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Explore the basic frameworks of deposit insurance systems, functions of deposit insurance funds, sources of DIF, administration methods, tax handling, and crisis management strategies. Learn about dealing with systemic crises and the importance of diversified funding vehicles for deposit insurers.

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  1. Contents • Basic frameworks of the deposit insurance systems (DIS)* • Deposit insurance fund functions • Sources of deposit insurance fund (DIF) • Administration of DIF • Handling of taxes and surpluses • Dealing with systemic crises • Conclusion * 13 deposit insurers were surveyed in this study, including: HK=Hong Kong; IN=India; ID=Indonesia; JP=Japan; KZ=Kazakhstan; KR=Korea; MY=Malaysia; RU=Russia; SG=Singapore; TW=Taiwan; TH=Thailand; PH=The Philippines; VN=Vietnam.

  2. Basic Frameworks of DIS

  3. DIF Functions

  4. Sources of DIF • Capital • Premium • Earnings on investment • Recoveries and other sources of revenue • For liquidity purpose • Borrowing • Bonds issuance

  5. Sources of DIF Capital

  6. Sources of DIF Premium

  7. Sources of DIF Earnings on Investment

  8. Sources of DIF Recoveries & Other Sources of Revenue

  9. Sources of DIF For Liquidity Purpose—Borrowing

  10. Sources of DIF For Liquidity Purpose—Bond Issuance

  11. Sources of DIF Comparison of Sources of DIF

  12. Administration of DIF-Setting of DIF Target Value

  13. Administration of DIF Methods for Dealing with DIF Deficits

  14. Handling of Taxes and Surpluses

  15. Dealing with Systemic Crises • Agencies responsible for dealing with systemic crises • Mechanism for dealing with systemic crises • Scope of protection during the financial crisis • Reactions to the global financial crisis in terms of coverage and premium • Difference between the funding sources for an individual failure and a systemic crisis

  16. Dealing with Systemic Crises Agencies Responsible for Dealing with Systemic Crises

  17. Dealing with Systemic Crises Mechanism for Dealing with Systemic Crises

  18. Dealing with Systemic Crises Scope of Protection During Financial Crisis

  19. Dealing with Systemic Crises Reactions—CoverageAdjustments

  20. Dealing with Systemic Crises Reactions—PremiumAdjustments

  21. Dealing with Systemic Crises Difference between the Funding Sources for An Individual Failure & A Systemic Crisis

  22. Conclusion (I) • Diversified funding vehicles are necessary to ensure sufficient funds and liquidity of deposit insurers • Deposit insurance fund investment should consider mainly safety and liquidity • More Asian DIs set up DIF target values

  23. Conclusion (II) • Deposit insurers shall be exempt from all taxes to speed up the accumulation of deposit insurance fund • Overall financial condition should be considered while adjusting deposit insurance premium during a financial crisis • Cost of handling a financial crisis should not be borne by deposit insurance organization alone

  24. Money is not everything, but without money one can achieve nothing.

  25. Thank You! cdic@cdic.gov.tw

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