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The Real Secret to Health Hawaii Diet Cookbook

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The Real Secret to Health Hawaii Diet Cookbook

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  1. HawaiiDiet™ Cookbook ©Copyright 2010 Terry Shintani, M.D., J.D., M.P.H. WebHealthForYou.com

  2. The "Real Secret" to Health WebHealthForYou.com

  3. Why is this important? • Because the "real secret to health" is being ignored by our health-care system and we are suffering the consequences. • We are using more and more medication, and yet people are getting fatter and fatter, sicker and sicker. • What's worse is that medications are now estimated to be the fourth leading cause of death. WebHealthForYou.com

  4. It seems that we have reached the limit of our reliance on pharmaceutical, technological and other unnatural approaches to health, and it is now beginning to work against us. • Nowhere are the failings of the modern lifestyle and health system more evident than in the Native Hawaiian community. Here, we have a microcosm of what is happening to the rest of America and the world. • It is what I call the "Hawaiian Paradox". I call it a "paradox" because in the state where we have the best numbers for longevity, the Native Hawaiian people have the worst health in the nation. WebHealthForYou.com

  5. The "Real Secret" • To get a better idea of the spiritual and cultural perspective on health, I spoke to the elders and some of them were considered "Kahuna". The term kahuna literally means "keeper of the secret". Kahu means keeper and huna means secret. In general, it means "expert" or "professional". But in other circles, it means "Shaman" or "Healer". Legend has it that they could perform healing miracles. WebHealthForYou.com

  6. The success of the Hawaii Health Program is an example of the realization of some of this potential. I designed a health program based on these principles to reverse the obesity and chronic diseases in the Hawaiian community. We turned peoples health around - even those with very difficult health problems. • People lost weight even though they ate more food. We got people's blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol's down. We took many people off at least some if not all their medication. WebHealthForYou.com

  7. The program was so successful that it was published in scientific journals and won the highest national award from the US Secretary of health. As a result of the success of the program, we were featured in Newsweek and the Encyclopedia Britannica. • I have been using these principles in private practice with people of all ethnic groups, with the same excellent results. This is a program that could be used and enjoyed by anybody, anywhere in the world. WebHealthForYou.com

  8. The Secret Prophecy • In doing so, you may become a part of the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy. Ancient healers in Hawaii and from elsewhere have felt a special spirituality in Hawaii. There is a healing spirit in Hawaii found in few other places. From the keepers of the secret, it is told that there is an ancient prophecy that Hawaii would become a world center for health. WebHealthForYou.com

  9. An Invitation • I invite you to use this book to apply the timeless principles of health embodied in traditional Hawaiian concepts through your diet and lifestyle and make them your own, at least in terms of your diet and lifestyle and strive to apply them to other aspects of your life. It is an important first step to healing ourselves, and healing the world. WebHealthForYou.com

  10. For more information go to: www.webhealthforyou.com Or www.DrShintani.com WebHealthForYou.com

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