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Chapter 4 IP Addressing : Classful Addressing

Learn about IP addresses and classful addressing in this comprehensive guide. Understand the classification, netid and hostid, network addresses, masks, special addresses, and more. Master the concepts of unicast, multicast, and broadcast addresses.

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Chapter 4 IP Addressing : Classful Addressing

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  1. Chapter 4IP Addressing : Classful Addressing

  2. 4.1 Introduction • For a host to communicate with any other host • Need a universal identification system • Need to name each host • Internet address or IP address is a 32-bit address that uniquely defines a host or a router on the internet • The IP addresses are unique in the sense that two devices can never have the same address. However, a device can have more than one address.

  3. Notation • Binary notation 01110101 10010101 00011101 11101010 32 bit address, or a 4 octet address or a 4-byte address • Decimal point notation

  4. Notation (cont’d) • Hexadecimal Notation - 8 hexadecimal digits - Used in network programming 0111 0101 1001 0101 0001 1101 1110 1010 75 95 1D EA 0x75951DEA

  5. 4.2 Classful Addressing • Occupation of address space • In classful addressing, the address space is divided into five classes: A, B, C, D, and E. • Finding the class in binary notation

  6. Classful Addressing (cont’d) • Finding the address class

  7. Classful Addressing (cont’d) • Finding the class in decimal notation

  8. Netid and Hostid • Each IP address is made of two parts; netid and hostid. • Netid defines a network; hostid identifies a host on that network.

  9. Netid and Hostid (cont’d) • IP addresses are divided into five different classes: A, B, C, D, and E

  10. Classes and Blocks • Blocks in class A • Class A is divided into 128 blocks with each block having a different netid. • Millions of class A addresses are wasted.

  11. Classes and Blocks (cont’d) • Class B is divided into 16,384 blocks with each block having a different netid Many class B addresses are wasted.

  12. Classes and Blocks (cont’d) • Class C is divided into 2,097,152 blocks with each block having a different netid. The number of addresses in a class C block is smaller than the needs of most organizations

  13. Classes and Blocks (cont’d) • Class D addresses are used for multicasting; there is only one block in this class. • Class E addresses are reserved for special purposes; most of the block is wasted.

  14. Network Address • The network address is the first address. • The network address defines the network to the rest of the Internet. • Given the network address, we can find the class of the address, the block, and the range of the addresses in the block • In classful addressing, the network address (the first address in the block) is the one that is assigned to the organization.

  15. Mask • A mask is a 32-bit binary number that gives the first address in the block (the network address) when bitwise ANDed with an address in the block. • Masking concept

  16. Mask (cont’d) • AND Operation • The network address is the beginning address of each block. It can be found by applying the default mask to any of the addresses in the block (including itself). It retains the netid of the block and sets the hostid to zero.(refer table 4.2)

  17. Default Masks Table 4.2 Default masks

  18. 4.3 Others Issues • Multihomed devices (computers, or routers) • A computer that is connected to different networks • Having more than one address

  19. Special Addresses • Some parts of the address space in class A, B, C for special addresses Table 4.3 Specialaddresses

  20. Special Addresses • Network address : an address with the hostid all set to 0s

  21. Special Addresses (cont’d) • Direct Broadcast Address : Used by a router to send a packet to all hosts in a specific network

  22. Special Addresses (cont’d) • Limited Broadcast Address : all 1s for the netid and hostid (32bits)

  23. Special Addresses (cont’d) • This Host on This Network : used by a host at bootstrap time when it does not know its IP address

  24. Special Addresses (cont’d) • Specific Host on This Network : used by a host to send a message to another on the same network

  25. Special Addresses (cont’d) • Loopback Address : • IP address of the first byte : 127 • Used to test the software on a machine • Used by a client process to send a message to a server process on the same machine • “Ping”

  26. Private Addresses • A number of blocks in each class are assigned for private use. They are not recognized globally. Class Netid Total Class A 10.0.0 1 Class B 172.16 to 172.31 16 Class C 192.68.0 to 192.68.255 256

  27. Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast Addresses • Unicast communication is one-to-one. • Multicast communication is one-to-many. • Broadcast communication is one-to-all.

  28. Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast Addresses (cont’d) • Assigned Multicast addresses : starting with a 224.0.0 prefix http://www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses Table 4.5 Category addresses

  29. Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast Addresses (cont’d) • Unicast Addresses : one-to-one • Multicast addresses : one-to-many; class D address • Used as a destination address

  30. Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast Addresses (cont’d) • Multicast address for conferencing : starting with a 224.0.1 prefix Table 4.6 Addresses for conferencing

  31. Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast Addresses (cont’d) • Broadcast addresses : one-to-all • Allowed only at the local level • Limited broadcast address (all 1s) • Direct broadcast address (netid: specific, hostid: all 0s) • No broadcasting is allowed at the global level

  32. A Sample Internet with Classful Address • Token Ring LAN (Class C), Ethernet LAN (Class B), Ethernet LAN (Class A) , Point-to-point WAN, A Switched WAN

  33. 4.4 Subnetting and Supernetting • Subnetting • A network is divided into several smaller networks with each subnetwork (or subnet) having its subnetwork address • Supernetting • Combining several class C addresses to create a larger range of addresses • IP Addresses are designed with two levels of hierarchy

  34. Subnetting • Classes A, B, C in IP addressing are designed with two levels of hierarchy (not subnetted) • Netid and Hostid

  35. Subnetting (cont’d) • Further division of a network into smaller networks called subnetworks • R1 differentiating subnets

  36. Subnetting (cont’d) • Three levels of hierarchy : netid, subnetid, and hostid

  37. Subnetting (cont’d) • Three steps of the routing for an IP datagram • Delivery to the site, delivery to the subnetwork, and delivery to the host • Hierarchy concept in a telephone number 031

  38. Subnet Mask • A process that extracts the address of the physical network (network/subnetwork portion) from an IP address

  39. Finding the Subnet Mask Address • Given an IP address, we can find the subnet address the same way we found the network address in the previous chapter. We apply the mask to the address. • we use binary notation for both the address and the mask and then apply the AND operation to find the subnet address. • Example 15 What is the subnetwork address if the destination address is and the subnet mask is

  40. Finding the Subnet Mask Address (cont’d) • Solution 11001000 00101101 00100010 00111000 11111111 11111111 1111000000000000 11001000 00101101 0010000000000000 The subnetwork address is

  41. Comparison of a default mask and a subnet mask

  42. Supernetting • A block of class x addresses • For example, • An organization that needs 1,000 addresses can be granted four class C addresses

  43. Supernetting (cont’d) • 4 class C addresses combine to make one supernetwork

  44. Supernet Mask • In subnetting, we need the first address of the subnet and the subnet mask to define the range of addresses. • In supernetting, we need the first address of the supernet and the supernet mask to define the range of addresses.

  45. Supernet Mask (cont’d) • Comparison of subnet, default, and supernet masks

  46. Summary • At the Network layer, a global identification system that uniquely identifies every host and router is necessary for delivery of packet from host to host. • An IPv4 address is 32 bits long and uniquely and universally defines a host or router on the Internet. • The portion of the IP address that identifies the net • The portion of the IP address that identifies the host or router on the network is called the hosted work is called the netid. • An IP address defines a device’s connection to a network. • There are five classes in IPv4 addresses. Classes A, B, and C differ in the number of hosts allowed per network. Class D is for multicasting and Class E is reserved.

  47. Summary • The class of an address is easily determined by examination of the first byte. • Addresses in classes A, B, or C are mostly used for unicast communication. • Address in class D are used for multicast communication. • Subnetting devides on large network into several smaller ones, adding an intermediate level of hierarchy in IP addressing.\ • Classes A, B and C addresses can be subnetted. • Supernetting combines several networks into one large one.

  48. Q and A

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