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The many advantages of AngularJS has made it a sought after JavaScript framework to build SPAs. To know about these advantages, read our blog at https://www.webguru-india.com/blog/the-growing-popularity-of-angularjs-development-services/
The Growing Popularity of AngularJS Development Services The Growing Popularity of AngularJS Development Services The latest in the world of software development is the Angular framework, which seems to have become the top choice for web application development. The reason for the popularity of this typescript based framework is the ease with which it lends itself to the development of Rich Single Page Applications (SPAs) and dynamic applications. Created, nurtured and launched by the engineers at Google, AngularJS development services offer the robustness and flexibility, which most of the other frameworks often fall short of providing.
Let us discuss the salient features of the AngularJS development frameworkLet us discuss the salient features of the AngularJS development framework 1. ModelViewControl (MVC): Angular follows the MVC architecture, which makes it easy to manage sections viz., the business logic layer, data layer, and presentation layer. Here, ‘Model’ is the underlying logical structure of data, which is free of any information about the user interface. The ‘View’ is the visual layer of the application that is defined in the template wherein the latter is a part of the component. The ‘Control’ connects the Model and View and happens to be the link between the two. The component provides a template that facilitates communication with the code as defined in the component class. 2. REST Easy: The communication between the server and the client is achieved by the RESTful APIs through specific actions. These have gained popularity in recent times due to their applicability in communicating with the server by using just one line of JavaScript. The data returned in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format is ultimately rendered through the Restful services in Angular framework thereby facilitating interaction among the web pages. 3. ModelViewViewModel (MVVM): Here, the $scope (in AngularJS) object is used to talk to the ViewModel objects by Model. These objects identify the changes to these Models followed by their delivery and rendering. The routing module is used to route Views. Your Views and Controllers can be deeplinked and organized thereby making the URLs navigable. 4. Extends HTML: The majority of websites are a series of tags with little semantic clarity. Comprehensive CSS classes are the need of the hour to express the intention of each object in the DOM. Using Angular, one can operate HTML like XML. This leaves room for an ample amount of tags and attributes, which AngularJS is able to accomplish by using the transpiler. 5. Dependency Injection: Dependency Injection postulates a pattern of designs in which mechanisms are provided with their dependencies rather than through the hardcoding process. There is an automatic communication across the user interface in case of any changes in the MVVM pattern. With this, wrappers and class declarations or setters/getters get eliminated. These are handled by AngularJS for it allows one to express data in a simplified manner.
6. Twoway Data Binding: AngularJS supports an easy twoway data binding process. This makes it breezy for developers as they have to write fewer codes by using this language. It is the best example of minimalism and optimization. With this, the synchronization between the Model and View takes place with ease. 7. Works on different browsers: The framework’s compatibility to work on a number of browsers such as Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS makes this language a favorite among developers. It keeps the codebase of Angular brief. 8. Compatibility with other frameworks: Telerik’s Kendo UI, Ionic, and Wijmo are the frameworks with which AngularJS integrates well. It allows an easy switching between frameworks while developing or scaling an application. 9. Enhanced animation: Developers can remove polyfills or polyester fiberfill leading to the freeing of about 47kb of bundle space. The free space can enable animation and consequent enhancement of the user interface at the front end. So what exactly does this entail? Angular developers have an advantage in developing and programming as AngularJS works independently without the requirement for additional plugins or frameworks. Besides, being familiar with Mocha, Jasmine or QUnit makes it easier to run Angular unit testing. AngularJS is a performancedriven, efficient and maintainable frontend codebase. All that is required is a source available for data storage and the rest can be performed by AngularJS with ease. What Are the Advantages of an AngularJS Development Framework? Highly Reusable HTML components Localization MVC design pattern to accelerate the app development process Comes with a complete unit as well as the e2e testing environment Userfriendly Easy integration Smart change detection Provision of placement of custom widgets using this framework • • • • • • • •
What are some of the top five applications created using AngularJS What are some of the top five applications created using AngularJS development services? 1. Netflix Watching highquality content on this online movie streaming app is made possible with AngularJS mobile app development services. 2. PayPal The electronic payment system stays afloat by using this language. 3. Weather The Weather Channel is another hit example. 4. The Guardian It uses AngularJS framework to enable endless scrolling on its news website. 5. Lego Its website was launched in 1996 but is now being maintained by using AngularJS services. Conclusion The development of Single Page Applications or hybrid mobile apps is facilitated by the use of AngularJS framework. To develop robust, secure, and flexible SPAs or hybrid mobile apps that are customized to your needs, use the AngularJS framework or hire AngularJS developers. The use of professional AngularJS development services would go a long way in making your website easy to load, attractive to view, and user friendly to navigate. Source: https://www.webguruindia.com/blog/thegrowingpopularityof angularjsdevelopmentservices/ WebGuru Infosystems Email ID: enquiry@webguruindia.com Phone No.: +913340200844 Mobile No.: +918420197208 Visit Us: https://www.webguruindia.com Stay Connected Via: https://www.facebook.com/webguruinfosystems https://www.linkedin.com/company/webguruinfosystemspvtltd https://twitter.com/webgurutweet http://pinterest.com/webguruindia https://instagram.com/webguruinfosystems