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Get all the important information for the 2019-2020 school year at San Gorgonio Middle School, including introductions, mission statements, instructional focus, goals, standards-based grading, academic recognition, eligibility requirements, PBIS/school culture, and extracurricular activities.
San Gorgonio Middle School 19-20 Back-to-School
Principal - Drew Scherrer Assistant Principals - Idali Lopez & Chris Horton Counselors Yolanda Lopez - 8th Grade Elda Strawter - 7th Grade Andrew Chase- 6th Grade Introductions
Beaumont USD Mission Statement The Beaumont Unified School District shall provide high quality educational opportunities for all students in a safe and secure learning environment through a shared commitment among home, school andcommunity. Beaumont USD Instructional Focus Statement Students will be able to construct viable arguments with increasing complexity, build upon others’ ideas, and critique the reasoning of others, both orally and in writing, across content areas, using evidence from multiple sources.
LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) GOAL 1: Beaumont USD will provide a positive climate and school culture GOAL 2: Beaumont USD will ensure a viable 21st century learning environment GOAL 3: Beaumont USD will provide an optimum learning and working environment by employing, developing, and retaining highly-qualified staff https://www.beaumontusd.us/apps/pages/accountability
San Gorgonio Vision SGMS Students Will: Be Safe, Be Respectful, BeResponsible,BE COLLEGE and CAREER READY! Vision: Inspiring Students to make the dream of COLLEGE and CAREER READINESS a reality. Mission: Getting Students COLLEGE and CAREER ready through the school-wide implementation of AVID strategies Be Ready Beaumont: “Real Life, Real World, Real Careers”
SGMS in 2019-2020 • We start everyday with Homeroom • CharacterStrong • Binder Checks • SSR (Wednesday) • SMART Goals • Late Work Policy - 5 school days - work will not be accepted after • ELA (Studysync) and Math (Illustrative and CPM for Integrated 1) • ParentSquare • Communication tool for school - parents - teachers • Download the app
AVID Schoolwide: • WICOR strategies • Writing • Inquiry • Collaboration • Organization • Reading
AVID Organization • Binder Check every week • Homeroom • Assignment Calendar • Orange - Task List
Standards based grading (SBG) • The purpose of standards-based grading is to improve student achievement by focusing instruction and the alignment of curriculum with the essential standards • Standards-based grading measures the mastery of the learning objectives • Standards-based grading and reporting will provide better communication to students, parents, teachers and administrators on what each student knows and is able to do • E = Exceeds, M = Meets, N = Nearly Meets, U = Unmet
Student of the month August-September: October 7, 2019 October-November: December 2, 2019 December-January: February 3, 2020 February-March: April 6, 2020 Student of the Month: 6:00 pm
Eligibility Promotion activity eligibility: Each grade will hold end of the year activities for students who have met all the promotion requirements. In 6th and 7th grade this is an end-of-the-year field trip, in 8th grade this is the promotion ceremony, In-n-Out, Knott’s Berry farm and an 8th grade formal dance. Eligibility requirements are as follows:
Eligibility Cont... Entire School Year: Avoid earning any U’s or N’s on a report card during the school year. • Any student earning an U or N can avoid the loss of these activities by: • Log 15 hours of tutoring/ interventions per U or N on the Tutoring Log (i.e. 1 U or N = 15 hours of tutoring). • If a student has an N for academics and an E or M for work habits, the N for academics shall not be used as an ineligible grade. • If a student has a U for academics and an E for work habits, the U shall not be used as an ineligible grade.
Eligibility Cont... • Avoid being absent from school 20 or more days • Avoid earning 5 or more suspensions or Alternative To Suspension (ATS) days during the school year. • Avoid more than 30 tardies for during the school year. • Avoid more than 7 tardies during the 4th quarter. • Avoid earning more than 25 administrative disciplinary referrals for the school year.
PBIS/School Culture • Positive Behavior Interventions & Support • Common school-wide expectations and strategies • Work together to : • Support social behavior • Build a positive school culture • Create and maintain effective learning environments for academic achievement • Teach growth mindset, reflection, and goal-setting
Lots to do at SGMS Sports - Flag Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Archery, Mountain Bike, Color Guard Clubs - Science (SeaPerch), Christian, AVID, Drama, Music, NJHS, Chess, Speech & Debate, Anime, Art, Girls who Code, We encourage all kids to be involved with at least one extra-curricular activity
Coffee with Counselors Counselors Meet with Parents • September 5: How to Stay Connected in MS @ 6pm • October 16: Teen Stress and How to help @ 9:15 am • December : TBA
STOPiT App SGMS Code: 0141 The STOPit App is designed to deter and mitigate bullying and cyber abuse. The app consists of a back-end incident management system DOCUMENTit! For school administrators to track reports. Students will have the power to help put an end to harmful inappropriate behavior they see online through social media and other means.
School Site Council • We need students and parents to join our SSC • We meet after school 4 to 6 times a year to develop our School Plan for Student Achievement • Please see me if you are interested
Purpose of Back to School Nigh t • Get to know our campus • Have an opportunity to meet your student’s teacher • If you would like to set up a meeting to discuss your student with their teacher(s) please sign up for an individual meeting on a clipboard in your student’s classroom
thanks! Any questions? APP! EASY ACCESS to calendars, events, programs, and social media updates for San Gorgonio Middle School. ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE! Presentation will be available on our website. IT'S FREE! Click on a link below to download... Google Play For ANDROID Apple App Store For iTunes APPLE or Search: Beaumont USD