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Learn how to arrange components on a GUI using GroupBoxes and Panels, and explore the functionality of Dialog Boxes for file selection, font selection, color selection, and more.
Week 3: WINDOWS PROGRAMMING Chapter 15 in “Beginning Visual C# 2010” ebook Chapter 4 in “”MCTS_Self-Paced_Training_Kit” ebook
4. GroupBoxes and Panels • Arrange components on a GUI • GroupBoxes can display a caption • Text property determines its caption • Panels can have scrollbar • View additional controls inside the Panel Group Group Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 2
GroupBoxes and Panels Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 3
GroupBoxes and Panels Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 4
GroupBoxes and Panels Controls inside panel panel panel scrollbars Fig. 12.21 Creating a Panel with scrollbars. Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 5
GroupBoxes and Panels Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming
The FlowLayoutPanel Control The FlowLayoutPanel control is a subclass of the Panel control Unlike the Panel control, however, the FlowLayoutPanel dynamically repositions the controls it hosts when it is resized at either design time or run time Like the Panel control, the FlowLayoutPanel control is scrollable Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 7
The FlowLayoutPanel Control Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 8
The SplitContainer Control The SplitContainer control creates a subsection of the form where Splitter divides SplitContainer into two SplitterPanel controls that function similarly to Panel controls. The SplitContainer.Dock property is set to Fill by default. SplitContainer exposes its two child SplitterPanel controls through its Panel1 and Panel2 properties Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 9
The SplitContainer Control Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 10
Dialog Boxes (dlg prefix) • Predefined standard dialog boxes for: • File Open and Saving • Printing and Previewing • Color selection • Font selection • Add the Common Dialog control to form • Appears in the Component Tray, pane at bottom of Form Designer where nondisplay controls are shown Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 11
Drag common dialog to form Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 12
Common Dialog Controls • OpenFileDialog • SaveFileDialog • FontDialog • ColorDialog • PrintDialog • PrintPreviewDialog Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 13
FontDialog Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 14
FontDialog • Property Font: Gets or sets the selected font. • Property ShowEffects whether the dialog box contains controls that allow the user to specify strikethrough, underline,Color. • Property Color: Gets or sets the selected font color • Method Showdialog(): Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 15
ColorDialog Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 16
ColorDialog Property Color : get/set color select by the user Property FullOpen: True/false, whether the controls used to create custom colors are visible when the dialog box is opened Method Showdialog():Displays a dialog box user interface Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 17
ColorDialog colorDialog1.FullOpen=true; colorDialog1.Color = Color.Red; colorDialog1.ShowDialog(); lblDisplay.ForeColor = colorDialog1.Color; Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 18
Demo Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 19
OpenFileDialog - SaveFileDialog • Property FileName: Gets or sets a string containing the file name selected in the file dialog box. • Property Filter which determines the choices that appear in the "Save as file type" or "Files of type" box in the dialog box. • Property FilterIndex: Gets or sets the index of the filter currently selected in the file dialog box. • Property InitialDirectory: Gets or sets the initial directory displayed by the file dialog box. • Property Title: Gets or sets the file dialog box title. • Method Showdialog(): Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 20
Demo Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 21
The Button, CheckBox, andRadioButton Controls • Button • Text • Click (event) • CheckBox • Checked • CheckState • ThreeState • CheckedChanged (Event) • RadioButton • Checked • CheckedChanged (Event) Radio Check box Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 22
Demo Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 23
The ListBox Control The ListBox control is the simplest of the list-based controls and serves primarily to display a simple list of items in an easy-to-navigate user interface from which users can select one or more items Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 24
The ListBox and ComboBox Control • ListBox tool • lst prefix • Simple List Box with/without scroll bars • ComboBox tool • cbo prefix • List may allow for user to add new items • List may "drop down" to display items in Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 25
Dropdown Combo Box Simple Combo Box List Boxes Dropdown List Box The ListBox and ComboBox Control Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 26
ListBox & ComboBox Cho phép thêm item trong màn hình thiết kế form Danh sách item
ListBox & ComboBox • ListBox hiển thị dạng Multi Column Hiển thị nhiều cột
The ListBox Control Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 29
Common ListBox Methods Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 30
The ListBox, CheckedListBox, andComboBox Controls method a. <MyListBox>.Items.Add(“MyListItem”) lstMyListBox.Items.Add(“cat”); b. <MyListBox>.Items.RemoveAt(Index) lstMyListBox.Items.RemoveAt(3); c. <MyListBox>.Items.Remove(String) lstMyListbox.Item.Remove(“cat”); d. <MyListBox>.Items.Clear() lstMyListBox.Clear(); e. <MyListBox>.SetSelect(index, True/Fale) lstMyListBox.SetSelect(3,True); e. <MyListBox>.ClearSelect() Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 31
Demo Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 32
ComboBox Control The ComboBox control is similar to the ListBox control, but, in addition to allowing the user to select items from a list, it provides a space for a user to type an entry. Additionally, you can configure the ComboBox to either display a list of options or to provide a drop-down list of options Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 33
ComboBox Control Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 34
Demo Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 35
The CheckedListBox Controls • CheckedListBox displays a list of items to users and allows them to select multiple items by checking boxes that are displayed next to the items. • Any number of items can be checked, but only one item can be selected at a time. • You can retrieve a collection that represents the checked items by accessing the CheckedItems collection Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 36
The CheckedListBox Controls Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 37
Demo Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 38
TheDomainUpDown and NumericUpDown Controls • DomainUpDown (dud) • Items • ReadOnly • SelectedIndex • SelectedItem • Sorted • SelectedItemChanged (Event) Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 39
The DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown Controls • NumericUpDown (nud) • Increment • Maximum • Minimum • Value • ValueChanged Event Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 40
Demo Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 41
The MonthCalendar andDateTimePicker Controls Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 42
MonthCalendar properties and an event Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 43
DateTimePicker Control The DateTimePicker control enables the user to set a date, a time, or both in an easy-tounderstand graphical interface similar to a ComboBox control Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 44
DateTimePicker properties and an event Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 45
The Timer, TrackBar, andProgressBar Controls • The Timer _ tmr • Enabled Property • Interval Property • Start() Method • Stop() Method • Tick Event Windows Programming 1 Chapter 15:Basic Windows Programming Slide 46
Timer Properties Enabled Interval Methods Start Stop Tick
Timer Hiển thị thời gian Enable sự kiện Tick Khoảng thời gian chờ giữa 2 lần gọi Tick
Timer • Sự kiện Tick Khai báo trình xử lý sự kiện Tick
Timer • Demo Mỗi giây sự kiện Tick phát sinh. Trình xử lý của Tick sẽ lấy giờ hệ thống và hiển thị lên Label