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Develop mathematical anagrams to enhance mathematical learning skills by accurately converting between imperial units. Explore real-life cross/curricular links with enterprise skills.
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Real life cross/curricular links? Where are we in our journey? Which ones are you using? Enterprise Skills LESSON OBJECTIVES Always aim high! We are learning to: • Enhance our Mathematical learning skills. (Which Enterprise skills?) - Accurately convert between imperial units. (Level 5) AUTHOR www.mistrymaths.co.uk
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen LEARNING JOURNEY Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using?
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen BRAIN IN GEAR Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? EXAMPLE DITDIONA can be rearranged to make ADDITION TASK Work out the following Mathematical anagrams: Yards Ounces Gallons EXTENSION Develop your own Mathematical anagrams as above as a creative entrepreneur.
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen STARTER Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? TASK EXTENSION 1) Sketch the following shapes: 1) Work out the area of the shape below: (a) (b) Sphere Triangular prism 3m Area= (4 + 6) x 5 2) Name the solid which has this net: A 6m 10m Tetrahedron 2 4m = 25cm B 12m Area of rectangle A = length x width 1 4cm 3) 4) Area of rectangle A = 6 x 3 2 2 2 2 Area of rectangle B = 48m Area of rectangle A = 18m Area of compound shape = 66m 5cm Area of rectangle B = length x width Area of rectangle B = 12 x 4 6cm Find the area Faces = 6 Area of compound shape = 48 + 18 Edges = 12 2 = 25cm Area= (4 + 6) x 5 Vertices = 8
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? INTRODUCTION Fill in the missing letters to spell the names of different imperial units. A D Y _ R _ S P _ _ N D S O U M I _ _ S L E N I _ C H _ S E S T _ _ E S N O C O _ N _ E S U T _ N O Shops and pubs can now keep to imperial measures after Eurocrats were forced to accept that the British would never “go the extra kilometre” or “pop out for a quick litre”. L O G _ L _ _ N S A E E F _ _ T S I P _ N T _
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES What might we buy in here? 6 inch sub What is this in feet? 1 foot 1 foot = 12 inches 2 ÷2 ÷2 6 inches =
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES What might we buy in here? 1.2 feet 14 inch pizza 1 foot What is this in feet? 2 14 inches = 1 foot = 12 inches
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES What does this sign show? The distances in miles to different towns 8800 yards What is the distance to Sowerby Bridge in yards? 1 foot 2 5 miles = 1 mile = 1760 yards x5 x5
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES Where can you use this item? White waxed cotton can be used in all sorts of craft projects 27 feet There are 9 yards of cotton on this reel. How many feet is this? 1 foot 2 9 yards = 1 yard = 3 feet x9 x9 27 feet
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES What imperial unit does this pediatric scale use? Pounds 27 feet The baby weighs 6 pounds. How many ounces is this? 1 foot 2 6 pounds 1 pound = 16 ounces = x6 x6
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES What competition do you think this man is taking part in? Stongest man – Atlas stones 27 feet The stone the man is carrying weighs 350 pounds. How many stones is this? 1 foot = 350 pounds 2 1 stone = 14 pounds
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES What is the name of this car? Rolls Royce Phantom 27 feet This car weighs 3 tons. How many pounds is this? 1 foot 2 3 tons = 1 ton = 2240 pounds x3 x3 6720 pounds
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES Where do you often see these bottles? On water coolers in places with a lot of people 27 feet This bottle holds 5 gallons of water. How many pints is this? 1 foot 2 5 gallons = 1 gallon = 8 pints x5 x5 40 pints
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? EXAMPLES Who do you think the man is? World’s tallest man – Sultan Kosen 2.7 yards The man is 8 feet tall. How many yards is this? 1 foot 8 feet = 2 1 yard = 3 feet
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? TASK 1 (LEVEL 5) • Fill in the gaps, using the information in this section. • a 2 feet = … inches b 4 yards = … feet c 2 miles = …… yards • d 5 pounds = … ounces e 4 stone = … pounds f 3 tons = ….…pounds • g 5 gallons = … pints h 4 feet = … inches i 1 yard = … inches x 12 x 1760 x 3 3520 24 12 x 16 x 14 x 2240 6720 80 56 x 8 x 12 40 48 36 3 feet x 12 2) Fill in the gaps, using the information in this section. a 8800 yards = … miles b 16 pints = … gallons c 1 mile = ……. feet d 96 inches = … feet e 98 pounds = … stones f 56 pints = … gallons g 32 ounces = … pounds h 15 feet = … yards i 11200 pounds = … tons 1760 yards x 3 ÷ 1760 ÷ 8 2 5 5280 ÷ 12 ÷ 8 ÷ 14 8 7 7 ÷ 3 ÷ 2240 ÷ 16 5 5 2
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? 1 kg ≈ 2.2 pounds 1 foot ≈ 30cm 1 inch ≈ 2.5cm 1 mile ≈ 1.6km 1 gallon ≈ 4.5 litres LEARN ALL OF THESE OFF BY HEART TASK 2 (LEVEL 5) • Fill in the gaps, using the information in this section. • a 3 kg ≈ … ..pounds b 10 inches ≈ … cm c 4 gallons ≈ …… litres • d 24 km ≈ … miles e 5 feet ≈ ..… cm f 80 kg ≈ ….…pounds • g 4 inches ≈ … ..cm h 10 gallons ≈ ..… litres i6 feet 2 inches ≈ ..… cm x 4.5 x 2.2 x 2.5 18 6.6 25 x 2.2 x 30 ÷ 1.6 15 176 150 x 30 x 2.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 45 185 10 x 30 x 2.5 150cm + 20cm = 170cm x 100 No he is tall not enough to teach at the school. 166cm x 14 x 2.2 The boxer needs to lose 3 pounds. 140 pounds 143 pounds x 4.5 = £16.65 11.25 litres x £1.48
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? TASK 3 (LEVEL 5) – TREASURE HUNT
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? TASK 3 (LEVEL 5) – TREASURE HUNT
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? TASK 3 (LEVEL 5) – TREASURE HUNT
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? NATIONAL CURRICULUM 1863 EXTENSION (LEVEL 5) Translate the following ‘Tale of metrication’ into English. pound inched As I 2.54 cenitmetred my way along the ledge, I could feel my heart 454 graming in my chest. I was terrified my 304.8mm would slip and I would fall like a 6.36kg from my 5.03m into the 0.91m below. If only I had a 65mg of sense I would have sent a 219.456m , or arrived a 10.16cm, I could not 1.83m out why the place was in darkness. pound feet grain yard cable perch fathom hand
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT x 12 36 3 feet = …….. inches
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT x 4.5 9 2 gallons = …….. litres
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT ÷ 16 10 160 ounces = …….. pounds
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT ÷ 2.2 4 8.8 pounds = …….. kg
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? Find the correct answer in the ball pit. Whomever finds the answer ball first wins a point for their team. BOYS BALL PIT GIRLS BALL PIT x 2.5 25 10 inches = …….. cm
Team Worker Positive Thinker Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen • LINK BACK TO OBJECTIVES • Accurately convert between imperial units. What level are we working at? DISCOVERY Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using?
Creative Entrepreneur Independent Learner Reflective Learner Responsible Citizen Positive Thinker Team Worker A H S M T B S E S U R T Enterprise Skills IMPERIAL UNITS Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY
4 feet to cm 120cm
4 inches to cm 10cm
2 gallons to litres 9 litres
3 kg to pounds 6.6 pounds
5 miles to km 8km
28 pounds to stone 2 stone
21 feet to yards 7 yards
40 pints to gallons 5 gallons
150cm to feet 5 feet
3.2 km to miles 2 miles
22 pounds to kg 10kg
13.5 litres to gallons 3 gallons
10 cm to inches 4 inches
5 stone to pounds 70 pounds
11 gallons to pints 88 pints
5 feet to inches 60 inches
4 pounds to ounces 64 ounces
15 yards to feet 45 feet
2 tons to pounds 4480 pounds
2 miles to yards 3520 yards
10 miles to km 16km
9 feet to cm 270cm