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Learn Component Administration System in Network Management Interface

Gain knowledge of Component Administration System, create component instance tree, and discuss network synchronization in network management interface system. Understand the CAS model, OSI-based components, and common functionality.

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Learn Component Administration System in Network Management Interface

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  1. Passport architecture

  2. Unit objectives In this unit, you will • describe the component administration system (CAS) • define components, attributes and instances • using the list and display commands, create a component instance tree (CIT) with component associations • use the V-O-C-A command syntax with verbs and wildcarding • know the security levels of network management interface system (NMIS) • discuss network synchronization.

  3. Spoolers Agents Collectors On-switch management system Active CP FP NMIS CAS Applications External interfaces: FMIP Telnet LocalFTP External interfaces FTP Note: Applications and agents also reside on the CPs. Interfacing to them is the same as shown for the FPs. Requests/Responses Event data Data collection system

  4. External interfaces Component administration system Active CP • component model is OSI-based • provides common functionality across applications • all applications are treated as components and are named using a component hierarchy • provides a common interface to all components CAS CAS NMIS DCS Functionprocessor Applications

  5. Expanded example of Lp/1 Lp/1 Component – logical processor … DS1/0 DS1/1 LP Subcomponent – DS1; Instance – 0, 1, 2 … Channel/0 Channel Attribute – ApplicationFramerName Timeslots ApplicationFramerName Component instance tree 7400 Root Component – Shelf Shelf Shelf subcomponent – Card; Instance – 1 Card/1 CardType=8pDS1 Attribute – CardType Bus/x Bus/y Test Test Software Lp/1 NMIS …

  6. Component instance tree 15000 Root Shelf ••• Card/15 Component – Card Instance: 0-15 Card/0 Diag Test Card Subcomponents: Diag, Test, FabricPort FabricPort/* FabricCard/ x or y Component – FabricCard; Instance: x/y CardPort/* FabricCard Subcomponents: CardPort, Test Test Software AtmIf/20 CA Vcc/* PNNI Trk/2050 Atm FwdStats DprsStats

  7. Component attributes Operational attributes 3 > d sh ca/4 Shelf Card/4 adminState = unlocked operationalState = enabled usageState = active availabilityStatus = proceduralStatus = controlStatus = alarmStatus = standbyStatus = providingService unknownStatus = false currentLP = Lp/4 failureCause = none selfTestFault = none sparingConnectionStatus = notApplicable hardwareAlarm = none insertedCardType = DS3  ok 2000-02-18 10:56:13.06 Provisionable attributes 4> d -p sh ca/4 Shelf Card/4 cardType = DS3 configuredLPs = Lp/4 sparingConnection = notApplicable commentText = "" ok 2000-02-18 11:01:54.56

  8. Groups Help lp Provisionable Group Attributes Provisioned mainCard, spareCard, logicalProcessorType, linkToApplications Provisionable Group Attributes CustomerIdentifierData, customerIdentifier OsiState adminState, operationalState usageState, availabilityStatus, proceduralStatus, controlStatus, alarmStatus, standbyStatus unknownStatus Operational Group Attributes Operational Group Attributes Operational activeCard mainCardStatus,spareCardStatus, restartOnCpSwitch,scheduledSwitchover Capacity memoryCapacity, sharedMsgBlockCapacity localMsgBlockCapacity Operational Group Attributes Operational Group Attributes UtilizationtimeInterval, cpuUtil,cpuUtilAvg cpuUtilAvgMin, cpuUtilAvgMax memoryUsage memoryUsageAvg memoryUsageAvgMin memoryUsageAvgMax, sharedMsgBlockUsage, sharedMsgBlockUsageAvg sharedMsgBlockUsageAvgMin sharedMsgBlockUsageAvg localMsgBlockUsage localMsgBlockUsageAvg localMsgBlockUsageMin localMsgBlockUsageMax Verbs RESET, RESTART, RELOADcp, SWITCHover,Add, DELete, Display, Help, List, LOCK, Set, Unlock

  9. Command syntax Verb(-Option [option value]) < (Component) >(Attribute [=attribute values]) V (O) (C) (A) List component = Shows the subcomponents Component … Subcomponent Subcomponent Display component = Shows all the operational attributes of the component Display -p component = Shows all the provisioning attributes of the component Display component attribute 2 = Shows attribute2 of the component Display component attribute1, attribute 7= Shows attribute1 and 7 of the component

  10. Command examples Verb(-Option [option value]) < (Component) >(Attribute [=attribute values]) V (O) (C) (A) display -provisioneddata shelf card/1 d –p sh ca/1 Shelf Card/1 cardType = CPeD configuredLPs = Lp/0 sparingConnection = notApplicable commentText = ”” ok 2000-04-26 23:20:44.86 display shelf card/1 cpuutil d sh ca/1 cpuutil Shelf Card/1 cpuUtil = 2 % ok 2000-04-26 23:21:21.15

  11. Passport 7400/1500 verbs help shelf Shelf Component Shelf Instantiation required Scope device Subcomponent Types Card,FabricCard Provisionable Group Provisioned Attributes commentText Operational Group Operational Attributes backplaneOperatingMode, hardwareFailures, numberOfSlots, revertibleTimerCountdown, shelfType Verbs RESET,Display,Help,List,Set ok 2000-04-26 22:46:14.89 list shelf Shelf Card/* Shelf FabricCard/* ok 2000-04-26 22:42:39.51 display shelf Shelf backplaneOperatingMode = singleFabricX hardwareFailures = numberOfSlots = 16 revertibleTimerCountdown = 0 seconds shelfType = fabricBasedShelf ok 2000-04-26 22:45:50.83

  12. Passport 7400/15000 verbs (continued) addlp/5 Lp/5 The following components have been created: Lp/5 Eng Lp/5 ok 2000-04-14 16:30:38.67 del lp/5 Lp/5 A total of 2 components have been deleted. ok 2000-04-14 16:30:42.67 set nmis telnet session/1 data ~ala Nmis Telnet Session/1 ok 2000-04-14 16:05:51.14 start lp/4 DS3/0 test Lp/4 DS3/0 Test Test started. stop lp/4 DS3/0 test Lp/4 DS3/0 Test ok 2000-04-14 16:30:18.40

  13. Passport 7400/15000 verbs (continued) locklp/4 Lp/4; 2000-04-14 16:28:34.42 SET major operator operationalCondition 00001000 ADMIN: shuttingDown OPER: enabled USAGE: active AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 16 Rel: Com: LP is Shutting Down Int: 0/0/2/29202; pcsLpMgr.cc; 3203; PCR1.2.33 Lp/4 ok 2000-04-14 16:28:34.42 unlock lp/4 Lp/4; 2000-04-14 16:28:44.77 CLR cleared operator operationalCondition 00001000 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 17 Rel: Com: LP is Unlocked Int: 0/0/2/29202; pcsLpMgr.cc; 3203; PCR1.2.33 Lp/4

  14. The help command Shelf Component Shelf Instantiation required Scope device Subcomponent Types Card,Bus,Test Provisionable Group Provisioned Attributes commentText Operational Group Operational Attributes backplaneOperatingMode, hardwareFailures, numberOfSlots, shelfType Verbs RESET,Display,Help,List,Set help shelf Shelf Card Diagnostics (Diag) TrapData Line RecoverableError (RecErr) Line BusTap Test DaughterCard (Dcard) Bus Test Test h -s shelf

  15. The help command (continued) Shelf Card Attribute cardType (card) Access Read: passive Write: service Criticality none Type Enumeration Values CP,V11,V35,DS1,DS1V,DS3,E1,E1V,E3,none, 1pFddiMultiMode(FDDI),4pTokenRing(TokenRing), … 32pE1Aal,12mPcusp Default none help shelf card cardtype Shelf Card Verb LOCK Impact service Options -force{f} ok 2000-10-13 11:23:35.97 help -v(lock) shelf card Verb List {L} Impact passive Options -current{c}, provisionedComponents{p}, -operationalComponents{o} ok 2000-10-13 11:25:11.40 help -v(list)

  16. d atmif/* * EM/STEALTH Invalid syntax: {* (wildcard)} unexpected, wildcard instance already exists. Input: d atmif/* {*} command failed 2000-08-14 00:04:15.05 d atmif/20 * * EM/STEALTH Invalid syntax: {component type} unexpected, may not follow a wildcard component type. Input: d atmif/20 * {*} command failed 2000-08-14 00:26:43.07 d atmif/20 * operationalstate EM/STEALTH Invalid syntax: {component type} unexpected, may not follow a wildcard component type. Input: d atmif/20 * {operationalstate} command failed 2000-08-14 00:28:07.87 CAS wildcarding (*)

  17. Processor control system (PCS) Software (sw) Logical processors (lp) Hardware (hw) Root Root Root sw Lp/3maincard = sh ca/3 spareCard =sh ca/4 logicalProcessorType = sw lpt/ATM linkToApplications= customerIdentifier= 0 Sh ca/3cardtype = 12pDS3 configuredLP = lp/3 sparing connection = comment text = Lpt/ATMcomment text = featureList = atmCore systemconfig = default logicalProcessors = lp/3 d –p sw lpt/ATM d –p lp/3 d –p sh ca/3

  18. Component association Root Shelf Card/3 cardType = 12pDS3 configuredLPs = Lp/3 Card/4 cardType = 12pDS3 configuredLPs = Lp/3 Lp/3 mainCard = Shelf Card/3 spareCard = Shelf Card/4 logicalProcessorType = Sw Lpt/ATMTrunks DS3/0 ApplicationFramerName: ATMIF/30 SW Avlist: base_CA0IF Networking_CA0IF trunks_ CA0IF atmNetworking_ CA0IF LPT/ATM trunks Lp = lp/3 Featurelist: atmbearerservice atmtrunks ATMIF/30 Interface name: lp/3 DS3/0

  19. Data collection system (DCS) Root Col/* accounting currentQueueSize = 0recordRx = 0 recordsDiscarded = 0 spool adminState = unlockedoperationalState = enabledusageState = activeavailabilityStatus=proceduralStatus =controlStatus=standbyStatus = notSetunknown = FalsespoolingFileName = /spooled/opened/account/ppc-account.20001202T000004.371.61currentQueueSize = 0recordsRx = 0recordsDiscarded = 0 agent/1 currentQueueSize = 0recordRx = 0 recordsDiscarded = 0recordsNotGenerated = 0 alarmslogdebugSCNtrapstats

  20. SCN Spooler StatisticsSpooler Data collection system (continued) Active CP Function Processor CAS NMIS DCS AlarmAgent AlarmCollector Local AccountingAgent AccountingCollector Telnet Applications Log AgentCollector Applications FMIP Applications DebugAgent DebugCollector FTP SCNAgent SCNCollector AlarmSpooler StatisticsAgent StatisticsCollector AccountingSpooler TrapAgent TrapCollector Log AgentSpooler Debug Spooler To SNMP management workstation SNMPAgent

  21. Monitoring data collection • Are records being spooled to disk? Command Possible response d col/* sp spool on d col/* sp state unlocked, enabled, active /spooled/opened/account/ account.01250000.653 d col/* sp spoolingFileName

  22. Ftp adminState = unlocked operationalState = enabled usageState = idle maxAllowedSessions = 16 activeSessions = 0 Telnet adminState = unlocked operationalState = enabled usageState = active maxAllowedSessions = 8 activeSessions = 3 Network management interface system (NMIS) Local adminState = unlocked operationalState = enabled usageState = busy maxAllowedSessions = 2 activeSessions = 1 Root NMIS NMIS Fmip adminState = unlocked operationalState = enabled usageState = active maxAllowedSessions = 35 activeSessions = 3 Continued

  23. Network management interface system (continued) Root nmis telnet session/1 userid = guest dataStreams = ala ~deb ~log ~scn remoteIpAddr = remoteTcpPort = 1069 screenWidth = 79 loginTime = 2000-12-03 14:32:01.50 local ftp fmip

  24. ROOT UserID /<user name 1> UserId /<user name 1> password = <string> customerIdentifier = <decimal [0-8191] > commandScope = <network / device / application> commandImpact = <debug / sytemAdmin / config / service / passive> allowedAccess = <local ~telnet ~fmip ~ftp> Optional friendly IP addresses AccessControl (Ac) IpAccess /<IP address x> IpAccess /<IP address x> UserID /<user name 2> Network management interface system (NMIS)

  25. commandImpact commandScope • tasks you are allowed to perform components you are allowed to see Network components(on that node)For example; mod, trk, rtg Debug Network Debug commands Commands to add, change, and delete users System Admin Device An entire Passport node For example; sw, lp, card Commands to add, change, and remove new services Configuration Application Commands to affect the operation of a configured service An access port only For example; lp/2 ds1/0* lp cannot be displayed. Service Passive Commands to view information Network management interface system (NMIS)

  26. Network clock synchronization (NS) Module clocking source Function Processor Passport node Stratum 4 clock Receive signal Control Processor Port/x Transmit signal Stratum 3 clock Dual buses

  27. CP Stratum 3 clock Rx signal comes from a more accurate Stratum 1 clock source. Therefore the Tx uses the more accurate source. Function processor Transmission equipment Stratum 4 clock Receive signal Stratum 1 Port/x Transmit signal uses the Stratum 1 clock Network clock synchronization (continued) FP Receive signal Local clocking source Port/x Transmit signal Stratum 4 clock Line clocking source

  28. Root Network synchronization (NS)primaryReference = Lp/2 V35/0 secondaryReference =Lp/4 Sonet/0 tertiaryReference = Network synchronization (continued) d -p networksync d -p lp/2 V35/0 Root Lp/2 V35/0 clockingSource = module (transmit side) Note: the NS component must be added to be able to set the clocking source to module.

  29. Passport C Passport A Passport D Passport B Master clock source is propagated through the network Network synchronization: configuration for primary clocking Link/1 = module Link/4 = moduleNS Primary = Link/4 Link/4 = moduleNS Primary = Link/4 Link/3 = module Link/x = module Primary Reference External Source Link/2 = module Master clock source Stratum 1 Link/2 = module Passport X Link/2 = module Primary Reference External Source Link/3 = module Link/x = module Link/2 = module Link/1= module NS Primary = Link/1 Link/4= module NS Primary = Link/3 Link/4 = module

  30. Unit summary In this unit, you • described the component administration system (CAS) • defined components, attributes and instances • used the list and display commands, create a component instance tree (CIT) with component associations • used the V-O-C-A command syntax with verbs and wildcarding • learned the security levels of network management interface system (NMIS) • discussed network synchronization

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