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Cultural Connections: Who Cares Programme April–May 2011

Join a diverse community for language exchange, art exploration, and friendship-building. Discover the joy of learning and sharing in a welcoming environment. Connect, be active, take notice, keep learning, and give back!

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Cultural Connections: Who Cares Programme April–May 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who Cares? Cultural Programme April – May 2011

  2. connect “It’s nice to have a chance to talk in English and also my native language.” “I am alone in this country… it is very important to mingle with people.” “It brought the world together.” “The programme helped us get connected with others.”

  3. “Good to meet other people and learn about the art and the gallery and the children are very excited to come.” connect “I met a new friend and it was nice.” “I feel more confident to come to the gallery on my own.”

  4. be active “I love painting and at home mum is says all the time you are making your clothes dirty.” “I love to create new things and work with paints.” “I love to create new things and work with paints” “My son liked to play with a lot of children.”

  5. be active “Time limit for food; less time for food, more time for art!” “I would like to do more jewellery making.” “I made bags instead of spending money in shops.” “Playing and learning new skills.”

  6. takenotice “I expressed my feelings and had a good time.” “I met new people and different cultures.” “The programme helped me to open my eyes a little bit wider to art.”

  7. take notice “My son learned how to behave with others.” “I’m interested in any new experience.” “I noticed how similar we all are.” “Seeing all these pictures changed my mood.”

  8. keep learning “I learnt new things every week.” “I would like to do more jewellery making.” “I can teach others what I learnt.”

  9. keep learning “I tried to keep learning language.” “I want to take some lessons on photography and do it more professionally.”

  10. give “I made a lot for myself and my daughter and she was very happy. My daughter always wears the jewellery and she loves it.”

  11. give “I interpreted for Iranian people. I was helpful for them.” “Mum did painting with me, I really like it.” “Sometimes you gave me a smile on my face or said to me ‘you’re welcome’.”

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