UPB1) • The Decree on the method for implementing public service obligation relating to the activity of distribution system operator • The Decree on the method for implementing public service obligation relating to the activity of transmission system operator UM FERI laboratorij za energetiko jože voršič črpalne hidroelektrarne

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