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Eat More, Weigh Less

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Eat More, Weigh Less

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  1. The (Original) EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS(R) DIET Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH, KSJ WebHealthForYou.Com

  2. Lose Weight While You Sleep In this chapter you'll learn one of the secrets of why people Eat More and still Weigh Less. At this point, the EAT MORE DIET program gets about as easy as anything could possibly be, because now I'm going to teach you how to lose weight while you're asleep! WebHealthForYou.Com

  3. YOUR FAT FURNACE • Scientists call the rate at which calories are burned while you're at rest your basal metabolic rate (BMR). We'll call this your "Fat Furnace", because it can burn your fat away. • If you make a few preliminary adjustments, it will work by itself, burning off calories automatically! • The unchangeable factor which determines how much fat your fat furnace burns is your hereditary metabolic rate. WebHealthForYou.Com

  4. There are three main things that you can control to do this: 1. how much you eat, 2. what you eat, 3. how much you play. We'll go through them one by one. WebHealthForYou.Com

  5. 1. HOW MUCH YOU EAT: • Eating enough makes use of a mechanism known as "adaptive thermogenesis." Basically, it is the body's way of adapting to the conditions around it: lack of food, changes in climate, changes in diet. "Thermogenesis" means the generation of heat or the burning of calories. Adaptive thermogenesis is partly responsible for people regaining a lot of weight after dieting, and is also known as the "Yo‑Yo Effect," wherein people keep dieting and gaining, dieting and gaining, time after time. It works thus: If the hunger center in the brain senses that it is short of food (such as in starvation states or dieting), it will cause the Fat Furnace to burn more slowly so that the body will burn its energy‑‑fat‑‑more slowly, thus precluding starvation. WebHealthForYou.Com

  6. STEP #1: EAT ENOUGH: • Make adaptive thermogenesis work for you. Your basal metabolic rate can change in response to the way you eat. • You can do this by making sure that you eat enough food. This is why in the Eat More Diet, I encourage you to eat until you're satisfied. This includes the act of eating. Chewing, tasting, and enjoying your food is also very important. Eat until you're full, but at the same time don't overeat. Chew your food and enjoy the flavor of each mouthful. WebHealthForYou.Com

  7. 2. WHAT YOU EAT: • This second way of fueling your Fat Furnace makes use of the "thermic effect of food" which describes the effect of food on metabolic rate. This works thus: Certain foods automatically cause us to burn calories faster or slower, whether or not we're exercising. Step #2 tells you how to use this to help you actually lose weight while you sleep! WebHealthForYou.Com

  8. Step #2: USE THE RIGHT FUEL: • What we're looking for here is a quick‑burning fuel, as opposed to the slow‑burning fuels that clog up your machinery and make things run slower. A quick‑burning fuel will increase the rate at which your body burns up calories while you're resting. What's the correct fuel to use? WebHealthForYou.Com

  9. There are four different types of fuel from which we derive calories: • I.Fats, which provide 9 calories per gram. • II.Carbohydrates, which provide 4 calories per gram. (If carbohydrates are eaten in the form of whole starches such as brown rice, potatoes or whole wheat, the nutrient content is roughly one calorie per gram.) • III. Proteins, which provide 4 calories per gram. • IV. Alcohol, which provides 7 calories per gram. WebHealthForYou.Com

  10. The first group of people were placed on a diet in which the calories were approximately 45 percent carbohydrates and 40 percent fat and 15 percent protein. The second group was placed on a diet in which the calories were approximately 75 percent carbohydrates and 10 percent fats. • Simply by eating a different mixture of nutrients, the second group showed a remarkable difference in the rate at which calories were burned while they were at rest. The researchers found that those people who were on a high starch diet burned their calories at a significantly higher rate than those who were on the low starch, high fat diet. WebHealthForYou.Com

  11. This means that the people who were on the high starch diet could lose weight faster or more easily that those on the low starch diet simply because they burned the calories faster! They could either eat the same amount as those on a low starch diet and lose weight faster, or they could eat a little more yet weigh a little less. And they were losing weight while they slept! These were remarkable results! • Following the Eat More Diet shows you how you can make use of the "thermic effect of food" by eating the kinds of foods ‑ high complex carbohydrate foods ‑ to lose weight while you sleep. WebHealthForYou.Com

  12. 3. HOW MUCH YOU PLAY: • Playing is the third mechanism to fuel your fat furnace which makes use of the "thermic effect of exercise". Obviously, exercise itself causes us to burn energy. But if you know how to exercise, you can cause your body to increase its metabolic rate even when you are not exercising. (4) Step #3 shows you how. WebHealthForYou.Com

  13. STEP #3: PLAY, PLAY, PLAY! • When, exactly, did exercise become work? Think about it. As a child, you ran and played, and spent all kinds of energy, kept your muscles in tone, kept your cardiovascular system fit, and enjoyed every moment of it! And there's no reason why, now, you can't learn, again, to enjoy exercising. WebHealthForYou.Com

  14. Aerobic exercise is the best kind for dieters. This includes all sorts of fun things, like running, skiing, swimming, and a thousand other things you can surely think of. Aerobic exercise allows you to burn calories as well as burn fat! (5) This means exercising at least 30 minutes for a minimum of three to four times per week, and it's even better if you can do it every day. And this kind of exercise does a lot more than burn up calories, though it does that too. But I'm sorry to tell you, the pay‑off in calories burnt is rather small. The following list will give you some idea of how inefficient aerobic exercise is with regard to actually getting rid of the calories you so nonchalantly pump into your body: WebHealthForYou.Com

  15. To Burn: You Must Run: • One lifesaver 220 yards. • One slice of cheese 1.2 miles. • One apple 1 mile. • A candy bar 2 or more miles. • A hamburger 3 1/2 miles. • A Big burger 6 miles! WebHealthForYou.Com

  16. RUNNING ONE MILE BURNS ONLY ABOUT 100 CALORIES! Directly burning calories isn't the only benefit. Remember, "play your fat away." Your training heart rate is 60 percent to 80 percent of maximum heart rate. • Other studies indicate that this is an effective way to help keep your metabolic rate high and the amount of your body fat low. Remember that regular physical play or exercise helps you burn calories even when you are not exercising! WebHealthForYou.Com

  17. FUELING YOUR FAT FURNACE • Now, if we put these three steps together, we have an excellent formula for beginning success in losing the weight, keeping it off, and enjoying richer vitality and far better health! We have learned to reset our "setpoint" at a higher level, which fires up our "fat furnace," and in this way we are burning calories the easy way, without trying to override our basic biological drives! We are burning calories not only when we are walking, but when we are sitting, working at the desk, reading‑‑and even sleeping! WebHealthForYou.Com

  18. Fuel Your Fat Furnace, by: • Eating enough including chewing and savoring your food to satisfaction; no less, no more. (Just be sure the foods are high EMI foods). • Eating a high complex carbohydrate diet, and • Playing your fat away with regular physical play or exercise 4 times or more per week. WebHealthForYou.Com

  19. Learn more @ webhealthforyou.com WebHealthForYou.Com

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