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Discover the key elements of being a complete manager in "The Quantum Leader" by Dr. C.N. Daftuar. Learn about IQ, EQ, LQ, and SQ, and how intelligence, emotional, learning, and spiritual quotients shape effective leadership. Explore concepts, frameworks, and the importance of spiritual intelligence for leaders.
THE QUANTUM LEADER Dr. C.N. Daftuar , Salahkaar Consultants, Pune, INDIA
WHAT MAKETH A COMPLETE PERSON/MANAGER: THE QUANTUM LEADER ? By Dr. C.N. Daftuar , Chief Mentor and CMD, Salahkaar Consultants, Pune, INDIA CN Daftuar
WHAT MAKETH A COMPLETE MANAGER/PERSON: THE QUANTUM LEADER? I Strongly believe that it has to be a Combination of IQ+EQ+LQ+SQ Intelligence Quotient Emotional Quotient Learning Quotient Spiritual Quotient We assume that a Perfect Manager needs to be first a perfect person which is possible only if he is sufficiently intelligent, socially apt, willing to learn and change and is spiritually inclined. . CN Daftuar
What is IQ(Intelligence Quotient)? Intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived from a standardized tests designed to assess the levels of intelligence in a person. CN Daftuar
CONCEPTS & MEANINGS OF INTELLIGENCE & IQ“The aggregate of global capacity of the individuals to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his/her environment’. (Wechsler)IQ (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE)Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) is the “capacity to understand, learn, recall, think rationally solve problems, and apply what one has learned”. (KAPLAN & SADOCK)IQ EQUATION Mental AgeChronological Age IQ = X 100 CN Daftuar
Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) Framework • The Cognitive Realm • The Innovation Realm • The Strategy and Planning (Management) Realm • The Problem Solving & Analytic Realm • The General (basic) Success Realm
CONCEPTS & MEANINGS OF EMOTION EMOTIONS are a mix of (i) Physiological Arousal, (ii) Expressive Behavior, and (iii) Conscious Experiences THREE BASIC EMOTIONS ARE Fear Anger Happiness AMYGDALA – A neural key to fear learning ALL EMOTIONS BEGIN IN MIND BUT ARE EXPRESSED IN BODY AND BOTH EFFECT SPIRIT
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ) • EQ DEFINED • “It is an array of personal, emotional and social competences and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures”. ( Reuven Bar-On,1997). • We (Daftuar, 2001) define Emotional Intelligence (EQ) as a capacity to blend a right mix of three kinds of emotional experiences, viz; (i) Physiological arousal, (2) Expressive behavior and (iii) Conscious experience for all kinds of behaviour meant for adjustments in life situations, for overall success in personal, social and professional life.
Emotional Intelligence Framework • The Intrapersonal Realm • The Interpersonal Realm • The Adaptability Realm The Stress Management Realm • The General Mood Realm
IQ & EQ IQ can get you A+ grade (Basic/General Success) EQ gets you ahead in life IQ can give you understanding (Cognition) EQ can help you make use of those understanding IQ is individual’s attribute (Like Reasoning ability) EQ too ispersonal but also helps in interpersonal relationships IQ can make you arrogant (For your high Intelligence and Innovative ideas) and spoil your social skills and success EQ is responsible for your self-esteem, self awareness, social sensitivity & social adaptability
LEARNING QUOTIENT (LQ) We define Learning Quotient as • “…ability and willingness to learn new knowledge, skills and personal characteristics effectively and efficiently and apply these learned characteristics, knowledge and skills for self and others’ including organization’s growth” (Daftuar,2011).
Key Elements of LQ In the organizational and particularly managerial context, a person can be said to have high Learning Quotients (LQ) if s/he has, among others, the following attributes: • Knows how to learn, • Willing to learn, • Willing to change, • Following high quality learning, • Following sound learning Methods, and • Willingness to apply learned material to successfully solve personal and management Problems
Learning Intelligence (LQ) Framework • The Ability & Willingness to learn Realm • The Abilitytoapply knowledge in work and life Realm • The Adaptability to Grow (self and others) Realm • The Stress and Other Problems’ Management Realm • The General Social Skills Realm
Four Divine Roles (Delegated by God) • The Parental Duties Realm • The Doctors’ Duties Realm • The Teachers’ Roles Realm • The Leaders’ Roles Realm • The General Roles of the Four to Manage and Help Grow Someone Else’s Life Realm
WHY SQ FOR LEADERS? • Since Leaders’ Roles are divine given by God where in s/he is assigned to manage and help others grow and achieve it becomes logical that the leaders should have spirituality as a matter of course in their personality and behaviour. • Hence, Spiritual Intelligence is imperative in a Leader.
Spiritual Quotient (SQ) “Spiritual Intelligence is the ultimate intelligence with which we address and solve the problems of meaning and value, the intelligence with which we can place our actions and our lives in a wider, richer, meaning-giving context, the intelligence with which we can assess that one course of action or one life path is more meaningful than another.” (Zohar & Marshall-2002)
Concept and meanings of Spiritual Intelligence Ram Mohan says that spiritual Intelligence is about the growth of a human being, about moving on in life with direction in life and being able to heal ourselves of all the resentments & wounds that we carry. It is an expression of a higher reality.. nature is not meant to be exploited. Ultimately, we discover freedom from our sense of intimation as human beings and attain moksha.
CONCEPT OF SQ (SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE) “ SQ or Spiritual Intelligence (SI) is the ultimate intelligence which helps us to address, understand and solve the problems of meaning and purpose and values of life; intelligences which places ourselves and our actions on a wider, richer, meaning-giving level; the intelligence with which we can help understand ourselves and draw a life path to benefit the universe including mankind and personally ourselves, our society and our organizations in more meaningful and purposeful way than what is available now by other means.” Daftuar, 2001.
Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Framework • The Spiritual and Religious Realm • The Self-awareness Realm • The Relationship and Love Realm • Leadership and Managerial Realm • The General Application Realm
Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Framework The Spiritual and Religious Realm Beliefs in God & Religiosity Belief in Soul Practicing Spiritual Exercises Fate and Karma The Self-awareness Realm Self- Awareness Flexibility and Ability to adapt Ability to transcend pain Spirituality intelligent about death. The Relationship and Love Realm Love is divine Life Style Values Gender & Caste Equality Leadership & Managerial Realm Spirituality in leadership Helping Behavior Interpersonal relations The General Application in Personal & Work Life Realm
Key Elements of SQ-1 According to our model of SQ, a person can be said to have high Spiritual Intelligence if s/he has, among others, the following 15 (fifteen) attributes: 1.God & Religiosity One’s belief and attitude towards God and religion. 2.Soul : The ability of an individual to cognitively understand the separate existence of soul from the body 3.Self Awareness : Means how much a person is aware of one self, his/her activities and dimensions related to life. 4.Spiritual Exercises: Indicated importance of spiritual practices in one’s life 5. Life Style Values: The person has high values and beliefs that guide her/his life 6. Gender & Caste Equality Believes that persons belonging to all genders and castes are equal
Key Elements of SQ-2 7. Fate & Karma Person gives importance of fate & karma in one’s life and in the conduct of ones life 8. Interpersonal relations Person gives importance of social relations in one’s life. 9. Divinity in Love It’s a measure of how far an individual subscribes to the notion of true love as divine 10.Spirituality in leadership The extent of belief and actions of an individual in his/her use of spirituality in leadership style. 11.Helping Behavior How much importance is given to helping behaviour
Key Elements of SQ-3 12 .Flexibility and Ability to adapt A person’s ability to use and overcome suffering for self growth 14 Ability to transcend pain 15 Being spirituality intelligent about death. Understanding that death is just a transition from one phase to another and realizing the immortality of soul
The Superior Talented Manager Model Based on the Concept of the Complete Person Self (INTRAPERSONAL) Other (INTERPERSONAL) LQ Knows how to learn, Willing to learn, Willing to change, Following high quality learning , Following sound learning Method, Willingness to apply learned material for Management Problems IQ • Logic • Problem Solving • Achievement • Manage • Administer Recognition (Awareness) EQ SQ • Self Awareness • Conflict Management • with idealism and value • Influence • Empathy • Tenderness & • Compassion Regulation (Self and Others-Management) Self Awareness Relationship Awareness Self-Management Relationship Management
Salahkaar Model of Emotional (Personal) Relationship which climbs to the status of Spirituality Intimacy Love, Happiness Fear, Anger, Hate Dominance/submission Power…..etc Love, Hate, Happiness, Fear, Anger, Dominance/submission Power,..etc Passion Decision/ Commitment Use of Position in relationship (Power/status) Heartful Emotions Heartful Emotions Person-A Person-B
Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Learning Quotient (LQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Spiritual Quotient (SQ) • Unlike IQ, which computers have, and EQ and LQ, which exists in higher mammals, SQ is uniquely human and, the the most fundamental of the four. • It is linked to humanity's need for meaning, an issue very much at the forefront of people's minds. • In the early part of the twentieth century IQ, or rational intelligence was the big issue. More recently, emotional intelligence (EQ) has been identified as a requirement for the effective use of IQ. People have started talking of the importance of LQ in the sense that ability and desire to learn is more important than the learned knowledge itself. Now there exists much scientific data that points to the presence of a Spiritual Intelligence (SQ), the ultimate intelligence that serves as a necessary foundation for the effective functioning of IQ, LQ as well as EQ. • Looking at these connections our model was developed focusing on connection of all these four for richness in life and profession (ROLP).
ROL MODEL S.Q and Richness of life S.Q. I.Q. L.Q. E.Q. Together with I.Q, L.Q. and E.Q., S.Q. is the factor that defines human beings ultimately from animals or computers. S.Q. allows being creative to change rules, to alter situations and to go beyond the obvious. A successful human being and hence, an effective Manager can be conceived as an integral combination of IQ.,L.Q., E.Q. and S.Q. This Individual may be expressed as having richness in life. (ROL)
Applications of this Model: • Spirituality is recognized as a pillar for success by many leading management gurus .Not only eastern countries but western countries also have started accepting the importance of spirituality for successful as well as a contented life. A contended life trends to be changing very fast in twenty first century. • Looking at this demand as well as realization for the same this Model can be useful for trainers working in the area of Human Resource Development as well as in the area of the General management. • The Model can be used to assess and frame a sound policy of Governance. • The model can also be used as a tool in the training areas to analyze their emotional and spiritual level and then sensitize leaders and managers for the effective use of spirituality to overcome life challenges for achieving desired goals. • Further people can use the Model to understand themselves in deeper manner. • Model can be used in Spiritual management as well as in spiritual therapy to deal with psychological problems or in the area of mental health. • If we are able to develop a sound person/manager who combine IQ,EQ,LQ and SQ in him/her self we may be able to get rid of the rampant corruption we see around at all levels of managerial and leadeshp roles and positions.